Why do you believe your loved ones are all in heaven?
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where spikes were hammered into his hands and feet, then a sword was thrust into his side,his perfect, sinless blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us
Why do you believe all of your loved ones are in heaven? The Devil does not exist!Mega Lie of the Millennium!The lie that has Billions, and Billions of sinners in hell, because you all bought into his deception, get it?
The devilhas the world convinced that he does not exist. This is the greatest deception the world has ever seen. It allows the world to continue to sinagainst the Lord, without no consequences, or fear of their actions.
This has allowed, almost the whole world, to believe in only heaven. You have heard it a million, billion times. No matter who the person is, or what life style they have lived, when they die. The Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Friend, or whatever, always says they are in a better place. They say this especially if they had cancer, or some type of horrible disease, they are better off. No way in hell, that is a lie. Their is not one person, who is in hell, as we speak, that had the most terrible case of disease, you can have here on earth, would jump back into that old decrepit , gross, sick, malnourished, acing, chemotherapy treatment blistered, body. Then to be were they supposedly are , in a better place.
How can Good exist without evil.So you would have to conclude that, all Murders, Rapists, Thugs, Fornicators, or what ever, type of sinner, is a good person, right? Because, if the devil does not exist, and there is no hell. Then you would have to assume, that all people are good. That is the deception. It allows you and I to continue to sin, free of judgement get it?
Or the real kicker, the biggest deception unto mankind. My Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, and / or Friend was a good and decent person, right? They went to church, they gave money. They were involved with the community, great dad. Or they didn’t sin, that much, oh well. He, and / or she has a beer, once in a while, curses, every so often, was kind a gentle, gee he was so sweet.( Matthew 23:27) Of course I am being sarcastic. But you get the point.
This is why everyone, believes they are all in heaven
Which in-turns, the verbiage everybody is in a better place, right? Which is why no body needs a Savior, to come to their rescue. Who needs God, if when we all die, we are in a better place, woe unto you who believe this crap.
Let’s see what the Bible has to say about the greatest deception you are all under.
First and foremost the greatest sacrifice the world has ever seen. God gave his only begotten ( John 3:16)Son, who shed his blood unto the world, for the Salvation of our souls.
(Matthew 7:21)Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
( John 14:6.)(JESUS saith unto them) I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ( Which means, all of the other religions are false teachings, they will send you tohell.)
( John 3:16) For GOD so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,( Meaning CHRIST) that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ( So believe in him and be saved.)
( Acts 4:12 )Neither is there salvation in any other: ( Look at what it says!) for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
( John 3:3 ) JESUS answered and said unto him, Verily, verily , I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of GOD. ( Means again there is only one GOD, not many or any other. ) ( Means born again through CHRIST)So all who have passed away are in hell, get it?
( John 3:18) He that believeth on him ( JESUS ) is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already,because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
( Matthew 9:6 ) But that ye may know that the Son of man( JESUS ) hath power on earth to forgive sins,( then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up the bed, and go unto thine house. (Nobody else can forgive you of your sins only the begotten SON, CHRIST JESUS.)
(Matthew 10:32 ) Whosoever therefore shall confess me ( Meaning CHRIST )before men, him will I confess also before my FATHER which is heaven.
( I am confessing CHRIST before you and the world to see. )
( Matthew 11:25 ) At that time JESUS answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise ( Meaning the world )and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. ( Meaning his children, the called out ones.)
(Matthew 13:17 ) For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, ( BORN AGAIN ) and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.
( In other words the world is blind to GODS truth. )
(Matthew 18:3 ) And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, ( BORN AGAIN)and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
( Matthew 22: 14 ) For many are called,( Which means that, many were called, but you choose the world instead instead of Jesus, that’s why you were not chosen.)but few are chosen.
( Mark 14:62 ) And JESUS said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. ( There is no other under Heaven, only one JESUS )
( Mark 16:16 ) He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. ( So if you believeth any other than CHRIST, you will be cast into the lake of fire, because of your unbelief.)
(Luke 6:22 )(For my brothers and sisters:) (Jesus says)Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from theircompany, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Sons of man’s sake. (CHRIST says this because he knew the persecution, that his word would bring unto his children, for standing against pagan religions.)
( Luke 7:23 ) (JESUS says)And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me. ( Can you tell that I am not offended, so be angry, hate me because I am blessed, should you feel the need.)
( Luke 8:10 ) And he said, Unto you ( BORN AGAIN ) it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of GOD: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, ( Being Blind to the truth )and hearing they might not understand.
( John 6:65 ) (JESUS said) And he said,Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me,( MEANING JESUS ) except it were given unto him of my Father.
OK, whether you believe in the Bible or not does not change what in am trying to convey to you. That when you die you, and whoever dies without Christ, is burning in hellright now. And all who that have passed on since Christ came unto the world. In the year.(0000). That’s right, the clock reset, when Christ died on the cross, the old law was fulfilled. The New Testament, begin.The year was 4000 b.c. When Jesus died on the cross, a new beginning begin. It went from B.C, to A.D. after death. So for 2014 years, the ones who have died after Jesus sacrifice on the Cross that faithful day.
Lets see what the Bible says about hell.
(Matthew13:49-50) So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked (If you don’t belong to Christ) from among the just, ( Born Again )And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
( Matthew 13:15) For the people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, ans hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted and I should heal them. Also read ( Matthew 13:37-42).
Look at what Jesus says, in ( Luke21:8)Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.
( John 3:16-18) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Now ask yourself the question, are you and the dead, condemned. Because you have not believed on Jesus Christ. That he died on the cross for you and yours.
Look I also have had a brother murdered in the 70’s. My dad passed away, many friends of mine have also have passed away. I know for a fact, that if they did not except Jesus into their heart’s before they died , they are in hell. I have been preaching the truth until my living family members since I have came to Christ, in 1998. Most have refused to hear the truth, they also will go to hell, if they don’t repent, before they die.
My heart bleeds for humans more then you will ever know. And I really mean that. I can’t convey to you how much, but the Lord knows my heart. That’s why I am stepping out, of my shell and telling the truth, which will probably get, the wife and I killed. John the Baptist. Remember got his head chopped off, because he did what we are doing right now, telling you the truth. But it is what it is, I have too!
The wife and I pray a lot for our families, especially the wife. Because she also knows what awaits, humans when they die. Thank God for his Son, otherwise no one would have a chance to be with the one true God, and his Son Jesus.
I pray that this convicts your hearts so you will repent and turn back to the Lord. It is to late for the loved ones who didn’t, so don’t make the same mistakes, come back unto the living water,and though shall be saved.
Why do you believe all of your loved ones are in heaven? The Devil does not exist!Mega Lie of the Millennium!The lie that has Billions, and Billions of sinners in hell, because you all bought into his deception, get it?
Let’s look at the facts, what the Bible has to say, not man!
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where a sword was thrust into his side,his blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us.
Lets keep it simple. I will present my case using only. The book of Matthew. It’s all I need.
Rapture, is it the Truth, or a Lie? You ask.Let’s first start with the Dictionary version of the word, Rapture. It says.) The state of being transported by a lofty emotion, ecstatic. 2.) An expression of ecstatic feeling. 3.) The transporting of a person from one place to another, esp, to heaven.
First, remember (Jeremiah 17:5, and 17:7), don’t trust man, follow the word of God, read it for yourself. Not some puffed up, arrogant, prideful, man( Mark 7:7-9) that thinks he is the hottest thing since sliced bread.
Also ( Matthew 24:4-5)Jesus says. Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Ask yourself, are you in the many boat being deceived. Your boat is getting awful heavy, and it is going to sink right into hell,get it?
Also ( Matthew 24:11) Jesus say. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
Again are you being deceived by a false prophet, ask yourself, because it is going to cost you, your faith in the future, and possibly your salvation. When the stuff hits the fan, and you are still here, riding the end of times, until Christ returns, then you will be gathered up in the air.
Let’s look at the time frame. Look at ( Matthew 24:15)Jesus says. When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation,spoken of by the Daniel the prophet stand in the holy place, ( whoso readeth, let him understand).
Again let’s see what Christ, says. ( Matthew 25:5-51). Read ( Matthew 24:22 )Jesus says. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. The Abomination of Desolation, has to come first. So obviously, there is going to be trouble in the world, nothing like the world has ever seen before, since it’s conception. But Jesus says that if he didn’t stop the world from being destroyed completely, to save his called out ones, the Born Again, the bride, that the whole world, every human being was going to be wiped off of the face of the earth.
It sounds like his children, my brothers and sisters, are going to be going through a lot of the problems, if not most all of them. It’s all about timing, Post, or pre. Now ask yourself, why did Jesus say that. If all of his children, were alreadyRaptured,( By the way, please show me where the word, rapture is found in the Bible)and we were all with him up in heaven, then who is the elect that he is referring to, the devilschildren.
Also if you look at (Matthew 24: 6-7), it talks about wars, and rumors of wars, kingdom against kingdom, pestilences, famine, and earthquakes. Then look at (Matthew 24:8), it says these are the beginning of sorrows, which mains suffering, pains. We are in that time right now! Then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted, and they shall kill you. Are you dead, you who are reading this right now? Yes some in the world are, but not here in the United States, not yet, but coming soon. Also when you read Matthew 24, look at the timing. Verse 22,comes before, verse 27where Christ comes as lighting, riding a cloud in Glory and Power. Look at ( Matthew 24:27), Jesus returns, as lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth out of the west.
Then verse Matthew 29, the sun is going to lose it’s light, and the moon shall be darkened. Have you seen this yet. I haven’t, what say you. Then look at verse (Matthew 24: 30). Then Christ, returns, coming in a cloud with power and glory.
OK, here’s the punch line, read (Matthew 24:31). And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, (Heard any trumpets)and they ( The Angles)shall gather together his elect, ( Born Again)from the four winds ( East, North, South and West) from one end of heaven to the other. So if you just take Matthew, Christ clearly comes first, the sun and moon, go dark.
Then the angels come and , we are gathered up in the air to meet Jesus. Get it, not before. You, and I are still going to be here, during these trails, and travails. Now how long they are going to last, for us, it doesn’t say. But I wouldn’t be lackadaisical, waiting around to be caught up in the air.
Stay busy, with what Jesus has you doing, unto him. ( Matthew 24:46)You and I are not going to be raptured out of here before all of this happens, it is a lie, read the book for yourself. I did not write it, it is what it says it is. It cannot be changed no matter what any man claims. If he preaches something different, he is a lair as well as the church who preaches this crap!!!!!!!!!!!.
Now read ( Matthew 24:33-51)Jesus clearly talks about the days of Noah. Remember he flooded the earth. And you tell me, that there were none of his backslidden children, here on the earth at that time.What maybe 30, 40, 50 million people. Even if there was, only a few hundred thousand humans at that time. Your saying that there were only 8 people that belonged to the Lord, come on! That Noah’s family was the only children of God.They were the only uncorrupted seed left, the whole world had been corrupted, by the fallen angels.
The rest of the world suffered and died, because they followed mankind’s filthy rotten rags. Because of this, their lamps were ( Matthew 25:1-13)dry, no oil. He warned the world to repent, they were deceived, by the devil,and man. They all thought that the boat was a joke, not unlike the return of Christ today. When it began to flood, they weren’t laughing no more! They were not prepared, they probably thought they would be saved, because the Lord loves his children, I know Grace and Mercy, right? They were all sinningagainst the Lord, just like the Jews, had done so many times before. God just fully punishes his children, if you don’t; repent, of your sins,and come out of the ( Matthew 16:26)world.
He says then he one shall be taken, and the other left, after the tribulation, not before, get it? He states that he will come like a thief in the night, after the tribulation. Look at what Jesus say’s in (Matthew 24:46) He says that you are blessed, when he returns, and sees his children, the called out ones being busy, doing his works. So how can you be blessed, if you are already gone. Who’s was Christ talking about, again the devils children, because we all up in heaven. So God blesses the devils children, come on. Wake up.
You are all going to go through all of the end times. The Lord is going to test your, salvation to see if you are going to finish the race. Remember what Paul says.
Remember that the wide road, ( Matthew 7:13) is the easy way, into hell. And the narrow, difficult, trying and long suffering, patient, kindness, obedience, is the ( Matthew 7:14) narrow path. Many are called but a few are ( Matthew 20:16) chosen, what does that mean, ask yourself.
Whether you believe me or not! I have presented my case unto the Jury. Now you need to defend you side, and your point of view. I believe that the evidence I put forth in front of you, is correct. Now it is your chance to prove me wrong. I am going to stand at my door, with my bible, guns, club, and or knife, or whatever be prepared. And the most important, the word of the Lord, into my heart. I am going to do my best, to keep my lamp oil full at all times, and stay alert because I believe I am right. I refuse to trust in man, and believe the Preacher, Minster, Pastor or whatever, I will only trust in my Fate, with Jesus Christ, good luck with your endeavors, you will need it. I am not saying not to love, cherish, listen to, pray for, console with,pray with, your Pastor, Preacher, Watcher, or what ever but, remember brother against ( Mark 13:12-13)brother, ask yourself, what is Christ, referring too! The devilis out to destroy you get, it?
May you have the eyes to see, and the ears for hearing, may the Lord bless you, at the end and sustain, you and you family, during these trying times.
Rapture, is it the Truth, or a Lie? You ask. Let’s first start with the Dictionary version of the word, Rapture. It says.) The state of being transported by a lofty emotion, ecstatic. 2.) An expression of ecstatic feeling. 3.) The transporting of a person from one place to another, esp. to heaven. Be prepared to stay awhile.
The LORD freely gave me the truth unto the Bible,so how can I charge you ?
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where a sword was thrust into his side,his blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us.
The principles of giving.Look what Paul says ( Corinthians 9:18 ) What is my reward then? Verily that, when I preach the gospel, I may make the gospel of CHRIST without charge, that I abuse not my power in the gospel.
How many are abusing their power & riches, ( Luke 16:19-25 )you ask?
How many Pastors, Churches, Charities do you see and support, that are living on, and stealing the LORD’S ( 1Timothy 6:17:19) money, woe unto you and them! How large is their mansions, ( Matthew 23:27 ) how many, Jets, boats, cars do they need? How’s your finances, you ask?
Like so many other, that preach the prosperity ( 1 Corinthians 13:4)doctrine. Especially the ones who promote sowing your $ 200.00, $500.00, $ 1000.00 seeds, or whatever, they are of the devil.I am just telling you what the Bible says, like it or not! JESUS says woe to them that do, they are playing with eternal fire, they are of the devils, you pharisees, and hypocrites.( Matthew 23:1-39) They will surely all crash an burn, like so many have. Woe unto you liar’s, for the LORD’S judgment t is at hand.
The LORD is holding you and I accountable as to how we give, and spend his money. Don’t be duped, ask the LORD, where and how much?
By the way, I am getting by just like rest of you today, I have always asked the LORD, should there be a day that he wanted me to preach the Gospel, he would find me another way to provide me a living, so I would not have to ask for help, and / or depend on any body else but him.
This way I could not be corrupted by anyone and / or anybody’s money, and / or gifts given to me. I will not be beholden to any man but unto the LORD.
I pray that the Lord protects the wife and I, from ever being bought or sold, like so many that have given into ( Matthew 4:8-9 )temptation and the devils lies.Nor will I ever except money from an advertiser, that is unfit to be on this site, it has to be fit unto the Lord. I would rather be poor, then corrupted by men, like so many other so called children of GOD. Remember what GOD said many shall come in my name, ( Matthew 15:8-11 )saying I am CHRIST.
However like I said on the front page, if it be the will of GOD, that advertisers would like to participate, on the Blog, I will receive that blessing from the LORD. Business is business, they expect to get something back, from their advertising on the blog, as to you buying their products. They are paying to be on this site, no different than your local newspapers, advertising on the yellow pages or whatever. If it is not meant to be so be it, nothing will change, I will do as I am expected, and love to do, preach the Gospel truth, for free get it?
I will not except monies from individuals for, I preach the Gospel freely, without charge. The principles of giving.
I won’t let anybody pressure ( 2 Corinthians 9:6-8) me to give, to anyone. Give with a cheerful heart, not because you feel you have too. It does no good for you to give that way in Gods eyes, if you give begrudgingly. But why do you give, to get back or the love(Luke 6:38)of helping? What about gift baskets, they only try to persuade you , by making you feel guilty, by others watching you, whether or not you gave, and how much you gave. They should have a private room, where you giving can be unto the Lord, secretly. That should only between you and the LORD. Nobody should no how much you gave or whether you donated or not. You shouldn’t be judged, nor should you be made to feel less than anyone else.
Ask yourself how many ( Acts 20:35) homeless, needy, or hungry people have you passed by, when you came to the store, mall, restaurant, or when ever you just went for a walk. Ready to go spend money on breakfast, lunch, dinner, or bought a new pair of jeans, shoes, or what ever, and turned a blind eye ( Matthew 5:42) to their cry’s for help? Are you producing fruit, ( Matthew7:16-21 )where does your heart lye for the Lord.
Remember what the LORD preached, to the pharisees “ The Hebrew Word means, Hypocrites, Godless, and / or profane”who gave.
They boasted about how much money they had given unto the LORD, but the LORD clearly stated, that they gave from their ( Luke 19:46-47) excess, and he stated that the very poor lady that gave her two mite’s ( Luke 21:1-4 ) gave more than all of the wealthy combined, because she had given from what little bit she had, and gave from her heart.
See ( Mark 12 41:44) & ( Luke 21 1:4 ) It’s not the amount you give, it’s how you give. Remember the LORD says to give quietly , don’t boast about what, or how you gave if you do, otherwise you have earned the praise of men, you received your treasure here on earth. You want to store your treasure up in Heaven, ( Matthew 6:1-4 )don’t let your left hand know what, your right hand is doing. Be secretive about what and how you give, store up your treasure. ( Matthew 6 20:21 ) We are not a church of any kind, nor do we receive any money.
We will not have the government telling us what, and / or how to preach, like the ones who are under their (501 (3) (c)), nor do we want to be under their thumb. We will pay all taxes due should any monies being taken in, if any advertisers decide to be on this blog. We are not an non profit.The LORD says who can stand against you , if I am for you. The LORD SAYS don’t fear what man can do to you, fear the one who can cast your sole into hell.So we are walking together in faith, trusting in the LORD, to take us were he wants us to go.
I am just trying to convey what the Bible says, and the word of the Lord as to his giving principles. CHRIST clearly says to help, the poor, or whoever he puts unto your heart, to give to. Don’t be fooled into giving to a lot of these apostate lying church’s and / or websites your money.
The LORD is going to hold you, and I accountable.
Ask yourself, this? Why do some churches ( Matthew 23:23 )and shows on the internet, always begging for money. On the other hand some of these mega churches, and many others live like kings and priests. There can really only be a couple of reasons, why? I believe that if they are not operating in the HOLY GHOST, and the LORDS will. They are rich because of their liesand deceit. I believe that these apostate churches,( Matthew 21:13 )or what ever, they are, will eventually come crashing down faster than the twin towers.
The other side is, if they are operating in the HOLY GHOST, and the doing the LORDS will. The devil is out to destroy them, like a roaring lion, because they are doing what they are called to do. I know of a few Godly men who are under attack because of this, I am sure there are a lot more of these churches and / or sites that need your help. Give with an open heart, ask the Lord, he will guide you.
That’s what discernment is for, pray that the HOLY GHOST, lets you know where and when to give, don’t give out of guilt. or the false prosperity doctrine that is so prevalent into today’s apostate, teaching about CHRIST. Remember when Christ, came in and over throw-ed the money changers, what do you think he would do today, you ask?
The homeless, or the needy are something completely different, I have reverence, and love for the needy. Remember the poor shall inherit the earth, it doesn’t say the rich, get it?
I will give you scripture, as to what the Bible says. Look at what CHRIST says (Matthew 19:21 ) If thou wilt be perfect, ( Nobody is expect CHRIST), go an give to the poor, ( Not to an apostate church ) CHRIST said in and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.
Ask God for wisdom on what to do, ( James 1:5 )he will give it to you. OK lets take a look at what CHRISTS says, here in ( Matthew 25:19-30 )
What Jesus was saying is that, the man that does not give to the poor, or is not willing to help your brother, and / or sister that is in trouble, Or what ever JESUS puts upon your heart to give. If you are afraid to give up your last mites, that you have to some else, because you don’t trust in him to replenish your needs.
JESUS calls you unprofitable servant. He wants you to do good works with his money, it is not yours nor my money. He gave it to you and I, and he can take it all away from you, and I. I know JESUS refers as to getting interest, with the money he gives you, but I believe that is a metaphor. Read ( Matthew 25:28 ) he took it away. And gave his money to the profitable servant who was eager to do good works. This does not refer to giving like unto the huge apostate mega so called churches, and other lying places of the devil.
OK CHRIST diffidently expects you to give. ( Matthew 10:42 , Matthew 25:21) You see it’s not again about how much you give. Some can’t give money, but their talents, and gifts, and / or time to help the lost. It’s being obedient unto the LORD. And helping the needy. You will have to pray about this, I cannot tell you what is right for you . You will have to do that for yourself.
He also commands us to give from our first fruits, of his money. So what ever is upon your heart, give to CHRIST first, our needs second.
I pray that this does not make you stumble, pray about all of this.
Be wise with the LORD’S money, don’t give into pressure,
Nothing good comes from that. Let your heart be your guide, not the corruption of the Lords word, and the apostates who preach lies unto you and I.
The principles of giving.Look what Paul says ( Corinthians 9:18 ) What is my reward then? Verily that, when I preach the gospel, I may make the gospel of CHRIST without charge, that I abuse not my power in the gospel.
Get your Bible out, follow the Word, do your homework.
If you don’t you will fail your own mission.
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where a sword was thrust into his side,his blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us.
The mission here is to give the Body of Christ, ( Jude 1:21 ) a place to learn and to come together , as we share what GOD has given each and everyone of us as the Body.
We are called to be ( Ephesians 4:1-13 ) Remember we are all here to work together, not against each other, that’s what causes cancer, in the Body. ( Matthew 12:25 ) We can not let the world, in other words the devildeceive us, and cause division among us. We have to survive together, in this up and coming times that we are in today ( Psalms 37:19 ) . I truly believe ,if we are not in the End Times, it is right at our doorstep. ( Revelation 1:1 )GODS judgment is here. ( Matthew 11:24 )
As the called out ones, the Ecclesiastes, we can come together and share our Prophecy’s, our Dreams, ( Joel 2:28 ). No dates, and /or times. A word, a place to share our testimonies, our concerns, problems, our trials ( Peter 1:7 )a place to come to get prayers, ( Mark 30:34 ) financial help, as the LORD provides, some how. We will just have to go together as we follow the LORD,
( Galatians 1:12 ) and let this blog go where JESUS ( Luke 1:44 ) wants it to go.We are hear to preach the GOSPEL. ( Peter 1:37 )
This is not a church, there is only to be one head of this blog it will be CHRIST, we are the body, I will be the foot washer, I mean this with all sincerity. CHRIST says we are to be servants. I pray that I can truly be a servant, and open unto his word, and his delight in me!
( Matthew 12:33 ) Not to have everyone one else serve us today, like the world has you to believe. Remember this is a fallen world, that is owned and ran by the devil,the little “g” god. We are to here to serve this community as well as each other, ( Luke 2:31 )and let the LORD lead us. We will have no, head of anything, but the LORD. The LORD put the me charge of this Blogissphere, and it’s contents. I will follow the LORD as he guides me. The wife and I will, be praying for wisdom, and discernment, as to where this blog is supposed to go.
I expect, and demand that you to test any, and all words ( Matthew 12:37 ) that comes out of my, and or anybody’s else’s mouth, for that matter.Please email, if a mistake is found, I will check it out. You will need to show me, in the bible where you believe that I am wrong. If demands, correction, I will fix it. If you are of the world and don’t read the bible, shut up, don’t waste my time.See front page for email.
That’s the only way, you will be able to discern the truth. If you don’t read your BIBLE, you will be dumb as into the world, the devilspawn. You will not understand what the LORD has for your own lives as well as to be able to discern what is on this blog, so read, study and learn, let the HOLY GHOST( Matthew 12:33 ) lead you. The LORD said that’s why he sent you a teacher, (Galatians 1:12 )not Man, ( Matthew 12:34 ) remember your flesh, your thoughts, are owned by the devil.
You want to be lead by the HOLY GHOST, ( Matthew 10:27 ) Hope and pray that the LORD has your name written in the Book of Life. ( Galatians 1:4 )Your life, and your sole depends upon it, that’s why GOD gave us discernment , so we would be able live and survive in these times. Remember most will choose the wide path to destruction, ( Matthew 7:13 )only a few will choose the narrow path, it is going to cost you if you choose not to be with the LORD. Which way are you going to go, JESUS, says many will attempt to enter into HEAVEN, but they will not be allowed in, because they are going to choose the easy way( Matthew 7:14 ). You need to be on your Knees, if physically possible, and worship the one and only true GOD, go into to that ( Matthew 6:6 )secret place.
Look up to the FATHER, don’t look up to man. Don’t trust man, ( Jeremiah 17-5), ( Jeremiah 17-7)nor I. Study the word for yourself. You will fail if you don’t, your walk with Christ will be fruitless, he will cut off your branches, and cast them into the fire. Look up to GOD not man, we are filthy rags. ( Mark 13:22)
And for all of you critics, that will accuse me of hiding, I will come out when the time is right,( Matthew 10:8 )When the LORD asked me to. I don’t know if that time will come, but not until then. You already have my first name, scumbag. To be honest, I hope to never put mine, or the wife’s name out. It only takes away from the Lords work. It draws attention to us. I have no desire to be in front. I am better suited to be a foot washer, for my Father, and his Son. I don’t care to have anything of this world. I want my treasure up in heaven.
There is only one to look up to and that is GOD, even CHRIST he said that we are to look up to unto the FATHER, the one who sent his SON, for our Salvation. You are not supposed to follow man, that will lead you into destruction, your sole will cast into the lake of fire. That’s why you will absolutely need to read the WORD of GOD, so you will not be deceived, don’t just take what, I or anyone else puts on this blog, or your churches say today or any other place that preaches the supposed Gospel, trying to convince you that it is Gospel Truth. I will be watching what is put on the blog, if I believe it does not confirm the WORD of GOD, it will be removed. I am human and prone to make mistakes. All I can do, is to pray, and hope the Word that I receive is always inspired by( Peter 1 5:8 )the HOLY GHOST, and from the LORD. Remember the devilis out to destroy you and me.
The whole world always judges the LORD, and says, if there is a GOD, he is not my god, because you name it, he’s to mean, he wouldn’t judge me like that, my god is more loving than that. Or my god isn’t exclusive, or my god, has many ways into heaven, he knows I am a sinner, but we are evolving, we are all gods. Or I am not that bad of a person, or my god will except me, into Heaven. It is going to take some time to become enlightened. How could god allow so much suffering in the world. Or we are spirit of light, or some junk like that. The new age movement has taken your soul further and further away from GODS truth.
( John 3:16, )For GOD so loved the world, he gave his only begotten SON, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
To be BORN AGAIN. ( John 3 3:8 ) Read what it says. If GOD can sacrifice his only Begotten SON, that was Perfect, Blameless, Holy, Righteous, Flawless, and never sinned ONCE, in his 33 years, he was alive, not one of you, you Hypocrites, can say that, especially me. And GOD put him to death for our sins on the Cross, the Cross that everyone spat on , laughs at, puts in a vile of urine, and calls it art. And you think we have a right as humans, or you dare to believe you will be up in Heaven with the FATHER, with yours sins.
You Hypocrites, how many of you would take your child, put him on a Cross, (1 Peter 2:24 ) not me, and stand by and watch, your child being spit on, rocks thrown at him, laughed at, scorned, spikes driven through his hands and feet, and then a spear thrust into his side, right through his organs, and stand there and watch you child bleed to death in a slow and agonizing painful death, I believe it is one of the most painful ways to die.
How many of you would sacrifice you child for someone else’s child, not one of you would, Liars. And lets see your child take on all of the worlds sins. Look into your own hearts, how disgusting you feel when you have done something that you know was wrong, but you did it anyway, you know, sinagainst GOD. You know the feeling, real gross. Now multiply that by 7 billion people, times all of their sins, the stench, the grossness, the putrid smell,that CHRIST, has to endure each and every second of his existence. Tell me again that GOD doesn’t, have LOVE for the human race, (Acts 26:18 ). We as humans will never understand GODS LOVE including me.
( Matthew 13:43) I am doing the LORDS work. I am doing what the LORD ( Deuteronomy 12:32 )asked me to.
May all of your hearts be pricked, with the truth, I pray that if I am not doing the Lords, work this blog will not last, and being taken down, and not by a bunch of hackers, and or haters of Jesus.
May the Lord , of Lords, and the Kings of Kings, have mercy, on such a back slid-den world, who deserves all of his wrath, and judgement.
The mission here is to give the Body of Christ, ( Jude 1:21 ) a place to learn and to come together , as we share what GOD has given each and everyone of us as the Body.
By the way I am not religious, I do not believe In man, or his religion. I only believe in his SON, JESUS. OK everyone take a breath before you read Pagan Religions, and go any further.
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where a sword was thrust into his side,his blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us.
The one and true God, who came to save the world from it’s sins, who shed his blood for you and I. Even for all of the lost who follow other ways, and false pagan religions.
Let’s see what the Bible has to say about, other godsand their false teachings.Lets first start again as to what, as to Born Again Gods children.
( Mark 1:15 ) The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of GOD is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel. ( Which means there is no other Bible )
( John 14:6.)(JESUS saith unto them) I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ( Which means, all of the other religions are false teachings, they will send you tohell.)
( John 3:16)For GOD so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,( Meaning CHRIST) that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ( So believe in him and be saved.)
( Acts 4:12 ) Neither is there salvation in any other: ( Look at what it says!) for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
( That name is JESUS, there is no other GODS, only little “g”gods the devil.)
( John 3:3 ) JESUS answered and said unto him, Verily, verily , I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of GOD. ( Means again there is only one GOD, not many or any other. )( Means born again through CHRIST)
( John 3:18) He that believeth on him ( JESUS ) is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already,because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
( So whoever believes other religions are going to perish. )
( Matthew 9:6 ) But that ye may know that the Son of man( JESUS ) hath power on earth to forgive sins,( then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up the bed, and go unto thine house. (Nobody else can forgive you of your sins only the begotten SON, CHRIST JESUS.)
(Matthew 10:32 ) Whosoever therefore shall confess me ( Meaning CHRIST )before men, him will I confess also before my FATHER which is heaven.
( I am confessing CHRIST before you and the world to see. )
( Matthew 11:25 ) At that time JESUS answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise ( Meaning the world ) and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. ( Meaning his children, the called out ones.)
(Matthew 13:17 ) For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, ( BORN AGAIN ) and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.
( In other words the world is blind to GODS truth. )
(Matthew 18:3 ) And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, ( BORN AGAIN) and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
( Matthew 22: 14 ) For many are called,( Which means you, who don’t believe in CHRIST) but few are chosen. ( Which is why you are not chosen)
( Mark 14:62 ) And JESUS said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. ( There is no other under Heaven, only one JESUS )
( Mark 16:16 ) He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. ( So if you believeth any other than CHRIST, you will be cast into the lake of fire, because of your unbelief.)
(Luke 6:22 )(For my brothers and sisters:)(Jesus says) Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from theircompany, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Sons of man’s sake. (CHRIST says this because he knew the persecution, that his word would bring unto his children, for standing against pagan religions.)
( Luke 7:23 )(JESUS says)And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me. ( Can you tell that I am not offended, so be angry, hate me because I am blessed, should you feel the need.)
( Luke 8:10 )(For all other pagan religionsCHRIST said) And he said, Unto you ( BORN AGAIN )it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of GOD: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, ( Being Blind to the truth ) and hearing they might not understand.
( Luke 21:8 )(JESUS warns to his elect)And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many ( people, andpagan religions)shall come in my name, saying ,I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them. ( JESUS specifically warns his children that other pagan religions would come claiming that they are the way and the truth, which is the lie from the devil. )
( John 6:65 )(JESUS said) And he said,Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me,( MEANING JESUS )except it were given unto him of my Father.
Lets finish about Born Again Christians. OK I could fill a whole page with more of the same. Whether you agree with the Bible or not, it is your problem not mine. I was in the same boat as the rest of you sinners, until I believed in JESUS. (I did not chose GOD he chose me.)
( John 15:16 )( Don’t know why, but I am blessed, that’s for sure.)
OK, lets start of all of the isms. Atheist, Agnostics, Buddhism,Cabala, Catholicism,Christian Science, Cults, Hinduism,Jehovah Witness, Islam,New age,Mormonism, Muslims, Pagan Christians,Scientology,Unitarian, Zionism, don’t think I forgot some of you, forgive me. If you don’t worship Christ, you worship the Devil. You shine a light, for his way unto your homes.Joyfully!
I don’t have the time to put all of them down, you know who I am referring to.( Matthew 6:25) No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other.Ye cannot serve God and mammon. That’s why you hate Christ so much, because you are serving the dark master, the Devil.If you are not teaching, and preaching the true gospel of JESUS, you are apostates, and liars, period. There is thousands and thousands of different sects, of these pagan religions. All of these have similar beliefs, if they are not of CHRIST they are liars, and devilworshipers. OK you get the point, everyone of these religions, and all of the others, say that there is a supposed way into heaven. Their lies are going to send you to your eternal damnation, by your father the devil, if you don’t belong to JESUS. All of these pagan religionssay there are many ways unto heaven. It is said to be done by works, that’s impossible. The scripture says just the opposite.
Also in the TEN COMMANDMENTS God clearly, tells you.
The Dead Sea Scrolls, is the oldest living document, along with the Bible. I don’t care what scientists say, they try to date them. Every other pagan bible,lying bookor what ever you call it, that is used was taken off of the one and only true Bible, ( Romans 6:17 )of GOD, and CHRIST. I only believe in the original King James Version of the Bible. CHRIST says in Revelation. (Revelation 22: 18-19 )The LORD says that you are cursed if you change the words, that’s why all religions are cursed, because of man’s sinfulego, he has corrupted GODS word, to their own benefit. Because of the devils lies, and mans deceitful heart, and his own arrogance, he has changed the true meaning of GODS word.
Somehow man has begun to think we are smarter then the LORD, we are the dumber than an amoeba, all and everything that mans knows was given unto man though the Tree of Life, and the Book of Knowledge of Good and evil. GOD gave man all knowledge.
All of these religions, either have idols, and or graven images that they worship, gold, silver, and or wood.They worship a human beings, statues, or a fallen man, a myth. GOD said NO, and NO, what part cant you get through that thick skull of yours, it is what it says it is.
Why do you worship a stinking, rotten, lying, filthy, apostate of a human being man.
(Acts 26:18 ). Even before I came to CHRIST, I would have never worshiped a man. Why do you in church, or what ever, dare to look up to a man. Open up your eyes.Your living in darkness. Go smell him, and take look at him when he dies, are flesh is filth. Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust. We go back right were we started from. The FATHER , The SON and the HOLY GHOST, have always been here, they will never perish. Man is going to die, including you, and me when JESUS snaps that silver cord that is connected to your soul. Repent, Repent.
Look what CHRIST demanded to human beings, you all stand up at your church, and call you Pastors, Preachers, and you kneel before him and call him Father. CHRIST specifically said not to. (Matthew 23:9 ) And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
If you look at ours lives, when we fill out a Will & Testament, and when we die , we leave it unto our families, when does it take effect, not until you die. As so when CHRIST died, on the Cross. The Old Testamentis no longer in effect, as to when you use to be able to work your way unto heaven. JESUS died on the Cross to fulfill the law, YOU CAN NOT NO LONGER WORK YOUR WAY INTO HEAVEN. That part of the law has been fulfilled, with his blood sacrifice.
If you listen to their lies you will be deceived. There is only one way unto Heaven, there is absolutely, positively, only on away you can go, through my FATHER, JESUS CHRIST. It really distresses me, when I hear people, personally and on TV. They all say the same thing , I know my, father, mother , sister, you get the point. Are all in a better place, looking down from heaven. I think in my lifetime I have heard, maybe a couple of people admit that their family member is in a bad place, called hell. Which is completely understandable, no one including me wants to see loved ones cast into the Lake of Fire. But, if they don’t repent before they take that last breath, that’s were they will all be, including you who are reading this right now! Repent, Repent, and Repent.
You show me one place where it says, in the HOLY BIBLE, that if you don’t have CHRIST today, that you will be in heaven. All of the other so called bibles, and/ or books are all lies of the devil. You look at how old they are, the living bible has been around the longest time.
They have all stolen and manipulated the words from scripture to deceive you and yours.
The people that died before, CHRIST are in Abraham’s bosom, but that’s another story, for later. I wish it was different, I don’t want to see anybody perish, my sole aches for them. But that’s not what scripture says, like it or not. Again I did not right the book, I am only telling you what it says. Read it your self, look up what I have put into this blog. You show me what I have said from the Bible, that is not true. I only put in front of you. You can believe what you want too!
( Corinthians 1:18 ) For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us ( Born Again ) which are saved it is the power of GOD, get it?
( Acts 17:24 ) God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples ( Churches ) made with hands; (That’s why it is called the body of CHRIST, not the building of CHRIST).(The LORD dwells within his children, not the apostate churches claiming to be the body, liars.)
( Acts 13:10 ) And said, O full of all subtilty an all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?
(Acts 17:24-25 )God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; Neither is worshiped with men’s hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;
(Matthew 6:24 )No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. ( That is why JESUS is hated so much through out the world, because they all serve other gods, the devil.)
( Matthew 12:39 )But he answered an said unto them, An eviland adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: (JESUS said this because, nobody believes in Him, they all and still are seeking after signs, and waiting for other false gods, the devil.)
( Matthew 13:37-40 )He that soweth the good seed is the son of man: The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares( The Ungodly ) gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world.
( Matthew 13:41-42 ) The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend,( Which means all who are Pagans) and them, which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire:there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. ( All religions offend JESUS, because they do not believe in his blood sacrifice, they would rather seek signs and continue to sacrifice humans, and animals alike. )CHRIST is not a religion, he is the way the truth and the eternal life.
( Matthew 15:13 ) But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. (CHRIST is referring to his children, God said if you don’t belong to his Son, he is going to cast you into thelake of fire)
( Matthew 24:10-11 ) And then shall many being offended, ( Meaning You ) and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.( Meaning the World ).
( Mark 6:11 ) And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust depart thence, have off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Go-mor-rah in the day of judgment, than for that city. ( CHRIST clearly states, that for all pagan religions, that I have listed, aren’t of CHRIST, they are going to suffer his wrath, because of their unbelief, which most people follow, not CHRIST.)
( Luke 9:26 ) For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father’s and of the holy angels.
( Now when you look at these scriptures, you that are not of CHRIST, are diffidently ashamed of these words, they upset you, anger you, discuss you who don’t believe them, so you are ashamed of CHRIST, so guess what?)
( Revelation 2:23 )(JESUS told them) And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.(CHRIST says this because, of your pagan life styles, they took the LORDS servant, and corrupted her, seducing her to commit fornication, and to eat meats that were sacrificed unto idols, which most all of the religions, on the first page do)!
( Woe unto you, who follow pagan religions. )
So, again here is some of the scripture, of the HOLY BIBLE, GODS truth unto man. Now it is completely up to you and your own belief, JESUS will never push his truth upon you or me. It is a leap of faith, whether you believe what the word says. Not what I believe nor think, because I am a( sinner) just like you. I am a forgiven one, But by the grace of GOD, and his SON.
( Luke 9:56 ) For the son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them. But you must turn back towards CHRIST, and repent. (Otherwise he will give you over to your ownreprobate mind,if you continueto sinagainst him). ( Romans 1: 24-32 )
( John 14:6.)JESUS saith unto him, I am the way the truth and the life: no man cometh unto the father but by me. ( Which means, all of the other religions are false teachings, they will send you to hell.)
( John 13:6 )For GOD so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,( Meaning CHRIST) that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ( Though believe in him and be saved.)
There is so much scripture about all of this. But I am just a babe in the woods, I have only been walking with CHRIST, for a short, time in the scheme of things. GODS wisdom is so deep, and broad, it would take a million years of true studying, of the Word, to be able to understand hidden mysteries of the LORD, and his FATHER.
I sometimes believe that the reason that humans aren’t allowed to understand the Bible to much, is because of the devil. He knew the word of GOD, and used it against him, for the bad. So the LORD to keep us safe only gives it at will, when we each and everyone of his children, has a need for it. And no more!
False doctrines have been around, since the beginning of time. The devil by the farthest, is the greatest, liar and deceiver
that has ever been created. He hates GOD so much, out of his own arroganceand pride, because he thought he was just as good if not better then GOD. Because the LORD taught him everything under the sun, he can produce miracles, raise people from the dead, and when he returns he is going to blow the human races socks off with signs, wonders and miracles, but they will all be a copy, and lies. And all of you that follow these false religions are doomed to fail, you are going to be deceived, whence you awake, it will be to late.
The reason, my belief, that GOD allows the devil so much dominion over humans, was that Lucifer, was of his first creations, and the love that he once had for him. Maybe, but of course I might just be reaching. You tell me!
Also to all of you pagan religions partaking in the communion of the Body of Christ, woe unto you. (1 Corinthians 11:27-30 )Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, ( Irreverently showing lack of respect.You all hate CHRIST, or put idols before JESUS, worshiping them. I say that’s unworthily. You defiantly have no reverence for the LORD that’s for sure.) shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. (This communion is for the Body of Christ, Born Again Christians, no on else.) For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many are sleep, ( Dead unto your trespasses.) You ask? How sick are you?
Follow me, this is still about pagan, religions. All of this is below, is because man has continued through out time, has walked away from the one true GOD, and his SON, JESUS.
There is a time, that might be at hand. The ones who have not followed JESUS, will worship the dragon
which gave power unto the beast, saying Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him. The beast will make war with GODS saints, and overcome them. And because though did not repent, the LORD gave him power over all nations and tongues.
And everybody upon the earth will worship the devil. Except for GODS elect, the Born Again, the called out ones who beloved in him. “Who have stayed close to the LORD”.
Because of your unbelief, you will submit to the devil, and take the mark of the beast 666.
Look I do not know when these times will be? But look around you, all hell is breaking loose unto the world, every nation is either, broke, going broke, or bankrupt. People will soon be, so lawless because they have forgotten who gave them, their Grace, it came from the GOD above in heaven. Don’t follow these false teachings, turn back towards GOD, JESUS ask him for forgiveness, of your sins.
Everybody including me feels something is at hand, being a another false flag, like the twin towers. If you trust man (Jeremiah 17-5), and ( Jeremiah 17-7) and / or any government, you are a fool awaiting for the slaughter. There just might be a time soon, may not be today, but it will come, as sure as CHRIST is GOD. When it comes, we as humans will not be able to understand it, I am referring to all of the muck going around about aliens visitors, and all of the sightings, from all over the world. I have personally witnessed things that I cannot explain. But I don’t believe they are from another world, they are from other dimensions.
Look what the apostle Paul said in ( Colossians 1:16 )For by him all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in the earth, visible and invisible, ( Other Dimensions ) whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers:all things were created by him, and for him. There is a great deception coming, it is going to shake all your foundations, to the your core beliefs.
I am not saying I know what is coming ,at least right now. But I can feel it in my bones, something is up? I believe the Beast, the Anti Christ, if it is that time. When it arrives things are going to be really bad for the whole world. The Bible says, at end times, the beast will deceive all, but the elect, because we have the HOLY GHOST in us to decipher what’s around the horizon.
I am just trying to warn you as a watcher. There is many people saying the same thing as I. When the Anti Christ, (Matthew 24:24)shows up. It will be stupendous. It will be the greatest act on earth, the largest circus act, he will be like nothing you have seen on TV before. What I am trying to convey to you is, hold on to your britches. The Anti Christ, might show up, coming out of the ocean, earth, an kingdom, or what ever, we just don’t know yet, what it will be, it will come as the godof peace, claiming to be Jesus, be very leery. He won’t return as JESUS, he went up in a cloud, to be with the FATHER, he will return the same manner he was taken up. WATCH FOR THIS, IF HE COMES AS CHRIST IF HE APPEARS ANY OTHER MANNER, IT IS NOT JESUS.THIS IS IMPORTANT!!! ( Matthew 24:27) For as the lighting cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west: so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. ( WHICH MEANS IF YOU SEE ANYTHING ELSE IT IS NOT JESUS. DON’T GO, DO NOT FOLLOW HIM, YOU ARE BEING DECEIVED.HE WILL RETURN COMING OUT OF THE EAST, IN ( MATTHEW 24:30)THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN WITH POWER AND GREAT GLORY.
There might be a time, be aware, that what ever shows up it won’t be GOD, the one who is up in heaven. It will be the godwho came from below. Look the Anti Christ, isn’t just going to show up from Washington, well maybe, I can think of a few of them who could match, I digress. Or show up from the stock market, as an elect CEO, possible or something like that, a thought. It could just be some piece of crap, from the devils concoction. Who ever, what ever it is it is going to wow your socks off, you will have never seen any thing like him before. He will be so gracious, like a savior, but will be a deceiver.
( Revelation 19:20 )Don’t be deceived. And do not take any Mark, Tattoo, Chip, Vaccine , Hologram, Stamp, or whatever of any kind, on the forehead, or the right hand. You had better, be willing to fight to the death and say no, woe unto you if you do take the Mark,the number 666. He will say I come in peace, just a thought. But you will be deceived that he is so friendly. He will be more like unto an evil demon possessed politician, but a million times worst.
He is out to destroy you yours and my families. Why do you think hollywierd, has put so many movies about this subject lately, you are being brainwashed, possibly duped into to believing that it, the Devilwill be like some sort of alien super hero, coming to save to world, be so careful.
Or on the other hand, are we as Christians all being duped, into hollywierdslies, and the deception is on us? What if we all, which we are, all have the same wave length, that what ever, shows up, the supposed alien. Is going to be a demon from hell, in disguise. The one thing is for sure, us as Christians, we are dragging the world along with us, and our beliefs. Every talk show is starting to repeat over and over again, that the Great Deception, is when the Anti Christ,shows up as an alien, it will be for sure a demon from another dimension, right? OK, now if it is called a Great Deception, and if every body, has some kind of ideal as to what might be up, does it still infer, it is still the Great Deception, if it no longer is hidden, you ask?
We all as the Body of Christ, have to be very careful with ours words, that’s why CHRIST says, we are to be wise as an serpent, get it? I think we as Christians, especially the world, forgets the Devils,determination to try to deceive us, as well as the world. But of course at the right time, we as the Body will be as wise as the serpent, and we will no what’s up, but what about until then, you ask?
As to what I trying to convey is, are we our self’s, allowing the Devilto deceive us. JESUS doesn’t imply when, or how long we can be duped, only that if the elect could be deceived at the end. Implying that the Devil at some time will not be able to deceive GODS children, anymore get it?
So be aware, don’t put yourself into any box, and / or any certain ideal from any body, be open. Allow the HOLY GHOST, to turn you into the right direction when it is time. Don’t get stuck in the mud, allowing your tires to spin, believing in any single ideal that is out there in the universe( In other wards don’t fall into any ones trap ) keep you soul locked into four wheel drive at all times, keep plugging along, keeping you ears open unto the LORD. Where we will be hidden under his wings in times of trouble.
But with all seriousness, all governments including ours, ( The LORD ONLY KNOWS) could either be with them, the Devil, or just ignorant. I would bet on the first. You nor I can understand, what was on the earth, when, GOD created Adam and Eve. I know there were dinosaurs, and Giants that roamed the earth in the Egyptians times. Deuteronomy clearly states in the Bible, about Og being the last giant. This is no joke. Many Christians don’t understand this because they don’t read their Bible, I do. Read this ( Deuteronomy 2:20 ) ( Genesis 6:4 ) ( Numbers 13:33 ) The giants of those times were called Zam-zum-mins.Go to www.stevequayle.com, there is a lot of information about this subject. I know sounds like a movie, but it is true, read the Bible. Now where they came from, at that time I haven’t been able to discern, except that they probably were fallen angels, hybrids, some say, what ever they were, they breeded with humans,
They defiantly had sex with humans later, in time, around when Moses was alive. They corrupted GODS pure seed of Adam. That’s’ why he literally wiped the world clean of every sole, other then Noahs family off of the earth, Because it was no longer GODS will be done, but the Devils will. If you want to understand more, go to go to the internet, and search out nepillims, and / or giants of the Bible. There are many books out there on the web, about this. Verify, don’t trust.
It is impossible for man to understand who GOD really is, or how long the world has been here. I know scripture says 6 thousand years, or six days unto the LORD. I know the time of all of this is not perfectly clear. How did man live with the Giants, and dinosaurs. That’s why the Bible is a mystery unto us humans, we will never understand, nor were we ever supposed to, except his children, and that could take an eternity.
The whole point to these last paragraphs, is to prepare you for what might come. I can’t tell you when that time will be, but something is clearly wrong, I just can’t put my finger on it yet.
Remember the fallen angels, the Bible calls them nepillims, The Greek word is ( nphyil / nef-eel) in Noah’s time and before, crossed over unto our world, and had sex with our women of that time. I know sounds hard to believe, but it is fact. Again, that’s why the LORD flooded the earth, because Adam’s seed of man had been corrupted. And we are much worse off today, then in Noah’s time, woe unto us! So GOD says in the Bible that the Devil can come as an angel of light to deceive, I say why not an alien, fallen angel, hybrid, some test tube creation, you ask?
This is what awaits all you who are tampering with the Lords D.N.A, repent while you can!
OK, lets lay the cards on the table , I will show you my hand. I believe, as of today, that whatever, if it does appear out of the sky, ocean, another dimension, earth or where ever it says it came from, it will not be of the GOD of above, it will be the Anti Christ, of the Devil. I believe when things finally collapse, it’s surely going to come don’t know the time, all hell , and its’ demons, devil, spirits, nepillims, will be, let loose. Remember the movie, about the little fellows, and the wizard. When all of the Devilscreatures were being created in the depths of hell, and they were let lose to destroy man, something like that is to come, but allot worse, woe unto us, and the world. So the Anti Christ will come to save all of man kind, but he really will be out to destroy it. Again watch with a leery heart, don’t trust what you will be told, your soul depends on it.
Read Revelation, The LORD says you are blessed, ( Revelation 1:3 )if you read it, so read it take, a study upon it. Get your family and Bible study class on it, if you haven’t already.
I know some of you are brothers and sisters in CHRIST, that are reading this, but you could be the most deceived, unto the world, if you only drinking milk, and do not live and read the word for yourself. The LORD will save you at the end, but how much needless suffering to you want, to endure.
And to you devil worshipers,what ever, do with the word what you will, you can use these words for Salvation, read again below, which most of you wont. Or just shuck it off!
( I pray you don’t )
( Luke 9:56 ) For the son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.And they went to another village. (But you must turn back towards CHRIST, and repent. Otherwise he will give you over to your ownreprobate mind, if you continue tosinagainst him). ( Romans 1: 24-32 )
( John 14:6.) JESUS saith unto him, I am the way the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me. ( Which means, all of the other religions are false teachings, they will send you to hell.)
( John 3:16 )For GOD so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,( Meaning CHRIST) that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
By the way I am not religious, I do not believe In man, or his religion. I only believe in his SON, JESUS. OK everyone take a breath before you read Pagan Religions, and go any further.