Tag Archives: 1John





Get your Bible out, follow the Word, do your homework.

 If you don’t you will fail your own mission.

Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where a sword was thrust into his side,his blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us.

The mission here is to give the Body of Christ, ( Jude 1:21 ) a place to learn and to come together , as we share what GOD has given each and everyone of us as the Body.

We are called to be ( Ephesians 4:1-13 ) Remember we  are all  here to work together, not against each other, that’s what causes cancer, in the Body. ( Matthew 12:25 ) We can not let the world, in other words the devil deceive us, and cause division among us. We have to survive together, in this up and coming times that we are in today ( Psalms 37:19 ) . I truly believe ,if we are not in the End Times, it is right at our doorstep. ( Revelation 1:1 ) GODS judgment is here.  ( Matthew 11:24 )

As the called out ones, the Ecclesiastes, we can come together and share our Prophecy’s, our Dreams, ( Joel 2:28 ). No dates, and /or times. A word,  a place to share our testimonies, our concerns, problems,  our trials ( Peter 1:7 ) a place to come to get prayers,  ( Mark 30:34 )  financial help, as the LORD provides, some how. We will just  have to go together as we follow the LORD,

( Galatians 1:12 ) and let this blog go where JESUS ( Luke 1:44 ) wants it to go.We are hear to preach the GOSPEL. ( Peter 1:37 )

This is not a church, there is only to be one head of this blog it will be CHRIST, we are the body, I will be the foot washer, I mean this with all sincerity. CHRIST says we are to be servants. I pray that I can truly be a servant, and open unto his word, and his delight in me!

( Matthew 12:33 ) Not to have everyone one else serve us today, like the world has you to believe. Remember this is a fallen world, that is owned and ran by the devil, the little “g” god. We are to here to serve this community as well as each other, ( Luke 2:31 )and let the LORD lead us. We will have no, head of anything, but the LORD. The LORD put the me charge of this Blogissphere, and it’s contents. I will follow the LORD as he guides me. The wife and I will, be praying for wisdom, and discernment, as to where this blog is supposed to go.

I expect,  and demand that you to test any, and all words ( Matthew 12:37 ) that comes out of my, and or anybody’s else’s mouth, for that matter.Please email, if a mistake is found, I will check it out. You will need to show me, in the bible where you believe that I am wrong. If demands, correction, I will fix it.  If you are of the world and don’t read the bible, shut up, don’t waste my time.See front page for email.

That’s the only way, you will be able to discern the truth. If you don’t read your BIBLE, you will be dumb as into the world, the devils pawn. You will not understand what the LORD has for your own lives as well as  to be able to discern what is on this blog, so read, study and learn, let the HOLY GHOST( Matthew 12:33 ) lead you. The LORD said that’s why he sent you a teacher, (Galatians 1:12 ) not Man, ( Matthew 12:34 ) remember your flesh, your thoughts, are owned  by the devil.

You want to be lead by the HOLY GHOST, ( Matthew 10:27 ) Hope and pray that the LORD has your name written in the Book of Life.  ( Galatians 1:4 ) Your life, and your sole depends upon it, that’s why GOD gave us discernment , so we would be able live and survive in these times. Remember most will choose the wide path to destruction, ( Matthew 7:13 ) only a few will choose the narrow path, it is going to cost you if you choose not to be with the LORD. Which way are you going to go, JESUS, says many will attempt to enter into HEAVEN, but they will not be allowed in, because they  are going to choose the easy way( Matthew 7:14 ). You need to be on your Knees, if physically possible, and worship the one and only true GOD, go into to that ( Matthew 6:6 ) secret place.

Look up to the FATHER, don’t look up to man. Don’t trust man, ( Jeremiah 17-5), ( Jeremiah 17-7)nor I. Study the word for yourself. You will fail if you don’t, your walk with Christ will be fruitless, he will cut off your branches, and cast them into the fire. Look up to GOD not man, we are filthy rags. ( Mark 13:22)

And for all of you critics, that will accuse me of hiding, I will come out when the time is right, ( Matthew 10:8 ) When the LORD asked me to. I don’t know if that time will come, but not until then. You already have my first name, scumbag. To be honest, I hope to never put mine, or the wife’s name out. It only takes away from the Lords work. It draws attention to us. I have no desire to be in front. I am better suited to be a foot washer, for my Father, and his Son. I don’t care to have anything of this world. I want my treasure up in heaven.

There is only one to look up to and that is GOD, even CHRIST he said that we are to look up to  unto the FATHER, the one who sent his SON, for our Salvation. You are not supposed to follow man, that will lead  you into destruction, your sole will cast into the lake of fire. That’s why you will absolutely need to read the WORD of GOD, so you will not be deceived, don’t just take what, I or anyone else puts on this blog, or your churches say today or any other place that preaches the supposed Gospel, trying to convince you that it is Gospel Truth.  I will be watching what is put on the blog, if I believe it does not confirm the WORD of GOD, it will be removed. I am human and prone to make mistakes. All I can do, is to pray, and hope the Word that I receive is always inspired by( Peter 1 5:8 ) the HOLY GHOST, and from the LORD. Remember the devil is out to destroy you and me.




The whole world always judges the LORD, and says, if there is a GOD, he is not my god, because you name it, he’s to mean, he wouldn’t judge me like that, my god is more loving than that. Or my god isn’t exclusive, or my god, has many ways into  heaven, he knows I am a sinner, but we are evolving, we are all gods. Or I am not  that bad of a person,  or my god will except me, into Heaven.  It is going to take some time to become enlightened. How could god allow so much suffering in the world. Or we are spirit of light, or some junk like that. The new age movement has taken your soul further and further away from GODS truth.

( John 3:16, ) For GOD so loved the world,  he gave his only begotten SON, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

To be BORN AGAIN.  ( John 3 3:8 ) Read what it says. If GOD can sacrifice his only Begotten SON,   that was Perfect, Blameless, Holy, Righteous, Flawless, and never sinned ONCE, in his 33 years, he was alive, not one  of you, you Hypocrites, can say that, especially me.  And GOD put him to death for our sins on the Cross, the Cross that everyone spat on , laughs at, puts in a vile of urine, and calls it art. And you think we have a right as humans, or you dare to believe you will be  up in Heaven with the FATHER, with yours sins.

You Hypocrites, how many of you would take your child, put him on a Cross, (1 Peter 2:24 ) not me, and stand by and watch, your child being spit on, rocks thrown at him, laughed at, scorned,  spikes driven through his hands and feet, and then a spear thrust into his side, right through his organs, and stand there and watch you child bleed to death in a slow and agonizing painful death, I believe it is one of the most painful ways to die.

How many of you would sacrifice you child for someone else’s child, not one of you would, Liars.  And lets see your child  take on all of the worlds sins. Look into your own hearts, how disgusting you feel when you have done something that you know was wrong, but you did it anyway, you know, sin against GOD. You know the feeling, real gross. Now multiply that by 7 billion people, times all of their sins, the stench, the grossness, the putrid smell, that CHRIST,  has to endure each and every second of his existence. Tell me again that GOD doesn’t, have LOVE for the human race,  (Acts 26:18 ). We as humans will never understand GODS LOVE including me.

( Matthew 13:43)  I am doing the LORDS work. I am doing what the LORD ( Deuteronomy 12:32 ) asked me to.

May all of your hearts be pricked, with the truth, I pray that if I am not doing the Lords, work this blog will not last, and being taken down, and not by a bunch of hackers, and or haters of Jesus.

May the Lord , of Lords, and the Kings of Kings, have mercy, on such a back slid-den world, who deserves all of his wrath, and judgement.

The mission here is to give the Body of Christ, ( Jude 1:21 ) a place to learn and to come together , as we share what GOD has given each and everyone of us as the Body.

Amen & Amen





The sting of death is sin; the strength of sin is the law. ( 1 Corinthians 15:57 )

Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where a sword was thrust into his side,his blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us.

No matter what sin, whether Homosexuality, or whateveryou have ever committed unto the Lord. He shed his blood on the cross for you and I. Come back to the well of living water, for eternal life, before it’s too late!

Lets look what JESUS  has to say ( Mark: 6:12 ). I did not write the book, but I surely love it.It gives me my direction, hope, guidance, and way to to understand the Father. I am just telling you what it says.  But I will stand by what it says, I don’t care if it offends you, or you can’t handle the truth, I did not write the Bible, I am way to stupid, I can barley create a fart! I have hard enough time to just understand it. That’s why God sent the comforter, the Holy Ghost , I would be as lost as you are, without Gods word. I hope the word of God enrages you,  and then hopefully convicts you.I don’t care sin is sin, repent, repent, repent, period.

I am commanded to preach the Gospel truth!( Acts 3:19 ) (Luke says), Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your (sins) may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.(Genesis 1:27 )So God created man in his own image, in the image of GOD created he him; male and female created he them.

No where in the scriptures does it refer to man to man, or woman to woman is OK, it is not OK, sin is sin. And for all you churches, or whatever you call yourself, that preach have truths, and skip over Romans, woe unto you. The devil is awaiting you with open arms,

Devil3God my heart bleeds for you when you die.CHRIST said but from the beginning of the creation GOD made them male and female.  NOT MALE TO MALE and / or FEMALE TO FEMALE. It is a lie.  Marriage  is not for  homosexuals, that is an abomination unto the LORD. I don’t care if you don’t want to hear it, it is what it says it is. Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and sin is sin, you can’t wash it, or disguise it away. For you that come against me, The LORD, for he is my Rock, of my foundation, for he will never fail me.J

(JESUS says) ( Matthew 19:4-6 )And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them, ( GOD Adam & Eve),  at the beginning made them male and female. And said, for this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and cleave to his wife: And they twain shall be one flesh? ( Man & Woman)Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.( Woe to you who all partake in Divorces, who say that it is OK, other then infidelity.) God hates divorcees, between man and woman.

If you think, it makes the Lord happy when Homosexuals gets married, it makes him sad. It breaks his heart, for he loves the sinner, but hates the sin. He died on the cross for you and I. He died on the cross so we don’t  have to be cast into the Lake of Fire. 

Man burning in hellSo repent and come back unto the Lords Grace and Mercy, woe unto you, and  I if we don’t.

The point is, even marriage between Man and Woman, can live in sin, just like an Homosexual.

( Matthew 19:8-9)He saith unto them,  Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was so. And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife,  except it be fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.( Moses was wrong, by divorcing (sent her away) his wive.) Because he had a child, out of God’s will, he hardened Mose’s heart).

For all of you sinners that say you were born homosexual, that way. It is a flat out demon lie, of homosexuality. Read Romans, lets see what the scripture has to say about it.( Romans 1 :24-28 ).

Wherefore GOD also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves:Who changed the truth of GOD into a lie, ( Homosexuals)and worshiped and served the creature,(Meaning the devil, and your lust), more than the Creator, GOD, who is blessed for ever. A-Men

For this cause God gave them up into vile affections: for even their women did change the NATURAL use, (not born with,) into that which is against nature. For you mother earth worshipers, nature doesn’t even approve of your sin, against the LORD.

And likewise also men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one towards another;( Homosexuals) men with men working that which is unseemly, ( Which means ungodly) and receiving in themselves that which recompense of their error which was meet.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, ( Your own free will, do you sin against the father)do to those things which are not convenient.

( Reprobate) A morally unprincipled person. One who is predestined to damnation. Morally unprincipled; shameless.

(1 Corinthians 11:11-12 )Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God.

( Deuteronomy 22:5 )The woman shall not wear that which pertainteth unto a man,Neither shall a man put on a women garment: for all that do are abomination unto the Lord thy God. (For all you cross dressers, transvestites, homosexuals).

Here’s one from me, lets suppose? Lets take (3) different islands, the first island will have 20 people, 10 male and 10 female. The second island will have 20 female. The third island will have 20 males. OK! Lets come back 100 years later, and take a visit. If homosexuals were born that way, then mother nature would have been able to resolve your problem, with having children, right? In a million years or so you would mumble, we would all evolve. It’s a lie. You are a sinner, just like the kid who stole a piece of gum, up to, you the name the murderer. GOD sees you no different, if you broke (1) law you have broken all of the laws in the book of Genesis.

You have a spirit of homosexually, a demon, and or devil,  given to you from the devil, somewhere in your life you were (tempted). It’s no different, then when I gave into fornication, drugs, perversions, you name the sin I committed unto the LORD, You gave into the temptation, just like it did! Instead of saying no.  But I have repented, that’s the whole ticket, is to repent, and have Jesus forgive you, like he did me. I don’t commit those sins no more, get it? What you are doing in the LORDS eyes is no different than a fornicator, drug abuser, porn lover, or whatever? You need Salvation, just like I did. I gave my life to CHRIST, on that faithful day of August 9th, 1998.

You know what you are doing is vile unto the LORD, it is an unnatural act, perverted, unseemly, it’s not right with the GOD of the BIBLE, just as well as any other sin. We have all screwed up at sometime or another, (especially me). Maybe to your little “g “god, the devil of the world what you are doing is acceptable, but not the GOD of heaven. He will cast your sole into hell, he has every right too. None of us humans on this earth deserve to be with the LORD.

I still don’t understand why God choose, a scumbag like me. But I guess, that’s why I needed him so much. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but just didn’t care. My motto was to be socially unacceptable. I knew were I was going, straight to hell. The devil was waiting with open arms. God opened my eyes and put fear into my heart, he let me know that hell was real, thank god. READ THE FRONT PAGE HOME.

Look, I haven’t  done any homosexual acts, but I have sinned against the LORD in many different ways. I was to a ( sinner) against the LORD, just like you. The LORD saw me no different then he sees you right now, he sees you as in need of a Savoir. That’s why I asked him forgiveness, just like you need to. For God so loved the world,  ( John 3: 16 ) that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  Where are you going to spend eternity?

I want to reiterate this again.

 We are here to Preach the true Gospel  to the world, and unto the BODY OF CHRIST.( Matthew  13:37 )See ( JOHN 14:6). I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me, meaning CHRIST. ( 1 Corinthians 15;50 ) Now I say, Brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God: neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

In simple terms, if you do not have CHRIST,  ( Matthew 9:6 ) on your side when you die, you will stand before GOD, at the ( GREAT WHITE THRONE ) for your final judgment , not a place you want to be. By the time you realize the truth, that has been told to you, and what you have heard  preached to you, so many times before, it will be to late. You will look at CHRIST(1 Timothy 2:5 ) with, a bewildered look,  and in tears in your eyes, some of you will be cursing at him, others with disbelief.  And CHRIST, will look at you and say that he does( Luke 13:27 ) not know you,  ( Matthew 7 :23) and you will be held accountable to GOD for every sin that is listed in the  Book of Genesis’s. You want your name to be written in the Book Of Life,  ( Revelation 13:8, &17:8) were CHRIST has washed away your sins, with his( blood) ( Revelation 1:5).

Where your (sins) are as far from the East as to the West, were GOD no longer sees yours( Matthew 1:21 )( sins), because of CHRISTS sacrifice.  GOD said that if you commit (1) sin you have broke all of them. By the way the devil,( 1Corinthians 10:21 ) has also been keeping track of your indiscretions, and your sins against GOD, he will be arguing his case before GOD, against you.  ( Revelation  20:12 )That’s why you need a SAVIOR ( Hebrews 1:8 ),to defend you  before GODS judgment, so you soul won’t be cast into the lake of fire,  where you will go if you are not CHRIST SON.( Matthew 13:50) Someone who, and  the only one who can take, on your sins ( Act 3:19 ) with his  blood sacrifice , who died on the Cross.

He shed his( blood) for you and me. Name the sin, homosexual, or what ever  it does not matter. You need to ask  JESUS ( Peter 1:3 ) for his forgiveness,  and believe that you are a sinner, and repent.  And believe in him, that he died on the Cross for you, and you will  be saved, and become a child of GOD. It is not a thought process, you must believe with all of your heart and your soul and mind, and truly  believe that what you are asking for is true,  so JESUS will come into your heart, and you will be BORN AGAIN. ( Ephesians 2:8 ) If you don’t believe, See what can happen. ( Matthew 13:4-9). You want to be the last seed.)

The LORD just wants you to repent of your sins, ask him for help. He will come to you and save you from eternal death, that awaits all sinners.

He loves a  homosexual  just lake an fornicator, murderer, thief, you name the sin, we are all sinners in the LORDS eyes. But he hates the sin in us. That’s why he died on the Cross. For you and me. That’s why we need him, because of our transgressions against GODS, eternal judgment.

I beseech you my fellow sinner, a lost soul just like mine was. Repent, come back to GOD, while you are still able. Before its to late, before the door is shut.( Luke 9:56 ) For the son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them. But you must turn back towards CHRIST, and repent. Otherwise he will give you over to your own reprobate mind, if you continue to sin against him.(Acts 4:12 ) Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

May GOD open your heart and soul to the truth that is in front of your eyes. May you have the ears for hearing, Amen.

No matter what sin, whether Homosexuality, or whateveryou have ever committed unto the Lord. He shed his blood on the cross for you and I. Come back to the well of living water, for eternal life, before it’s too late!

Repent and ask JESUS. To forgive you  of your sins, just knock on his door. He will answer it.