The Wife’s and My Testimony
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where a sword was thrust into his side,his blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us.
JESUS says ( John 8:45 ) ( John 16:27 ) ( John 17:9 )
The Wife’s and My Testimony.If you find mistakes in my English, and Spelling, forgive me I am no English major. This is my first attempt ,to ever to put the Gospel out upon the world. Work in progress! I did the best I was able to. I just told my story, the HOLY GHOST filled the rest in with power and( John 15:26 ) spirit of truth.
One thing I want to confess, I am a very, very private person, when it comes to the Wife’s and mine personal lives. I hate the devils, concoctions, the social media websites. I would never join these, apostate sites, that are of the devil ways, 666 coming soon. But the LORD commands me to keep out testimony,(John 21:24 ) which I am. So trust me, this isn’t something I am use to doing. Thy LORDS will be done.I Don’t know if anybody cares or not, it is what it is. Our walk with Christ, and are journey unto heaven.
But, I hope the Wife’s and my Testimony helps you, and or your families with your own situations, I pray our testimony is not in vain.Otherwise, We have spent hundred and hundred of hours for not.If it saves and / or helps (1) person, and saves a life it will be worth it to the both of us.
I hope it helps you in some small way. We hope our Testimony helps other Born Again Christians, who are struggling, and / or back slid den away from the LORD, because out of lack of knowledge, and / or ignorance as to why their lives are in such much distress, and to why it is happening to them. And for all of the other sinners, that the LORD has guided you here to read this, you are not here by coincidence.
Not one Testimony is the same, I am going to explain what I believe CHRIST leads me to, and what the LORD has shown the Wife and I , since we have been walking and learning with CHRIST, every page as you read it will bring more clarity, so please bear with us, and try to your best to understand. Whether it is worst, then some, or easier then others, is not the point, the point is to confess Jesus, in front of man, and the world, so Jesus will confess you name unto the Father. And to show the world, of your beliefs in Christ, and never to be afraid, and / or ashamed, no matter what the consequences are.
We are to be the salt and light unto the world, if we are afraid to preach, then Christ says he will cut off are branches and cast it into the lake of fire, get, it?
Don’t be afraid. It is not easy to step out in front of on coming bus, loaded with the devils, children, wanting to castrate you, boil you in oil, chop you head off, roast you in a oven, you get the point. But the alternative, is to be cast into hell, no way in hell. Remember what Christ said, at the end the Darker will get Darker, and the Lighter will get Lighter. I want to shine on top of Mt. Everest, where my treasures are secured up in heaven, and the Lord will say welcome my good and faithfull servant! What say you?
CHRISTS says ( Acts 14:22) you must continue in faith, and that we must through much tribulation ( I know this to be true) enter into the kingdom of GOD. See ( JOHN 14:6). I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Those words in the Bible, are the most poignant, unto my life,( Luke 4:18 ) because I love GOD, and the LORD so MUCH because, I absolutely do not deserve by any ways or means , nor is there anything I could have done, by my works, even If I had lived a righteous life in this fallen world. Or If I had tried to impress GOD, with my good and decent life, ( Pharisee ) telling him that I was worthy to be with the LORD. Which I did not live that life. Now the Wife’s life was one of those descent lives, poor but she was OK. But she didn’t deserve to enter into the Kingdom of GOD no more than I, because we are all sinners in CHRIST, eyes. He see us no different.
Before CHRIST died on the Cross, B.C, you had to try, to earn your way unto Heaven. That was what the OLD Testament taught you, you can no longer work your way into Heaven. If you look at ours lives, when we fill out a Will & Testament, and when we die ( Hebrews 9-17 ), we leave it unto our families, when does it take effect, not until you die. As so when CHRIST died, on the Cross. The Old Testament is no longer in effect, as to when you use to be able to work your way unto heaven. JESUS died on the Cross to fulfill the law, YOU CAN NOT NO LONGER WORK YOUR WAY INTO HEAVEN. That part of the law has been fulfilled , with his blood sacrifice. But it doesn’t mean that ( Proverbs 28:9 ) the Ten Commandments ( John 14:15 ) and the laws aren’t to be followed no more.

The word sin, refers to that you must have done something wrong to be judged by, you ask what? Obviously the LORD wants you to follow the laws, ( 2 Chronicles 24:20 ) and GODS commandments. And the only way you will ever be free of yours and my sinful lives, is to have JESUS in your life, otherwise you will fail at keeping the laws. The HOLY GHOST will direct and teach you on how to walk with CHRIST and to be HOLY unto his word and his commandments. ( John 14:21 ) GOD no longer holds BORN AGAIN Christians accountable to the laws, that’s what CHRIST died on the Cross for! The world is still under that judgment, if you don’t belong to CHRIST. But just because you belong to CHRIST does not give you a free pass to sin against he laws that GOD to whom, loves them dearly ( John 15:10 ). CHRIST is going to ask you what you have done for him, and watches each and every thing that we do and each and every word that comes out of our mouths.
The LORD wants to write The Ten Commandments,
( John 5:46-47 ) and the Laws unto each and everyone of his children’s hearts and minds. But you have to know and live the Word of GOD to be able to fulfill that commandment. Read and learn, but the most important is to live the word. CHRIST came to fulfill ( Matthew 5:17 ) the law. You have go through HIM, see ( John 14:6 ). Only by the GRACE of the GOD he choose us, ( John 15:16 ) We did not choose him, he opened both of our eyes, at different times to be able to see our own (sins), so we both had a place to go to get forgiveness of our (sins), and REPENT, REPENT, of them, AMEN. I grew up with a somewhat average typical family. Not to stable, divorce in the family. Mom remarries, new step dad. Causes anger in me. Never hardly saw my real dad. Sound familiar. I bet, there is a lot of families out there like mine. I always wondered what had happened, was I the one, that caused the problem, It was hard to except change in the family. Actually, I know I cause some, of them due to the lack of respect that I had for my parents, as a teenager, sound familiar. Remember Honor thy Mother and thy Father! So of course I rebelled, ( John 8:44 ) like every other sinner does, rebelled against GOD ( Matthew 25:41 ) and my parents.
So this is where the Wife’s, and My Testimony began, mostly mine because ( I was the scumbag), the Wife, was the good one, but still a sinner in GODS eyes, he saw us the same, both in need of Salvation. ( John 21:24 ). My life, most all of this happened in my teens, Drugs, alcohol, parties, perversions, ludeness, fornicating, lies, stealing, will just read ( Romans 1: 29-32) you will understand what I had become, and no longer am, PRAISE GOD, Amen. I did not commit the most heinous of the sins, in Romans, no murder, but could have, the places I saw I went. And the crowd I hung around with, the same crowd that murdered my older brother, in the 70’s. Nor allot of others ones listed, you nor I am no better than a murderer, in the LORDS eyes. One sin, is to much, ( James 2:10 ) they will send you to hell. Which is why I had a free ride, no purgatory, no 70 virgins, thank God, into hell without CHRIST. The Wife never touched a drug, or has never done anything like me. Be careful not to judge me, take the beam out of your own eye, ( Matthew 7:5 ) before you cast your judgment’ s upon me. I expect you to, that’s OK to.
All that matter’s is that the Lord, washed my sins clean with his blood sacrifice unto the Book of Life, were I am no longer judges under the laws no more.
The biggest mistake the world and other Christians do, including me, but I am repentant of this. JESUS warns, take heed. ( Matthew 5:22 ) Is do judge his other Brothers and Sisters, regarding how they have lived their lives before, or whatever, and during their walk with CHRIST. I have seen and heard of other brothers & sisters doing terrible things in their lives, such as bestiality, attempted murder, murder, leaving their wife’s for porn stars, you name, it has been done while they were BORN AGAIN. ALL CAUSED BY DEMONS, DEVILS AND SPIRITS.Please check out, for more details at I beseech ,you should read our complete testimony first, and come back to this later. You will need a clear head and some time, to understand that part. Don’t think the devil doesn’t know your weaknesses. He does, he’s out to destroy you like a roaring lion ( Peter 1– 5:8 ). We are and always will be tempted by sin, so don’t boast, that you can’t do those terrible things too!
It can happen to you, as long as you are alive. If you believe different, you will be caught in the devils snare, I guarantee, he loves boastful, self delusional Christians that think they are better than everyone else. We are absolutely nothing without CHRIST, don’t puff your self up, like Paul says we are filthy rags. I hear other Supposed Christians saying how they love this world, and that the human race are good people, that were not so bad, there is absolutely nothing good about the human race, nothing. We all have the Knowledge of good and evil, we are a fallen people, and will stand before either God or Christ when we die, depending where you soul resides.
I always Pray that the LORD keeps me humble and in my place at the back of the line. I try to stay humble because I know I deserve hell. Thank the LORD we belong to him. Jump forward to around 1998. Every day that had gone by, I had realized, what I had become, and lets say hell was going to welcome me! ( Psalm 34:14) But I didn’t know what to do about it. I had other people throughout my life that talked to me about JESUS, the only truth. But at that time, I did not understand. I also throughout my life had heard about Buddha, Ala, you name it, I probably look into it, and other false pagan teachings of GOD. But none of them except JESUS, somehow peeked my interest later in my life. I had, such a heavy burden hanging over me, that made me feel, fear and really sick at the same time.
But again I did not know what to do, to get rid of the guilt, shame, gross, defiled, feeling that I had carried all of my life, because of the transgressions that I had committed unto the LORD,GOD. By the grace of GOD, somehow I begin to know the truth, that hell ( Proverbs 27:20 ) really exists, GOD makes room for you, if you don’t repent. I begin to fear what I had done. I knew that the devil was waiting for me with a gleam in his eye, he couldn’t wait to get me into his kingdom, of fire, torture,
demons, devils, putrid smell of burning flesh, all of the creepy crawling things, crawling all over me, snakes, suffering just to take a breath, because it is so hot, and all of the sulfur burning. Remember the movie lord of rings, and it’s creatures, they looked like Santa, compared to what it really is, and the worst things that hollywierd could not put into a movie, and the worst of it all, separation from GOD. To be honest I can’t explain what awaits sinners that don’t belong to CHRIST.
I don’t believe that there is anyway for a human to understand what awaits them, until they arrive. ( Luke 16:23-25 ) At that time it will be to late, you will curse GOD every day throughout eternity, even though it is by your own freewill, that you are there. Lets back up a little. As I have said, I have been preached to about JESUS, by different people as well as you have though out each and everyone of our lives. No body can claim they have not heard about CHRIST. By the GRACE of GOD, the ones that want to repent and seek the truth, GOD will find a way to put someone into your life, to explain to you about CHRIST.
It will be at his time not yours, it took me 40 years of sinning, before I finally received the word of GOD unto my heart. I had heard from an acquaintance, about Promise Keepers. That it was some place to be able to hear about the LORD , which I had been seeking. So that same year I believe, I decided to go to one of the events. When I had arrived I was astonished as to see over 40,000 men I believe, that came to this particular event, at the Arco Arena. When they always do an alter call, because JESUS says to confess your sins in front of the men, ( Matthew 10:32 ). So upon the alter call I had gone down to the stage, where there was approximately 1000-1500 men with me, give or take a few. At that time I had said the sinners prayers, and had asked JESUS to forgive them.
A few minutes later, I saw many men that GOD has chosen, ( John 15:16 ) crying in tears because JESUS has forgiven them of their( sins). AMEN But to my dismay , I didn’t feel anything different, I begin to feel angry and left out, so I went back up to the seats. As I sat there contemplating that GOD must hate me, and he did not want me, because of all of the transgressions that I had committed against him. Which he had every right too. One of the fellows next to me had seen me in tears, and I had explained to him what had happened. He had explained to me, like I did to you on the front page.
He shed his blood for you and me. You need to ask JESUS ( Peter 1:3 ) for his forgiveness, and believe that you are a sinner, and repent. And believe in him, that he died on the cross for you, and you will be saved, and become a child of GOD. It is not a thought process, you must believe with faith, and all of your heart and your soul and mind, and truly believe that what you are asking for is true, so JESUS will come into your heart, and you will be BORN AGAIN. ( Ephesians 2:8 ) If you don’t believe, See what can happen. ( Matthew 13:4-9. You want to be the last seed.) So I went back down, to the alter call, in front of Men, ( Matthew 10:32 ) got on my knees and screamed out to the LORD to forgive me, god still today, that moment, I will always bless the name of Jesus.
The LORD came to be like a Freight Train without no brakes. I fell on my face crying in tears, I felt so relieved to have all of the guilt, shame and all of my (sins) forgiven that I had committed against the LORD, AMEN. I still today can’t explain to you how great full and appreciative of the LORD, for forgiving such a scumbag like me. On the way home, quite a long drive. I believe I called everybody that I knew, and explained what had happened to me, crying with joy of the LORD the whole time. I drove everybody crazy, preaching the truth about the Gospel, and still to this day I do the same thing, except with more of the LORDS wisdom, that the HOLY GHOST has taught me through GODS word the BIBLE.
Do to my ignorance I expected my walk with GOD to be sort of like a trip to Disneyland, of course I am being facetious, but you get the point. But I did not expect, what has happened to the Wife and I, during these times walking with the LORD. Please read this, it is about your trials, ( Hebrews 12-5:10 ) I hope in some small way, it help you understand why this is happening to you and to your brothers, and sisters in CHRIST. Of course it was do to with, no one had explained to me, like I am going to explain it to you, I pray these word does your heart good. Also my fault, I wasn’t up on the BIBLE, I had hardly ever read it before I came to CHRIST, but I didn’t know at that time it didn’t do me any good. Because the Bible is written it so much parables, that only the called out ones, truly understand, GODS word. Of course I tried to read it over time, after coming to CHRIST, but I did not live it, I didn’t apply it to the way I lived my life, especially while no one was looking. Do you act the same in your home, as well as while your are out in the public.
Ask your self, because the LORD and his Angels are watching every step we take,( Angels Watching) ( Psalm 91:11)
and everything that we say and do. Even if you do read the BIBLE, until you become a child of GOD , and are BORN AGAIN, GOD hides the true meaning of the BIBLE, and it’s truth. It was written for his children , because JESUS would no longer be there to teach them, his word. Only the teacher the HOLY GHOST, can and will explain it to you if you seek it out.
The biggest mistake that almost all Christians make including me, is that the LORD will continue to allow you to live as a baby Christian, sucking milk. ( Hebrews 5:13 ) For every one that useth milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. That’s were most Christians are comfortable being, hearing the WORD, from someone else. Not reading and Living the word, because most Christians don’t want to deal with their trials, ( Luke 9:23-26 ) suffering and the persecution of walking with CHRIST( Acts 20:24 ). You need to eat the meat, read and understand the word of life for yourself, or you are not going to make it if you don’t!!!!!
( Hebrews 5:14 ) But strong meat belongeth to them that are full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. In other wards, you are going to be in big trouble when the devil comes against you, and it will, you can bet your life on it, because you will not be able to discern, (Titus1:16)whether to stop and listen, or turn left, you are going to fall into the devils snare he knows you don’t understand the word to, he’s going to push you right off of the cliff, ( Metaphorically) and you probably will die. You must persevere( Matthew 7:14 ) But the LORD wants and expects you to progress to eating Meat, in other words his WORD the BIBLE. Not just the milk you consume while you are at church, you are to question your Teacher whom ever that is, Pastor, Preacher, Apostle or whatever, you need to do your Homework.
Look at ( Jeremiah 17-5), &( Jeremiah 17-7) It is your Soul and Life that you are defending, how much is that worth to you? Trust me you will need to be up on the word and stay close to the HOLY GHOST, so when he tells you to stop, you stop, when he’s says turn left you turn left, you get the point. Don’t get ahead nor fall behind, stay so close, that you will be able to hear him breath. This takes many years of reading, praying and discernment, and fasting, how do you expect to finish the race, if you don’t know which roads are safe, and which ones you need to take to get you there, you are going to be lost. I Pray that our testimony ( Psalms 119:129 ) doesn’t burden ( Psalms 55:22 ) your heart , but to give you hope that no matters what comes against you CHRIST is with you. Give your life to Christ, let him do the battle.
And for all you that think, that I think I am better than everyone else, it couldn’t be further from the truth, I know were I came from, from the depths of hell. I use to think that way before I came to CHRIST, but GOD and the LORD will burn all of that out of you, even if it means taking your life, if you continue to sin, and go against his will. When you first come to CHRIST, you get what’s called, my words a honey moon period. My honey moon period started August 9th 1998, the Wife’s on October 16th 1999. When GOD called me to be his son, and my Wife to be his Daughter. Man for the first year or so, our lives were on fire, no matter what we did GOD blessed it, our business, our family friends, or whatever we touched.
The wife and I have always professed our love of CHRIST, especially me, no matter who we spoke with, or whom we came across. I was, and still am on fire for the LORD since I have been with the LORD for 16 years, and counting. This is why the Wife and I have been tested and purified by a fiery trial, ( Peter 4: 12-14 ) because we both Love and worship the LORD, with all of our Hearts, mind and souls. And unto this day we still both struggle, ( Acts 9:16 ) after 16 years for me and 15 years, and counting for the Wife and still fall on our face having to ask the LORD for forgiveness, of our (sins), remember ( Romans 6:23 )falling well short of GODS GLORY. ( Colossians 1:14 ) GOD no longer sees us as (sinners), because we are hidden in CHRIST, but the LORD still sees are struggles and our (sins), that we commit in this world, and he’s always keeping us in check, with his Word.
Our lives are a learning process, it will take the rest of your life to become what the LORD, wants you to be, so as to when you die the LORD will present you unto the FATHER as a Blameless and a HOLY BRIDE. That’s why Paul says you have to finish the race. ( Matthew 22:14 ) For many are called but few are chosen. I know it’s hard to understand the LORD, but it says what it says. Look if you are running a marathon, and if you stumble, get tired, quit, or just give up in the middle of the race, you get a DNF, right? Many are called, few are chosen, get it? You must finish you walk with Christ, or he will give you a DNF. You don’t stop in the middle, and you defiantly are not completed, in CHRIST until you finish the race, if you think you are, you are lying unto yourself, and deceiving yourself, that’s just your pride, and the LORD hates and despises it.
Repent , Repent,( Luke 13:3 ), (Luke 15:10 )if you don’t Woe unto you and me. By the way the LORD has taken the beam out of mine( Matthew 7 :1-4 ) , and my wife’s eyes so we are able to preach, the truth, and to preach the ( Corinthians 1 -6:2 )GOSPEL unto the world ( Matthew 10:18 ). That’s what a 14 year fiery trial does to you, it burns the( sin) out of your life, this is a process, a painful one, so the LORD won’t judge you as a hypocrite ( Matthew 7:5 ) , as you preach his WORD unto the world. I still preach even though, I will never be perfect, that’s why the HOLY GHOST speaks for me, it’s not my words but from GOD. There is only one perfect man whoever was sinless, that I aspire to be like, and never will. Jesus Christ.
But what a race to procure, and to be successful at. I know above I said that we still( sin),( Matthew 6:13 ) but the difference is I am now aware of it, when it creeps up, or tries to sneak in the back door, it’s very different then just doing it, and saying to your self whatever, the LORD knows I am a (sinner) , he loves me, be careful. Don’t fall into that trap, I still get caught. Like I said I am aware of the devils trap,( Peter 1– 5:8 ) once in a while he will catch me with one, but I always prevail because of the love of CHRIST, and reading his word. I know how to defeat the Demons, and because as a BORN AGAIN believer you have power over all ( Luke 9:1 ) demons, spirits, and devils, you just don’t know that you do.
That’s why the devil is out to destroy like a roaring lion, because we are the only ones to have Dominion over him, and he hates us for it. But Christ says not to boast of that, rather to boast that our names are written in the book of life, amen, and amen.Remember we are disciples in CHRIST, who belong to the Body, the Ecclesiastic, the called out ones. I will explain further along. When you boast about the LORD ( Proverbs 18:21 ), there is power in your tongue, or if you are a child of GOD, you will at sometime in your life, be treated unto a trial, you can not escape it, nor should you want to, the LORD says you are blessed, if your walk with him and are tried, by fire( 1Peter 4: 12-14 ).
Your trial will be, to each of your walk with CHRIST. It is one of the hardest things a Christian can endure. ( Timothy 2– 3:12 ),( Romans 5-1:5 ) But the LORD says he will never give you more than you are able to handle, trust me, you and I can handle way more than you ever thought possible. Even though I cannot lie, there have been moments in my walk, that I, wished I were dead, but I knew were that was going to take me, so I repented, and continued on. Don’t ever give up. ( Psalms 37:7 )Where to go next, lets see what’s the LORD puts, upon my heart, and what message he wants his children to receive next. Pause. OK. The wife and I have been married for a over 22 years, both on our first marriage, praise God.
About 1 1/2 years into our marriage with CHRIST, the bottom slowly begin to fall out. Our construction business begin to go south, and I mean why south, when everybody else’s that were in the same type of business, were blooming like flowers and raining in the piles of cash, this was around 1999-2008. Everyone of my friends and family members could not understand, nor do I, why I could not progress any further than we did. Forward about 10 years to 2009, the wife and I lost our, home. We lost all of our toys, which were numerous, with work vehicles, and workers. We lost pretty much of everything of what we had worked for except, our furniture, and some of the work tools we needed to survive. But we never lived in a mansion, we lived in a 1700 s/f home, and I loved it. It was all that I needed, the wife would have liked to have more, but I digress.Don’t get me wrong we still have a lot compared to some.
We both lost our health, especially me. I got injured in a terrible accident, fell off a ladder, I was busted up pretty bad, my foot and back, fell about 15-18 feet. I still today, am pretty beat up. I got many sores similar to what Job had. My arms must have hundreds of scares, from the scabs healing, I always cry unto GOD, a lot because I feel like a crack user or something like that. I always tell him, great when I use to use drugs, none of this happened, I looked normal, now that I don’t looks like I do. I think I got some kind of staff infection when I had my accident, while I was in the hospital. I am so embarrassed to go out in public, I think I know how the leapers must have felt like in those days. Sounds a little bit like Job. People always stare it me, when they meet me, nobody really wants to shake my hand, because of the open scabs that I have, cant say I blame them. Makes me feel really terrible inside.
More tears as I write this part. The wife struggled for years, with a serious thyroid problem, the LORD has sustained her though her stuff. She also has had a bad back, because of a previous car accident. And from having to move me around, helping me, which didn’t help her either, my words. I am 290 lbs, she is 110 soaking wet. Her back isn’t in the best shape because of having to work with me, which is mostly a mans job. The wife just reminded me as she was reading the words that I have put unto paper. I completely forgot about both of us being in car accidents.
The wife was going down our local freeway going to work on a rainy day, when she hit some puddles, and her car started to hydroplane, she must have spun around 3-4 times according to eye wittiness, she bounced off of the concrete median, and totaled her car. And I mean totaled, it was a complete loss. GOD was there with her. Because the only thing that happened was, she lost the middle diamond to her wedding ring, and beat her left hand up hand pretty good, where it smacked the window in the collision.
And she also was hit again in a latter time, in a snowy day. Another car smashed into her, hitting the back of her car. Boy oh Boy. Praise the LORD over all she is been OK. I don’t even know were to start again. There has been so much, I have forgot. Back up to around 2003, my mother had to have a hip surgery, that turned out to be a nightmare.
The local hospital screwed up really bad, they put a tunic-ate on the wrong leg. Which cause a blood clot, which went from a 3 day stay, to a 21 day stay from hell. Quick story, I had found her in the emergency room, after we brought her home, she had been complaining about more pain after she had been released. So we took her back to the emergency room. I had to leave for awhile, after I came back with the wife, I started to search the rooms she had been put into a room and left for dead. When we had found here, we both started to pray to the LORD that he would save her. After we had prayed and the LORD brought her back from death, I believe. When I found her, I don’t think she was still breathing, she was as cold as ice, and had no color left. Finally when we stopped praying, and she came back from the dead. I went and grabbed a doctor, I had given the doctors hell, putting it lightly, to the doctors for leaving her there. Yes praise GOD, she is still alive and doing pretty well today, all things considering. I am getting the point. After the whole thing we had to endure, with my mother hospital stay.
We had left together ,the wife took her own car, home. On my way home, around 10:00 in the evening I believe. I was driving down the road, when an immigrant with no license, ran though a red light and t-boned my, truck totaling the front half of it. Thank GOD , I was just as little sore. Also I have had for many years a serious problem with bleeding out of places that I weren’t supposed to, for at least 7-10 years. Read ( Mark 5:25-26 ) similar story.
We for many years did not , and weren’t able to afford health insurance because of our financial situation, still don’t have any, nor will I ever sign up for the unaffordable health care lie, never. Humans are so stupid, you would sell your grandmother, for a buck. I would rather die!!!!!!!!!!! The wife couldn’t keep her jobs, either she lost it, or the business she worked for just up and closed. As I set here today, February 7th, 2012, my back feels like a webble wobble, pretty darn sore. As I was lying in bed I felt like the LORD wanted me to tell more of my problems and testimony, so here goes. Besides my major accident, I use to lift weights, and power lift, due to all of that, I have (2) torn rota-tor cups, on both of my shoulders, which allows me to toss and turn every 1/2 hour or so while I am asleep. Because my arms and hands go num.
You know, how it feels when you hit your funny bone on your elbow. That’s how I feel, sometimes I lay in tears while the wife sleeps, and I try not to wake her up. Some times to no avails. She will get up and rub ointment, and massages my arms for me, God due I love my wife, I don’t deserve the wonderful wife that GOD bestowed upon me, with tears rolling down my cheeks as I think about, what she has been through. My gut is turning. Still tears welling up. Also I have had a severe pain in my left side for quite sometime, I think this is why I bleed so much, not as much as before, but still there. I lay there in tears from that pain, too.
The wife cant do much for that, I just cry out to the LORD for help. Jump back to 1991-2001. The wife and I lived by our local university, I had forgot all of this. When we got married, we moved into out first little quaint home together, 1200 s/f mansion. The first few years weren’t so bad, but boy around 1998-2001. The parties from the local university were always there, they just seem to have gotten worse over time. I almost, every night got into a fight, with these young devil worshipers, thank GOD I never did. The parties, and the trouble begin. I had my life threatened by a lot of different students, because I would get the local police involved.
Even though they wouldn’t to much, because of the university power and money. So I bought my first, 9 mill, to protect the wife and I. The best thing I ever did! To make along story short, the students broke out our windows in our cars, they poisoned our dogs with strychnine. Thank God, for a local neighbor who saw this and was going to be a vet, she came and saved their lives. So we went to move to our new home, the one we had lost that I had previously talked about. OK this is the around November 2010. When our second home, had gone into foreclosure, and I had explained to you that we had so many days to get out, and the LORD gave us just enough work to move. When we had to move in such a rush.
Pause, I don’t want to put this part down, but I feel I must. Anyway, we found this place by happenstance. We had looked at somewhere around 10-15 other homes, but none would fit the bill, like I had explained before. So we found this home, we said we would move into it, and we would finish cleaning it for the cleaning deposit, what a mistake that was. Come to find out, the previous owner had let the dogs use the basement and house as a toilet. The wife and I, right or wrong, are clean freaks, we cant stand, clutter, and or dirt. So we went head over hells, to clean the place up. Took around 3 weeks from dusk to dawn, to get it clean. Jump forward. As we started to look around the property, we saw strange things I believe someone had previously being doing, some sort of rituals, they had potions left over in bottles around the yard, there were rocks, and stones in a circle. With some sort of burnt, idols in the middle.
The mirror in the garage, had writing’s around the mirror, regarding the zodiac, sighs and other word symbols. I took and knocked all of the rocks over that were like this. I took my hammer and chopped all of the sighs around the mirror, and rebuked them in the name of JESUS. Just o to let you know there are such things, that are in the Bible, as territory spirits, demons, and devils. There was a bottle of protection potion left in the house, I had asked the landlords, why they hadn’t thrown it away, they replied they were scared to, so I rebuked it , and went into the garbage. After we moved in, and finally got the house to were it was just, livable. Strange things, happened. After, I had just scraped, all of the crap off of the basement floor, and powered washed, and had used (5) gallons of bleach, and other cleaners to get the house, clean so I could paint it.
The basement looked brand spanking new, even smelled clean. Low and behold, the pipes from the septic tank, had collapsed and the waste backed up into the basement and flooded the newly painted floor, (3 ) separate times, I had to repaint the floor. The landlord couldn’t afford to fix it, so we had to bag , all of the toiletries for at least 3 weeks, no dumping anything in the septic, how fun that was. Makes you want to be a Christian. We had mice, and rats, in the area, and in the house. I finally got all of the holes plugged, to stop that. But the bats were a another thing, they had some how found a way to get into the house, I believe I caught at least (4) of them, and threw them out side to get rid of them. We also had strange things happen in the kitchen. I believe , because I put poison outside, the rats and mice would eat the poison and crawl, into the attic and die.
The ceiling was tongue and grove. I am sure you all have seen what happens to anything that dies, that maggots come to polish off the leftovers. Well guess what ,when the maggots finally finished their meals, they begin to drop into the kitchen and our eating area. This went on for many months. Oh how fun this was. I use to get really mad what the LORD, he knew how clean the wife and I was. We had to protect, and watch all what we ate, these things every morning would be crawling all over the kitchen counter top. And the worse of all, we were stuck there we had no more money, we couldn’t, scratch a penny to save our souls to move, so we just dealt with it the best way we could, oh joy, joy. For (2) years, we stayed.
I could go on with more, but I think this will suffice. You get the point. So if you are going through a trial, it could be much worse. More tears, as I write this. Have to stop for a minute, to compose my self. OK I am back. My back, I have always had a bad back, but it slowly has gotten worst, as time has gone by. I have (2) herniated discs, I forget which number, but lower area. Since I had my accident, my back has gotten worst, like I said I feel like a webble wobble. In the morning when I wake up, I will be either leaning to the left, or one morning leaning to the right. I feel like sometimes, I am just going to split in half, one side of my body is going to separate from the other, and just lye there in a pile of flesh.
As I sit hear I can feel my back popping in and out, it really scares me it’s not normal. I cant count the days and nights, that I have laid crying out in pain, the wife crying with me, trying to rub ointment to help my pain. To no avail, I just have had to learn to live with it. When we get work , the LORD must rap his own hands around me, when I go to work having to lift hundreds of pounds of weight, as the wife and I work. Jump back 2004, when I got injured, Before and after surgery, I have never in my life have felt as much pain as I did, before, my surgery and especially after. I had to sleep on the couch, for (4 )months because I laid screaming out at the top of my voice like I was literally on fire. Crying unto the LORD to take the pain away. I had to walk with a Cain for a 1 1/2 years.
I think sometimes the neighbors could here me scream, probably thought the wife and I were fighting, or something like that. And we lived on a acre of ground. The wife use to go back to bed crying and praying to GOD, that he would heal me. I think sometimes she is tougher than me, she has had to watch me suffer so much, and still stays strong, she always, has been there for me no matter what I do, or how much I suffer. Which I think a lot of wife’s, and /or husbands would have left, and divorced over this. But we both believe what the Bible says about divorce. Death, and in sickness and health. She is always massaging me, rubbing me, cooking for me, she has just been there for me much more them I ever deserve.
Because as a husband you are taught, more tears, as I write this part. We re taught to be the provider, but I haven’t been able to give her what she wants. The LORD has always given us both what we need, but not the things she desires in her heart. Still unto this day, March 4th, 2014. I still have health issues. Now you ask why? Me too! Is it my lack of faith, because works are no good without faith. JESUS says ( Mark 9:19 ) One thing is for sure, don’t give up. Some of you like me might never get healed, GODS will be done, some may die. I cant tell you why this is, I am not GOD, nor do I have understanding as to why this happens. I no CHRIST said in numerous places we were sent to heal the sick, that includes us. Is it because we are a wicked generation? A generation that has walked way from GOD. You tell me! I know everybody in CHRIST has a different walk, some Apostles, Pastors, Preachers, Profits, and Healers. The questions is why isn’t it operating fully in the body of CHRIST, some it is, but not all, that’s for sure.
A question, how’s your marriage, doing?
I think a lot of marriages would have been broken up, in a case like ours, because of our health, and financial situations. The fights that we have had, and all of the stress that has almost killed us, but the LORD has used our adversity to make us stronger, which has brought us closer together. We both believe and understand what the LORD say in scripture, that you cannot divorce, unless the other person has been unfaithful. ( Matthew 5:31-32) Some days are worse than others we both still struggle today, matter of fact as I was writing this, I ask the wife to give me a hug. So she came over and gave me a ice cold hug.
Don’t think our live has been hunky dory , it hasn’t been. She has struggled a lot, with all of my issues, she wanted to go to school to get her degree, even though this is worldly thing. She hasn’t been able to accomplished her dreams, in a since because of my health issues and our financial situation. When you say until sickness and/ or death do us apart, it’s not a catch fraise to us, the marriage vows we took before the LORD meant something, not like people today, even a lot of Christians get divorced for selfish reasons. There are so many marriages today that are walking in sin, because they have separated for a lot less, of problems then ours. If you think your marriage is failing it’s not. The both if your are failing in your, faith and your walk with CHRIST.
The LORD says you can only divorce, because of infidelity, no other reason. I know a lot of you are going to get mad, because of your husbands, and / or wife’s drug abuse, physical abuse, or whatever excuse you can come up with. Most marriages fail because we are trying to change our wife, and / or husband. When we should be looking at our own self’s, and allowing the LORD to take the beam out of eyes first before we, try to judge are spouses. Look what JESUS say ( Mark: 6:12 ). I did no write the book, I am just copying what it says, you deal with the rest. You must repent, and pray that the Lord heals your marriage.
The Homosexuals, sadly today, probably have a less of a divorce rate, then Christians, woe unto you and I. CHRIST said but from the beginning of the creation GOD made them male and female. This is not for homosexuals, that is an abomination unto the LORD. I don’t care if you don’t want to hear it, it is what it says it is. I will write more about this later, Right is right, and wrong is wrong. This subject raises the hair on my neck and makes me sick, to my stomach. Sin is sin, you can’t wash it, or disguise it away. See homosexual. finish our testimony, then come back. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife.
And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore GOD hath joined together, let not man put asunder. And CHRIST says Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband, and marry to another, she committeth adultery. I did not say it. But GOD meant it. So we believe it, how about you? How big is your problems, you ask? Worse then ours, better! Don’t let the devil allow you to sin, and walk away from your marriage. You can work it out, but by the grace of GOD go we, can still testify to the word of GOD. Here’s more scripture, read ( Matthew 19:9 )
I know, why haven’t I gone to the doctor?
The main reason why is because of scripture, ( Mark 5: 25-26 ) and I don’t believe in today’s doctors, and or medicines, not the forced crappy ass, new mandated illegal unaffordable kill care system. Also I didn’t want to rack up a $200,000 dollar debt, die and leave my wife with the bills, a funeral is much cheaper. CHRIST say, ( John 12:25 ) He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. Also the government isn’t going to fix the problem, they are going to make the problem worse. The industry is ripe with, lies, deceit, gross and vile medicines that only make your problems, worse. They only give you a longer life and a more miserable one.
If you see an FDA approved drug, run don’t walk it is only going to kill you slowly. They re all liars, they are corrupt as the day is long. The pharmaceuticals companies don’t care about you, wake up! I am not saying that every thing is bad, but almost, use you discernment, have faith that the LORD will fix your problem, or guide you as what drug you should use, if at all! They are only going to take your money, and you are going to die, a slow and miserable death. In scripture , ( Luke 8:43 )( Luke 8:46 ) & ( Luke 8:48 ) there was a woman that had been bleeding for a period of ( 12 ) years. It clearly says that she has spent every last penny she has had on doctors, to no avail. Some things this world can not cure. You will only be healed by, the Grace of GOD, and the faith that you can stand on.
Her faith is what cured her, and her love of JESUS. The only thing that keeps me going is the wife, and my family. I hate this world & my life, ( John 12:25 ) and you should to. We are aliens of this world, we are just passing through, if you belong to CHRIST. I am not saying I don’t struggle with my flesh, I would love to have a Nissan GTR, but I digress. I still have worldly desires, write or wrong. I would love to have another home, I am a Gardner at heart, I miss that the most, of not having a home. But Christ has to come first, and I cannot worship these worldly things. If they come again, that’s OK, if they don’t that’s OK too. I cant take anything with me. It’s all hay and stubble, it will all burn up at the end, don’t hold onto these things they are fruitless. God knows your heart, and where you place things, either in front of him, or behind him, what say you? But we are supposed to have the LORD’S desires for us, we are not suppose to have any of our own. We are suppose to, die a little piece of us each day. The moral and message of this testimony is don’t give up, keep the faith, it will all work out at the end, thy LORDS will be done. (Luke 22:42 )
Only the LORD and my wife, knows what we have been through, except now today, as I write this testimony.
Our family and friends tells us that we give them hope and strength, because we, especially me still profess CHRIST, more then I ever have before. I am loud and proud, of my father. My Love for the Father & Son has grow exponentially during these hard times. Not easy!!! You have to make your own decision about these issues, don’t take mine. I say the worse thing I can do is to die, and to be with the LORD, amen. I pray when I die he calls me a good and faithful servant. This is my choice I don’t expect you to understand, mine and I probably wont understand yours.
That’s why GOD gave us free will. Either my lack of faith it will do me in, or GOD will hear my prayers, and I will be healed, thy GODS will be done, not my will. I am still here. I am not leaving without a fight, I still have things to do for the LORD. That’s why I believe I am still alive, plugging along. If I die thy LORDS will be done. I know, I could have gotten disability because I was injured on the job, you say! But I have so much disdain and contempt towards evil, the LORD says to despise evil, ( Luke 10:19-20 ) and also to pray for your enemies. Which is hard to do, I barely can. I refuse to take disability from a ( Proverbs 29:2) corrupt, rotten, filthy, lying, deceiving, apostate, baby killing, homosexual aggrandizing, gun running, drug selling, devil worshiping bunch of hybrid soulless creatures ( With Black Soulless Eyes ) and sons of perdition. ( The White House of Death, whom ever sits on it’s throne ) You that are in the dark you can not( Proverbs 28:1 ) hide because. CHRISTS says( Luke 12:3 )I would rather die then to take part, ( Matthew 21:13 ) of the filthy rotten, vile money changers, we have in the corrupt congress, especially the lying apostate presidents, supreme court, ( Zechariah 14:12 ) that are in the government today, and especially in the past ( Mark 10:31 ) on both sides of the vile isle, of the devilpubs ( Luke 11:17 ) and demoncrats. ( Luke 6:24-25 ) Listen up sinners, blasphemers, ( Mark 6:11 ) That belong to the skull and bones,club of rome, masons, agenda 21, and new world order, and alike.( Luke 13:3 ) There are so many of these demonic cults, that worship porn, porn stars, homosexuality, fornication, drugs, hollywierd,lying apostate religions, burning mans, marti graws, prostitutes, abortions-50 million,
devil worshiping government officials, we are a ( Matthew 13:49-50 ) generation of vipers,( Isaiah 55:7 ) sinners, walking dead, devil, demons, spirits, hybrids, test tube creations, fallen angels, anti christs, new agers, idolaters, fornicators,( Jude 1:7 ) feel good, lying, apostate churches, gossiping, back biting, sooth saying,necromancer, card reading, ( Deuteronomy 18:10-11)wizards, shamans, voodoo, witchcraft, witch doctors, sorcerers, palm readers,medium, divination, false prophets, astrology, remote viewing, numbers reading, and all other ( Galatians 1:8 ) false religions and their teachings out there among these groups of hybrid soulless creatures,
and that’s putting it lightly, or whatever they are, I would have to use up a page, they are not worth my time, even if I spelled all of them out. Remember JESUS will separate the wheat from the ( Things ) chaff, ( Isaiah 5:24 ) I’ll bet dollars to donuts that your souls, most of you are going to be the chaff, ( I have another word for them) But I can’t put on this blog, and will be going to hell. ( John 17:8-9) JESUS says I pray not for the world. For those who fail to learn from their past our doomed to repeat their failures, or past.
Sound familiar, Sodom and Gomorrah, Noah’s flood. Boy oh Boy. Look at the Romans, Mayans, Egyptians, you name the civilization that turned against, GOD. ( Psalm 33:12 ) Especially the leaders, that have been corrupted by the devil, and allowed his ways to be their ways. Show me any nation that has walked away from the LORD, and is still standing today, ( Luke 11:17 ) there is none. We have brought GODS righteous judgment upon our selves, by turning away from GODS HOLY COMMANDMENTS, we deserve what shall GODS will be done? Also as you get closers unto the LORD, you will be able to discern them, the hybrid soulless creatures of the devil. Their eyes are the lights to their soul ( Luke 11:34 ).
Even the media on TV today, their eyes are as black as the ace of spades, not all but most, you can tell they have no soul. Probably some sort of hybrid, man or whatever. Some soulless creature, from some test tube. JESUS says ( Luke 2:23 ) As it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the LORD. They have no expression in their face, pretty creepy. I can look right through them, who has no soul, and are possessed by the devil.The national media, and local news cast, have so much contempt for the LORD, it makes me sick. They are all going to burn in hell, ( Matthew 25:41 ) if they don’t repent, and turn back towards the LORD.
For those of you who try to come against the wife and I. ( Luke 12:4-5 )We take and put on our whole Armour of GOD. We have our loins girt about the truth, our breastplate of JESUS’S righteousness; our feet shod with the Gospel of peace, that you can not take. Above all the Shield of Faith, that quench all of you fiery darts cast upon us from the wicked, We put on the Helmet of salvation, praise be unto the FATHER in Heaven, and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the word we read, and the word that you are reading put in this blog, Amen and Amen.
CHRIST says what shall come against you, if I am for you. Nothing can! ( Psalm 18:2 ) If you knew what they did behind closed doors, it would make you vomit, and you would loose faith in humanity.The Lord knows, and is watching all! I don’t think as humans, we can know how evil man has become, and the same time how fast and far, technology is changing the human race, as we no it. Get it, hybrids, trans humanism, super soldiers, and alike. And how black their hearts, and souls have become. We only have to look today, to see where we are heading, right into the gates of perdition. Wake up! There is no sides there is only GOD’S side and the devils side, which side do you belong too? JESUS says that you are either with him or against him. You can not serve to masters, ( Luke 16:13 ) you will serve one or the other.
I WILL SERVE ONLY GOD, NOT MAN, NO WAY IN HELL. Hopefully CHRIST will separate out his children if there are any left up in Washington, before GODS judgment comes. I feel sorry of each and every human being when they die, woe unto them. And the sad part is they are aware of this. But don’t care. They hate the LORD and what he stands for, they world rather give their souls to the devil then, be with the LORD.( Luke 6:22 ) We were, and still are beat up by the I.R.S. , and everyone else you could imagination. Bankers, credit card companies, you name it.I pray to the Lord to win the lottery, so we can get out from the persecution of our debtors. It’s destroying the wife’s and mine heath.
People cursed at us, we eventually went bankrupt do to we could not pay our bills because, of our financial situation, and my health. Mind you this has went on for around 14 years it just progressively got worst as time went on. And still going strong today, March 4th 2014. To be honest with you I can’t remember all that happened , I have blocked a lot of it out, because it sometimes still discourages, and depresses me to this day.
I know, but stay with me. It all will make since.
Lets step back 10 years. After the Wife and I came to CHRIST, around 1999-2000 we wound up at a BIBLE study class with some of our fellow brother and sisters that the LORD lead us to. We were in the class for approximately 6-8 years.
When we began to start our trial, our fellow brothers and sisters, really did not want to hear about it, any more, they thought that we were cursed, so did I. I use to come to the table, and cry out in tears. But I felt like no one really cared, because when you are in a trial , no body wants to be in your position, if there is such a thing that can happen. I still to this day remember that none of the brother and sisters had much to say, they could not understand why this continued on for so many years. I remember my fellow brothers and sisters telling me about their own trials that they had passed, and some were still in. Most of them said that a lot of people came to their rescue, with prayers, and or financial support, to make their payments on their homes, brought them food , helped pay their bills, or whatever.
They were their for them spiritually, people would come over to their homes an prayed for them. Due to all of their judgment and dispersions they cast upon us, ( Luke 17: 3-4 ) we were left to defend for ourselves, because they were never there for us when we needed them the most, especially spiritual support, and / or financial support. Even if at that time , because of my pride, which GOD hates, I probably wouldn’t have excepted financial help. But prayers, friendship, and ear to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, I would have cherished, and loved it. I would have embraced them hole heartedly. Many nights in tears, I could not understand why we were abandoned by are fellow brothers and sisters.
Read ( Jeremiah 17-5) & ( Jeremiah 17-7) Always pray to the LORD to check yours, and mine hearts, make sure you and I aren’t allowing a demon, to hold unforgiveness in your heart, woe unto you and me. Also See ( Matthew 5:22 ) The one thing the LORD has taught us is you cannot trust man, he will let you down every time. You can only depend upon him. ( Luke 21:8 ) Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying I am CHRIST; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them. ( Mark 13:12 ) Now the brother shall betray brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause then to be put to death. I am not telling you to be against all of your family members and friends, but CHRIST, he says I am telling you trust in me only, put me first ( #1) for all of your needs, as humans we will always fail to do what is right.
We are not GOD, nor shall we ever to be able to compare to CHRIST’S love for his children, stay close my friends. Also read ( Luke 14:26 ), it’s hard to understand sometimes, but it is GODS written word, it’s there for a reason, pray about it. What I believe and have heard is the LORD meant, don’t put anything, and / or your family first, otherwise he won’t welcome you. ( John 8:47 )Remember he is a Jealous GOD, Time is short, I believe, stay alert, don’t get lazy. Except for a few family members, we felt like a plaque and / or curse had been brought upon us ( Psalm 23:4 ). Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me; for us thy rod and thy staff they comfort me (us). The wife always told me it was because of my preaching and my LOVE for CHRIST, that we have so many trials.
You have to read Job, to understand, where we have been and what the LORD has allowed us to go through. I am not by any means comparing our lives to Job, the LORD called him Perfect ( Job 1:1 ). He also lost all of his family, including his children, business, and livestock, and of course his friends despised him, they thought he was doing something wrong, and continually judged him. He also got very depressed and wanted GOD to take his life, he struggled a lot. Job’s wife told Job to curse GOD and die,( I fell really short here) but he wouldn’t, ( I did,) even though he was angry at times. I feel like Job, because most of our friends and family, especially my fellow brothers and sisters in CHRIST, abandoned us. Similar to how Jobs friends abandoned and judged him. Again I am nothing like Job, I know were I came from, and it wasn’t good. The LORD told us to pray for our families, friends, and brothers and sisters in CHRIST. ( JOB 42:10 )
SIDE NOTE: This is upon my heart!
I believe that things are going to completely fall apart at some time, sooner rather then later. I am not sure, discernment is a gift, we all should all desire it. It takes a lot of praying and reading, and fasting. Either way, you will not be able to survive without being close to CHRIST, otherwise you will have to take the mark of the beast, 666. (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12 )The LORD tells us, to always be prepared to keep you lamp oil full. ( Matthew 25:1-13 ) Don’t be the ones caught with out your lamp shining bright ,you don’t want to be left out of GODS kingdom.
Read your bible, nobody including me, knows the time, nor the day. Be wary of other people spouting off about you still have 10, 20 or 50 years before CHRIST returns. JESUS says ( Matthew 24:48 ) But if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My Lord delayeth his coming;( Luke 21:36 ) Don’t be lackadaisical. Remember CHRIST ( Revelation 16:15 ) is going to come like a thief in the night.(1 Thessalonians 5:2 ) Don’t listen to all of the muck that is out there, be prepared,don’t be deceived. ( Matthew 7:15 ) If you don’t ever see the return of CHRIST, while you are still alive, you have lost not. ( Matthew 24:46 ) You did what you were commanded too! Even Paul, said (1 Thessalonians 5:6 ) Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. Look at what CHRIST said ( Matthew 24:44 ) Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as you think not the Son of man cometh.
Read ( Mark 13: 35-37 ) CHRIST gave a warning.For all you Preachers and pastors, be very careful as to what you preach,( Held Twice Accountable ) I have heard a lot about the future, you are assuming that there is going to be one, you don’t know. JESUS says ( Luke 17:26-36 ) because they were unprepared, which a lot of you are spouting off! Are you that evil servant that CHRIST is talking about, ask yourself? I am talking about the future of CHRIST to come, you are condemning a lot of your brothers and sister telling them they have time! No man knows the day or hour. Shut up. You are going to stand before CHRIST!( Mark 13:5 )
Do not believe me, and I mean it. Do your own research, I can be wrong, but the bible say what it says. It does not lie, but man can, so study for yourself, get it? Remember JESUS says ( Luke 21:8 ). If you listen to the lies that our out there,( Luke 8:13 ) you will be denied CHRIST, according to his book. GODS children have had to endure for 2000 years the return of his SON. I know it’s tough, but it is GODS way of keeping us close to him so we don’t fall back into the world. Which by believing that CHRIST wont return for a long time, allows the devil to turn us way from the LORD, which is what his whole being of existence is about. The devil hates( John 17: 14-16) you and me, because we love the LORD, stay strong, don’t give into pressure and / or all of the lies that are out there. Don’t get caught with your guard down, ( Matthew 7:15 ) that’s what the enemy wants and hopes that you will do.
Bare with me this all has a point!
I pray in the name of JESUS that this does not make you stumble. If you do see this time come, do not take any mark of any kind ( Mark 13:22 ) , on your forehead or right hand, whether it is a chip, mark, number, tattoo

or anything they tell you to. ( Revelation 13;17) And no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name 666. If you can’t and /or not willing to fight then, take the bullet, or what ever death they threaten you with, if you don’t , WOE unto you JESUS says, you will have eternal damnation, this is no joke. (Revelation 1:18 ) CHRIST says he has the keys of hell and death.
This is not an option for me, I am a Warrior unto my GOD. Read ( Ecclesiastes 3: 3 ) There’s a time to kill, and a time to heal; When they tell you to take the mark of the beast 666, ( Revelation 19:20 ) that’s a time to fight unto death. ( Ecclesiastes 3:2 ) A time to be born, and a time to die; You had better be ready to die , by the hand of man rather then be cast into hell by taking the mark of the beast # 666, woe unto you. Read ( Revelation 3:5 ) CHRIST, you must overcometh, or he will blot you name out, from the book of life.
Listen up especially you moms and dads, someday you may have to make a choice, to watch your family starve to death, remember can’t buy nor sell.You will be martyred, it will be one the hardest decisions you will ever have to make! it is better than casting yours and their souls into hell, where they will be punished by the devil for eternity. There is a time coming. ( Matthew 24:24 ) I don’t know if we will see, but I believe it is coming , in the next few years, could be more, but of course no one knows the day nor hour, when CHRIST will return, but we are to watch for the signs. Don’t you dare to consider to take your own children’s lives, thinking this will get them out of what is to come, woe unto you. And there are more prevalent signs today, then there has ever been before.
Look at the laws and the control, see technology is slowly coming down against you, especially Believers, Wake up. You are going to have to make a choice. Prepare your souls, and listen to the HOLY GHOST. As I sit here one night listening to a false preacher from one of the mega churches, talking about don’t let nobody talk you down. Has no crosses in his church. I believe he was also referring to himself, which lately he has been scrutinized because he only speaks have truths, of the Bible. Only talks about Christs, love and forgiveness. But nothing about sin, and /or repentance. The cornerstone of Jesus’s life. He belongs to the devil, as well as most of these false pagan preachers, woe unto you!
Ask your self this question, if your life is all hunky dory, or it just is flying right by without to many problems, you ask? JESUS states so many times in scripture about his children, that are going to suffer if they follow him, are you? Look what CHRIST says about this matter! You ask why did CHRIST say ( Matthew 22:14 ) For many are called, but few are chosen. Ask yourself which one are you? Are you living a easy life and are no harm to your enemy, because your life with CHRIST is as dead as a door mat, or are you on fire for the LORD, you ask?
How comfy is that couch, you ask. Too busy, with the kids, wife, vacations, careers, or what ever. Are you a disciple, or a Pharisee, you ask? All through the Bible JESUS says take up my cross daily. Are You? He says( Matthew 5:14-15 ) Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid, are you? Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. ( Acts 20:24 ) How bright is your house, you ask? Pretty dark huh? I am not saying that every body is going to have a miserable life, GODS will be done. That’s why I truly believe why JESUS said what he said, a lot of you have been called, but because you wont take up that Cross daily, and preach the word, you may be one of the ones that aren’t chosen, what say you?
Why take a chance?
Look at this scripture, JESUS states that he has lost not one of his children. ( John 17:12 ). So sometime, it’s hard to comprehend, each and every verse. But As long as your candle is burning bright, you don’t have to worry. It is like having an insurance policy. Don’t let yours expire. If it does, at the end of your life it is with zip, get it? Are you producing fruit, how’s your seed doing, you ask? See ( Mark 4:15-23 )( Hebrews 12: 5-10 , Matthew 10:22, Matthew 10:32-33, Matthew 19:28, Mark 8:38, Mark 12:30-31, Luke 3:9, Luke 4:18, Mark 7: 22-23, Luke 10:2, Luke 11:34, Luke 12:4-5, Luke 13:24, Luke 14:33, Luke 16:13, Luke 18;25, Luke 24:47, John 3:3-8, John 12:25, John 14;21, John 15:1, 2 Thessalonians 1:4),I could go on ,on , on , and on, there is so much more. Look I am not saying that I understand GOD at all, I am only showing you what the BIBLE says. I have great reverence and fear of the LORD, I am scared to be without JESUS.
I cant unequivocally state that for 100% sure that I am going to be there with him. But I am going to try to finish my race, I know what is on the other side, I hope that JESUS sees it as good enough. As I sit here contemplating what has just become a short story, about our life’s journey. I know it sounds like fire and brimstone, and it has felt like it at times. I want you to know, I don’t like to argue with GOD and the LORD but, I don’t always agree with them, as a dumb human, that’s why the LORD says not to lean on your own understanding. I don’t believe he really cares about my opinion, because I am nobody in the scheme of things, or any human opinion for that matter.
As a Born Again believer, walking with the LORD trying to do my best to insure my FATHER allows me to be up with him in HEAVEN. I still today, tell the LORD sometimes I wish there was no GOD or devil at all, I say this because of what awaits most people of this world. It’s hard for me still today, to understand why GOD choose me, before the foundation ( Ephesians 1 3:5 ) of the world were ever created. Because there are so many other people that deserve to be with GOD, other then me. It really bothers me sometimes to tell the truth, about what is going to happen to the human race if they don’t repent.
I as well, will never understand GOD, as to why he even created the human race if he knew , that Adam & Eve were going to bite into the apple of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Knowing that, a lot of humans would choose the evil path, instead of the straight and narrow way into HEAVEN. I am just being honest with you who ever reads this. I don’t know what the LORD thinks about how I feel sometimes, because I talk to him a lot. I don’t know whether he listens to me or not, but I still tell him how I feel. My heart even feels a little heavy as I am writing this paragraph. All I can say is that what I have wrote to you is the truth, only GODS children are revealed the truth, another thing I ask GOD a lot about.
My heart has always been heavy, since I have came to the LORD, because of the responsibility , the LORD has bestowed upon me, as a disciple of CHRIST, I am going to be judged not by GOD but by the LORD as to what I have done for him. I walk a fine line even asking the LORD why are the things the way they are. Look at what he told ( JOB 40:2, ) GOD said ,Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct him? he that reproveth GOD, let him answer it. Job replied ( Job 40:4 ), Behold I am vile; what shall I answer thee? I will lay mine hand upon my mouth. The only reason why I am sticking my neck out, is because of the compassion the LORD has taught me. It really, deep breath, again, well it just hard to see what is coming unto the world because of mans sins and his love of the devil. All I can say is the truth will set you free. What you just read is the truth, like it or not. I did not right the book, GOD wrote it with his finger into the hearts of men. You will no what I told you, when each and everyone of you Passover to the other side, it won’t be what you think, I guarantee it.
Please repent for the sake of your soul, you know the drill I explained it to you earlier. I am feeling a little woozy, I am going to pray about this, I don’t want the LORD mad at me. Later. The next day. Remember GOD is HOLY & Righteous ( Timothy 2– 4:8 ), Jealous( Exodus 20:5 ), Vengeful Judgment ( John 16:8 ) and can also have Anger ( Psalms 103:8 ), don’t under estimate who he is, he has destroyed the world completely once already with the flood of Noah. And his SON is coming back again with a vengeance because, man will not repent( Revelation 2:5 ), woe unto you and I.( Revelation 3:3 ). Thank GOD, that GOD is slow to anger, but Don’t forget the most important, which I have explained before is his LOVE.( Ephesians 3:19 ), ( John 3:16) You cannot explain GOD’S LOVE, the Greek word ‘agapas; has for his children. You must Repent, Repent & Repent. ( Luke 13:3 ), ( Luke 15:10 ) The LORD had me come back to tell you not to take him lightly just because I can approach him carefully, he is my Father , and your GOD of internal judgment, ( 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 ) if your not BORN AGAIN.
Don’t miss judge who he is, look at ( 1 Corinthians 10:8-10 ) During the Exodus of Egypt, GODS children at that time the Jews, were complaining about wanting to have meat, they were tired of manna, murmuring , about the bread from GOD. Because of their disobedience , they sacrificed the animals that the LORD had given unto them. They scarified them unto their idols, then ate the meat big mistake, and were fornicating against GODS will. So out of his righteous and Just Anger, he smote 20,003 people in one day, they just dropped dead, and fell over.
Don’t forget about King David. To sum it up King David, had a census done on his kingdom, ( 2 Samuel 24:10-16 ) in front of the LORD. His heart smote him after he had done this mistake. He told the LORD I have greatly sinned against thee. For I am a fool. The next morning Gad, King David’s seer, came to him with a message from the LORD. Telling King David that he had three ( 3 ) choices, as to what GODS punishment was to be for what David had done, unto the LORD. He could either have 7 years of famine? Second choice was he could flee the kingdom for three months.
(Quote from e-sword )
( Two of these David had already experienced. He had fled for some months before Absalom, and had suffered three years’ of famine on account of the slaughter of the Gibeonites. )
The 3rd choice the LORD gave King David was, there was to be 3 days of pestilence in thy land? He said let us fall into the hand of the LORD. Not into the hand of man. He chose the third one, so the LORD sent a pestilence upon the land, and 70,000 men died. ( THIS HAPPENED MAINLY BECAUSE KING DAVID COUNTED THE MEN IN HIS KINGDOM AS HIS, BY TAKING AWAY GODS GLORY, THE LORD SMOTE 70,000 MEN BECAUSE OF IT). As I was saying GOD is not what everyone thinks he is, He is Love. He is a HOLY and Righteous GOD. But don’t miss judge who he is your soul depends on it. That’s why he sent his only Begotten SON, because he is a Just GOD, it was very difficult before CHRIST, to enter in to GODS kingdom. Today, you just have to believe and ask his SON for his forgiveness of your sins.
Bare with me this all has a point!
I pray in the name of JESUS that this does not make you stumble. Remember what Paul the Apostle, said to the (Colossians 4:6 ) Paul said let your speech alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. This whole blog is HOLY SPIRIT driven, I wrote and preached what I was inspired to. But you can see the power and the truth, that has been put on into blog, GOD is awesome. Look what CHRIST said in ( Matthew 5:13-16 ) The Body of CHRIST, the called out ones, the escalates. Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savoir, whereforth shall it be salted?
It is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your FATHER which is in Heaven.
I have already told you, fellow bothers and sisters in CHRIST, if you aren’t on fire, and the HOLY SPIRIT isn’t operating in you, you ask? Where are you in GODS King-dome, I surely don’t, know that’s between you and the LORD. Fear the LORD, which means LOVE him, obey his word, read, and live his word.
Also one last thing that I want to confess, as to why some trials like the wife’s and mine has gone on so long. Not positive, but some trials are just out of love, others, are to correct yours and my behavior. Some I believe the LORD just hides his face from his children, during hard and tumultuous times, is to get you to seek his face. OK the last, which could possibly be ours, not sure but here goes. I don’t think ours was so much from being disobedient, because I had not really back slid den, away from the LORD, because I was so great full, for my salvation. Even though the Lord has continued to show me my indiscretions throughout my walk with him, and to have me rebuke the devil, and his ways.
But we were diffidently sinners and in need of our temples of being cleansed, of these things I have explained to you about, earlier. During my life I have always been pretty athletic, I don’t mean, playing allot of sports, but, some hiking, weight lifting and just in general, love to work with my hands. OK, after I got injured, on my job. Back earlier in my testimony, I had told you I was sleeping on the couch, screaming out in pain. During those times I was taking a exurbanite amount of pain pills to take the burning pain away. One day when I was in so much pain, I trying to make light of this, and I mean it, don’t do what I did. This all culminated because of the drugs I was taking, the suffering, the financial problems, losing what we had, that we worked our butts off for. So I really, really, really, bitter, and angry, with GOD.
Remember the demons, devils, and the spirits. Well this was really before I understood what was going on, never the less. I opened the door big time, and possibly the LORD brought more problems into my life because I did. I cursed into heaven, and said things unto the FATHER , SON, and I think the ( Mark 3:28-29 ) HOLY GHOST, but can’t remember, I was so doped up, sore afraid, serious as a heart attack. But I guess I will find out when I die. It makes me afraid to even think about the possibility. I know it was not from me, but of the devil, pushing me off of the cliff. Because I have so much Love of the FATHER, SON & HOLY GHOST, the Trinity. God I hope I didn’t. I diffidently, was borderline as to quenching the HOLY GHOST I believe. Maybe it’s the devil, molesting my thoughts trying to convince me I did. I can’t tell you one way or another. I don’t remember, much of that time.
But I hope because of CHRIST, as my intercessor, he kept GOD from snuffing me out. And will save me from eternal damnation. This is on thing I am not joking about. This is the only unforgivable sin. GOD has smote for much less. GOD says not to curse( Matthew 5:34 ) into Heaven. I know GOD forgives, except for one, but what about forgets. Look at what happened to the Israelite s, during their exodus, they complained, murmured, worshiped unto idols, fornicated and got angry, so GOD prevented them from entering into the promise lands. He made them wander the desert for 40 years, until all of that generation who had complained had died off. Before his Grace had returned. Just a thought, I hope I am wrong, because I am, and already do, regret what I have done unto the LORD. Especially because I love him so much. Just a thought.
I have lost track, as to how many times I have had my face in tears , and on the floor asking GOD to come back, and not to hide his face from me no more. All of the problems, suffering, financial loss, isn’t so much my complaints. It’s the LOVE and the closeness, of just knowing him, that I told you about during the Honeymoon period. God I miss that Agape Love, unless you Know JESUS, you will never know what I am referring to. It’s been around 14 years since I have felt that LOVE I was talking about, I hope I don’t have to wait until, my last breath. I am gong to be so lonely, waiting, and longing for my FATHER and his son, to shine their face upon mine, once again.
Oh how long oh LORD, before you put they enemies underneath our feet.
Oh How long oh LORD, before you bestow, us with that Love that we yearn for.
Oh How long oh LORD before you counsel our souls, with all of our grief.
Oh How long Oh LORD, before, you hear all of our supplications.
Oh How long oh LORD, before we are able to hear your soft, gentle and loving voice.
Oh how long oh LORD, before you restore, what the devil has taken from us.
Oh how long oh LORD, before you hear our cries in the wilderness.
Oh ho long oh LORD will you not see the tears in our faces.
Oh how long oh LORD before you restore, our health.
Oh how long oh LORD, before you hear and answer our prayers.
Oh how long oh LORD. Before you forgive us of our transgressions.
I had to get up for a moment, I got pain in my side, I also have some sort of tumor, on my hip, from carrying my cell phone for the last twenty, years I believe. And my knees are both torn, I have to move a lot. The moral of the story is, just suck it up, shut up, go along with the ride, because you are counted as a SON of the most high, him who chastens his children, out of love. Learn from what GOD is trying to teach you. Don’t fight back, you are going to lose, and it will just prolong, what you are going through.
Maybe after this goes viral, I will be judged, and die. Maybe this is so you don’t follow in my footsteps, and make the same mistakes I did, Maybe? God I am, feeling, empty right now.
If I do die soon, my prayers are for my brothers and sisters in the body of CHRIST, repent, while you still have time. Come back, to his agape, love. Hush, and be quiet. Seal your lips, don’t let the devil, have victory in your lives. Win one for me, let your victory, shine on the mountain tops. One last though, I hate to even admit it, but I would do it, all over again, please LORD don’t. But I know what awaits, humans on the other side. This short miserable 14 years and continuing, is a drop in the bucket in time compared unto an eternity. I hope our Testimony, helped you in some small way.
The Wife’s and My Testimony.If you find mistakes in my English, and Spelling, forgive me I am no English major. This is my first attempt ,to ever to put the Gospel out upon the world. Work in progress! I did the best I was able to. I just told my story, the HOLY GHOST filled the rest in with power and( John 15:26 ) spirit of truth.
May GOD have MERCY on yours, and our souls, who don’t repent, and turn back, and who byes into the great deception to surely come.
JESUS says so clear, woe unto you, how take the mark, 666.
Repent and come back to the living water.