Every day that goes by, my soul feels uneasy. Again, as I watch, all of the world slowly but surely, coming unraveled. End times, Get It? As I see the wicked and vile and proud, ( Proverbs 16:5) lost souls, Homosexuals, Transvestites, ( Jeremiah 51:37), are we, the daughter, and Lesbians, and all of the perverts, of the Devil, and of the world, and Media( Ecclesiastes 6:2) and alike, governments and Hollywierd, ( Ecclesiastes 9:5) and cohorts, protestors, ( Psalm 55:21) all over the world, and all of their demons coming alive, to watch all of the unseemly, ( Ecclesiastes 2:26) and perverted ( Nahum 1:3) views that are all against the Lord , Jesus Christ, himself.
The one and only one who can save the lost. That I witness each and every day, spewing hatred for him, who came to set them free, of their wicked ways. The one whom they spit on, and want to hang him again and again on the Cross, to shed his perfect and Holy blood so sad.
Here comes a rich, ( 5 Ecclesiastes 18:20) bold, brash, crude, tell it like it is, a sinner like, I use to be. For I am washed by perfect Holy Blood. With a beautiful wife, I am not referring to her presence, even though, she is by far the most gracious, ( Proverbs 29:2) and lovely first lady we have ever seen, that does not belong to a vile( Isaiah 1:28) New World Order, ( 2 Micah1:3) Get It? Rockefeller’s, ( Proverbs 22:16) and such alike. That day, of the Presidents speech, in Florida. When the First Lady, spoke the Lords prayer, I just was in shock to hear that the Lords name was invoked, coming from people that actually came from, Washington D.C.. Tears rolled down my face, I could not hold them back, due to the fact, that God was aloud back in the chamber of horrors, ( Hosea 11:7) that the last vile Muslim president, too bad, and his wicked man wife, was aloud to destroy the Lords name and take it in vain each and every day they opened their mouths, woe unto them.
For God always, gets his Justice, in some manner. For he has the keys to Heaven and Hell, Get It? The Bible says, that life is but a shadow, passing by!Get It? God says the wicked shall live a short life. Heart Attack, diseases such as cancer, for God is a just God. We think we are going to live a long life, woe unto them who cross the Lord!
Sound familiar, Get It? Sandy Hook? ( Hosea 13:16) Deserved?
Also mister President, due not try to appease the wicked, protesters, and their ilk, the lost half. Jesus says, ( Proverbs 22:24)Look they will never be your friend they hate you, Get It? (Proverbs 29:27) But I have to remind myself, it was like 9-11, the Lord tried to open our eyes,( Daniel 9:14) as to why our once Christian Nation was being ( Proverbs 20:27) judged. Hussein,( Isaiah 1:15) and his vile man wife. Get It, transsexual bathrooms. Was Gods judgment on our nation. ( Isaiah 1:4) He was showing us, what was to come, if his children, did not repent, ( Jeremiah 8:5) and stand up and fight against the evil, that was fomenting upon our once Christian Nation, as such! If we repent, Christ says ( Jeremiah 31:34) .Christ says, that he prays not for the world, but for his children.
As well as, he holds us accountable for the many reasons, why many things happen in this world, Get It? Sodom and Gomorrah, the flood. ( Isaiah 5:24), Get It? Lost your home, finances, family, wealth, ( Ezekiel 39:24) and alike, remember, what was, shall be again, ( Zephaniah 3:6) if we do not stand up for righteous sake, amen, an amen.
Because we refused to speak against the unseemly, and vile children of the Devils, Get It. Media, the progressive, communist, socialist, and congress, and all of the ilk. That refuse to repent, of their wicked ways.
Well I refuse to let it continue. I will speak the truth, no matter what the cost. For the Lords judgment is at hand, and he is waiting to see what, his children do with what has been given to us, the final Trumpet.
To bring this once Christ centered nation back, into his Godly chambers, and take it back from ( Isaiah 29:4) the followers of the Devil. By the way, God also, chooses. He also is, in a way not politically correct. He choose us from our mothers womb, Get It? As to were evil comes directly from some mothers womb, could that be you to whom he was speaking about, just a thought. Christ, and you know the truth, and whom you are! You command us to pray for our enemies, ( 2 Isaiah 19:22) and the fallen. I pray that they read the truth that is in front of them. And it pierces each and everyone of their hearts, that they repent, from their wicked and vile ways, ( Proverbs 19:23) and come back unto the living waters, and come unto salvation as such.
For you whom are against Israel, Islam, and the Muslim nations, and their ilk, here and abroad. ( Zechariah 14:12)You will taste the Lords judgment.
Also those apostate Pastors, such was at the D.N.C chair, Muslim, preaching lies to the world. And all of the rest, whom spouse, all of their lies and deceits, unto the world, and pews alike. Catholics, Buddhist, Mormons, Jehovah Witness, Islam, and all of the thousands, of sects, whom are all deceived by demons, and the Devil alike. (23 Jeremiah 1:2) You also gave us Psalms. One comes to mind that I also pray, for those whom refuse to repent, and stop all of the vile things Lord, that they are doing, to you, and your children alike.
King David’s Prayer ( Psalms 55:15). It says, Let death seize upon them, and let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness is in their dwellings, and among them.