Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where spikes were hammered into his hands and feet, then a sword was thrust into his side,his perfect, sinless blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us
Separating the Wheat from the Chaff
It is Jan, 21 2017. As I watched with true skepticism when the 45th President was elected. My spirit, rose up and asked is he Wheat, or Chaff. You cannot be both. Jesus says that you cannot serve two (2) masters (6 Matthew 6:24) either you will love the one or hate the other. Mr. President, do you Love, your money, power, and famemore then the Lord, you ask? Or are you going to serve the Lord, and reject all that the, wickedness, that is trying to persuade, you with guilt from Hell.
Or are you going to do the right thing, and turn the Country a 180 degrees, and save the nation, as such? Just a thought! Like all of the Presidents, that who have come before, I believe, that they were all CHAFF. He says that you cannot be Luke warm, he will spew you out of his mouth. So true. Again where does the 45th President heart lye, only God knows the truth. Some say that he excepted Jesus as his Savior, if so, and if not, especially he is in big trouble. I know for a fact that the supposed, Conservatives, Democrats, and what ever else you call them, who all came out of the wood work, when the house caught on fire, and they scurried from the corners, into the light, and was exposed as to where their hearts lye, really!
When the ship, was taking on water, and had no faith, they all jumped into the shark infested waters, so all could see the truth, and the Demons from Hell, all attacked the weak, like a roaring Lion. You have all been exposed, you are busted.
You have bought into the big lie of the Devil.
Also, these Demons, from Hellitself, are all praying against, the Lord, and his children and including the 45th President, I pray, that we will finally stand up for the Lord. Amen, and Amen.
First I am not judging the young lady in the hat, I don’t know her heart. God does. But you tell me what these supposed Cat ears, Bunny ears or whatever looks like you tell me?
My heart, sometimes, wants to be the racist they proclaim me to be, sometimes I could give a rats but, if that’s what they say, believe me. I sometimes welcome it! But, again I ,know what the Lord expects from me, to love the sinner, and completely reject, and to stand up against the vile sins, of the world that are being displayed unto the world with these marches, and all in the world, who are following all of the wickedness, that is rearing it’s veiled head, for the abyss. (1 Romans 24:32)Homosexuals, Lesbians, Feminists, Liberalism, Witch Craft, Voodoo ,Card Readers, and all of the rest of the wicked groups, that have a Reprobate mind, that is given unto them, and all who do not want to be told that they are sinners, especially the Gross, Vile, Sick, Demented, Lost soles of the Media, makes me ill to watch.And all are being Judged by the Lord almighty, and are going to Hellin a hand basket, if they don’t repent, and turn from the wickedness on display. you get the drift.
Everything that is against the word of God. Sodom and Gomorrah, get it? The Floods, you no Noah!
These poor soles, who are, and will perish, into the abyss, and burn in Hell, are so full, and possessed by Demons, that don’t even know what they are doing, expect serving the Deviland his dominions, as such.
And especially all of the Hollywood, derelicts, that have sold their soles to the Devil, and seen on You Tube, woe unto you, for you are dammed. And Hell waits for you with open arms.
Christ says he came to set you free. But you must repent, ( Luke 9:56) and repent. Like I said before in the blog, we are at a true crossroads, of this Nation, being completely wiped off the map, and completely obliterated from history, if we do not stop, all of the wickedness, and stand up against the evil, that is trying too prevail, over this Nation, that was once a Christian nation. We must, unequivocally stand up for Jesus’ righteousness, and his dying on the cross, for all sinners like you and me!
The one world religion, that is trying to permeate all over the world, must be stopped. But this will only be temporary, for the Bible clearly, says that it will eventually have to come into completion, so Christ can return to save his children from complete destruction, from the wicked, and the Antichrist.
Butt, until that time, we must all make a stand against, all of the demonic, wicked devil worshipers, that are trying to erode the once values of the greatest Christ centered Nation that it once was!
You have heard it before, this is our Christian Nation, if you don’t like it here get the Hell out of here, period. You can all go back to where it is you came from, I don’t care, take all of your vile, wicked, and hatred for my Father, and his Son, and leave.
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where spikes were hammered into his hands and feet, then a sword was thrust into his side,his perfect, sinless blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us
It is March 13th, Sunday at 9:12 a.m.. I was watching all of the hullabaloo, on the demon possessed media, on both sides of the vileisle. Spewing the hatred for, the front runner of the Devil-cans / Godless Oppressive Provocateurs, GOP.
And the Demoncrats, all spewing the hatred for, someone who is finally standing up for the down trodden middle class, ( I Pray That he is not a shill) who has all been but wiped clean of it’s wealth, homes, and homeland to come, if we don’t stand up and fight against the Homosexuals, Lesbians, Women’s Liberation Movement, Blacks, Latinos agenda, you name the group who all but rammed all of their views down everyone’s Else’s throats, trying to destroy the white male middle class, of this country, and / or any other race, and / or person who dare stands up against the demon possessed culture of hatred, towards the white man, and Christ followers. Like NAACP, la raza, black lives matter, these hate full groups, you name it. Could you imagine, if a White group, started a group, for whites only they would be castigated, get it? KKK, what’s the hell is the difference, not much. If these other groups could get away with murder, oh you mean like the illegal’s immigrants that murder, and rape, Americans, or the blacks that kill each other and other races would they, could they, what say you? I don’t see the difference, what say you?
I know you are all like Mother Teresa, forgive me, so pure right? You cast the first stone, who has no sin!
I can’t believe that I am even writing about this, it’s saddens my heart to see the vitriolic hatred on all sides of the isle. The devil is a magnificent magician, to make everyone believe that he does not exist. Because he has all but destroyed this country, and has gotten into mans, and women’s hearts, to continue his message of hatred towards Jesus, and his children. Like the bible says we reap what we sow. Again, like I have said many times before, we have gotten rid of Gods word about his Son’s sacrifice for all of mankind, that he died on the cross, so man would have a way to come to be with the one( John 14: 6) and only Holy Father God, which demands repentance, so we will be able to read and understand his message of love, and forgiveness that’s is all throughout the Bible, especially the four Gospels.
Where America, as well as all of the world has replaced the Bible with the Devils, envy, hatred, lying, murder, racism, Mal content, blasphemy, anarchy, lawlessness, homosexual, lesbian, you name the vile word, and /or live style that the devil, makes you believe that is OK to act upon, and live the way we do, with out any consequences, to follow.
All through the Bible, God speaks to mankind, as to why he has flooded the earth, and set it on fire. And has allowed all nations that do not repent will fail as a nation, sounds similar, past history right? Those who fail to learn from it’s past are doomed to repeat it again, get it? And refuse too turn back towards him, and denounce the devil, have all been destroyed, from within, it’s own borders, and then another country and/ or force has been allowed to come in a rape, and pillage it’s women and wealth, get it? We are the precipice, of all but not being able to turn back, I believe, so soon!
Unfortunately, the people that we have to elected to the this vile congress, and the kings throne (Plutocracy), are all so corrupted by wealth, and greed that they have all but, destroyed all of the jobs that once supported the middle class, the coming ( New World Order) for all races who desired to work and not suck off of the government tit! Jesus, says if you don’t work you will not eat! If there is no jobs to work, anarchy is what you get, and they have purposefully destroyed this countries, sovereignty, and it’s borders, by the way.
Ask yourself, how do you destroy, a country’s wealth, and it’s sovereignty. You first have to take away, it’s belief in God, then the jobs that supported it’s people. Then you give those few jobs left, to another culture/ nation that does not believe in it’s Constitution, and do not love this country, and want to take it back, good luck with that!
You know that darn bastard of a child, the 2nd amendment. And / or it’s way of life, and it’s Christian heritage, that founded this place.
It befuddles my puny brain as to why the only, and / or most of the ones who are standing up for Jesus and this countries sovereignty are mostly white men, Women hate us, most races all think that we are the devil. Why because, at one time, the people who were born in this country, that happened to be white for what ever reason why God allowed this to be! We came to clean the shit out of your plugged up toilets, we framed you houses, we put the roof over your head. We installed carpets in your homes, we landscaped your yards, you get the drift?Everyone blames us because we happen to have white skin. Which unfortunately matches the color of the skin as to the vile demon possessed men who run the world, it’s not your plumber, idiots, sorry, cant help it, wake up!
I always ask God why that is. A couple of reason is women are brought up to think, that if you stay home to raise a child, that it demeans the women, oh my! Look are a few things, that a women are not able to do, that a man can do. But women has one thing we will be never be able to do, is to continue the human race, ahh no big deal. We will just all but disappear, from the planet, what the hell, no big deal right?
Maybe because the Bible, says that man came first, and women came from Adams, rib, what say you? And the Biblesays that women are not to preach the Gospel, read (Timothy 2:12), But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be silent. (Timothy 2: 13) For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And women is not be in front of man, not my words read the Bible? Just telling you what it says. Maybe because the whole world, and the great Allah, the (DEVIL) himself says that, the white man oh my! Is the devil in disguise who needs to be wiped off the earth, ( Koran) and everyone cheers, as we get are heads chopped, drowned in cages, and that is acceptable, but decent, at a rally, which has the 1st Amendment to back it up! Possibly because as the U.S.S.R, and Europeans nations fell, like us soon to be. All of the communists, sound familiar even today, somehow, as well as their scientists, were allowed to come over here, and get into the local schools, and universities to destroy the minds of our youth, to believe in themselves, only. Selfies, get it. And to believe that when they die we will all come back as a happy bunch of idiot’s. But they will all be cast into the lake of fire, as all of the teachers, and vile humansthat have planned this from the beginning of time, since Eve bit the apple.
Look all I know that this black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, president, this is how we feel. This country for 50-60 years has have been trying to put the past to rest, Jesus says do not live in the past, nor the future, but live for today, because you may not live for tomorrow, get it? This demon possessed individual, will not let the past, lye dead. He has to pour gasoline on the already disgruntled Americas all races and creeds. Mr. Black, you need to get on your knees, ( How Does It Feel) and ask Jesus to come into your heart before he punches your ticket, you may die in you sleep tonight. there is no guarantee that any of us will live out are so called lives, to the fullest, that’s all in gods timing, you will regret what you have done to this country, for an eternity, if you don’t repent, and give you heart over to the one and only God, and his Son who can save you soul, from eternal damnation, get it? I feel sorry for the ones, who believe and worship the devil, woe unto them!
Even as a follower of Christ, I continually have to ask Jesus to check my heart, to make sure that these demons that are taking over the world, stay out of my life, because I as a human feel threatened by all of what’s is going on, in this world, especially as a Caucasian we are all but castigated, and maligned, world wide, really strange though?
I am glad that the Constitution is still there, to protect all people that are willing to embrace it, and not feel maligned by it. And the ones whom want to come to (MY Country), too wipe their brown, and black asses with it, because the ones who wrote were all white, give me a break. You are all so screwed up, wow? And it goes for all of the gross vile white crackers who have the same gross philosophy.
As a Caucasian, we are the only group all people who don’t have groups, to promote white people, hum, you ask? Oh sorry, I forgot about Hockey! Gee wiz.
Come on folks we are dying as a nation, and we are letting the eliteof this world destroy and conquer, this country from the inside out. We all need to take a deep breath, and rebuke all of the works of the Devil, and his demons, and cohorts, called supposed humans, no matter what skin color they were born with. I pray we all wake up in time, and smell the crap that is being fostered by all sides of the vile isle, before it’s to late, and we really do go down the dark path of civil war, which I am afraid is at out doorstep.
I will be the end of our once great nation, that these demon possessed individuals have yearned for decades to collapse are once great nation, that loved Jesus and his Holy Commandments no more? REPENT, REPENT & REPENT
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where spikes were hammered into his hands and feet, then a sword was thrust into his side,his perfect, sinless blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us.
First thing I want to reiterate, is forgive me of my course language. Not because I have offended anyone, I could give a rats but about that. But as a child of God, and a Son of Jesus he expects more from me, but my carnal side can’t take no more, do to the fact that we have a Black Muslim, demon possessed,psychopathic liar, devil worshiping thing sitting in the Black house, trying to destroy the christian heritage of this nation!
Crying his way unto the idiots of this country, who believes that bullshit, fake, lying, sick attempt to make anybody believes he cares. What a bunch of ( %#@*). He is so vile, putrid,unseemly, gross, there is not enough words to describe, this thing.By the way, if you who occupies the Black House, don’t like the color of your skin and are envious of mine, bleach it white. It should be real easy for you, due to the fact you are half white! it has been done before, get it?
Yes I said Black house, if this demon possessed, devil worshipingindividual could get his way, he would paint the white house black, and don’t you not believe it! He has so many demonsof unforgiveness in his heart, woe unto him, and when Christ punches his ticket, and stands before the great white throne of judgement, it doesn’t say black throne of judgement does it? Bother you huh, Hussein!
It was the white man who built this country, white man who, wrote the Constitution, white man who discovered most of the world, white man, who pretty damn much, created all of the inventions that we use today in this country, as well as the world.If us crackers weren’t here, you all would all still be, living in the 1600 century, get it?!
Yes I am pissed, I am so tired of hearing that because I was born with white skin, I am the white devil. This piece of (@#*^) in the black house, is trying to bring this county down. The Bible states that any Nation that is divided can not stand. He has all but destroyed the trust of individuals, and races of different people.
Look idiots, this Muslim, is out to bring this country into the New World Order, one world religion whether you want to believe it or not, wake up!
By the way I am not a immigrant of this country, I was born out of my mothers womb in the United Divided States, of what use to be America the Great.
My mother , her Father, and his Father, were not immigrants. So shut the hell up about, were all immigrants, stick it in your rear end. Sorry, but I am pissed off. Unfortunately this president, as well as many others, in cahoots, their goal to start a Civil War, between groups, and nations.
He should be impeached and thrown into Prison, for treason, period.
But the demon possessed Congressare a bunch of eunuchs that , and will not stand up for what is right. The truth of the Bible, what has allowed us to , be the most rich, and prosperous country that has ever existed, get it? What this Presidentand his ilk, and both sides of the vile isles, are dangerous for the sovereignty of this country, that is soon to be no more, which will usher in the Anti-chist, and the devil to control the world. It is us( white folks )who have all of the guns which this demon possessed President wants to take from us, because white men wrote the constitution, and their forward thinking who saw what is happening today, so we could save the country from complete and utter take over form demon possessed, presidents and his ilk, get it?
He wants and desires a Civil War. We don’t, all of us crackers, white-tees, hill billies, you name it. We want peace and to be left alone, which they will not have any of that proposal, they want us all dead, get it. We are the only group, who will stand up for freedom, my Father, and his Father, and all of the 50-60 million men have died to protect it from this type of evil, beings like what is in the black House today. Hitler, get it? Look just listen to all of the pundits, on the news, spewing their hatred for Jesus, and his children.
Look I could go on and on! I have written extensively in this blog as to what is going on. But we are at a very precarious time in history, of tipping over the edge. And we cant and wont be able to ever come back, into the once Christian nation we once were.
My carnal fleshy side has vitriolic hatred for this President, and the congress. I always pray that if a nuke came over from Russia, or China it would drop in the middle of Washington, to rid the worlds of such evil.
But my Christ side, always refers back to what the Bible has to say, to pray for your enemies, and to love your neighbor as yourself. I pray that this President, and the congress who has the world in it’s hand, would repent, and turn back towards Jesus, and ask forgiveness, and repent from what they are doing to this once great country who was the beacon of the world. Where people of the world once admired, and didn’t mocked and laugh at, our nation as such.
May God literately have Mercy, and Grace on a sinful, and back slid-den Nation, that I believed he once loved, no more
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where spikes were hammered into his hands and feet, then a sword was thrust into his side,his perfect, sinless blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us.
Today is December 5th, 2015. It has been a while since I have posted anything.Today I will, discuss Terrorism, and Salvation. Unfortunately, my health seems to be getting worse. Neighbors, praying against the wife and I. Using witchcraft to make us sick. Throwing sacrificed dead animals on our front gate, and making curses with herbs on our front door threshold. Been real fun.
The reason I guess I am disclosing all of this is, it’s not just the wife and I who are under major persecution. As I witness the Bibles, prophecy unfolding right before my eyes. It makes me Happy, as well as very sad. I am witnessing my country, that I no longer recognize, due to the fact it is under assault, from all sides. What do you mean, you ask?
I will tell you. The Lord tells me to love the neighbors, as well as pray for your enemies. I will tell you the truth, I have a damn hard time doing this. I really try my best. But don’t know if is really sincere or not, only God knows my heart. It is not because, of the color of someone’s skin, nor their origin of birth.
It’s due to the fact that they hate my Father and his Son, Jesus Christ.
As I watch, the whole world imploding on it’s self, every day on the news, and the web. As of late, the Suicidal Jihad, in the Great State of the most, Ungodly liberal people, God hating, Devil worshiping,people, besides the East coast, get what’s it deserves. Hold on to your panties, don’t get them in a bunch. As well as the whole country, if that makes you feel any better.
As I read the one and only true Bible, and worship the only one and true God, there is no other God. There is God, and the Devil, period. If you don’t worship Jesus, then you worship the Devil, period. You will see what I have spoken about when you take your last breath. Try picking up the Bible, and read it for yourself, scared Huh?
Don’t want to be judged, well you are whether you want to be or not. As well as the two poor soles, who just killed all of those innocent people, in the name of Islamic, Jihad death cult, against the Lord, and anyone who will not praise name of Ala, the devil himself. You know that peacefully loving presidential kind of loving religion. The kind of presidential, love of the Christian faith, the ones that are going to Prosecute, and Persecute all who dares to mock his brothers and sisters, (Muslims) the great Hussein,himself. You know the Great Houdini, who pulls the wool over everyone’s eyes, the guy behind the curtain pulling the strings for the (OZ) theGreat horned one himself, Satan, maybe huh? Just a thought. Another thought to ponder, that during the great inquisitions, by the Catholics seems to mirror the Islam, faith of the Devil today, what say you?.
The sad part, the poor innocent soles that were murdered, ,and the two who did the killing, have been cast into Hell. Read the Bible. Except the one’s who know Jesus, as their Lord and Savior. Even when I say that about any human being, it really makes the hair on my neck stand up. That how can anyone worship the devil, out rightly, and glorify him for all to see. I feel bad. Hell is going to welcome anyone who does that,. get it?
As I stated above, I hate to say it but we reap what we(Hosea 4:6) sow. The bible Clearly says that any Nation that has turned against the one and only true God, will fall to it’s knees and be turned to dust. Read the bible. There is allot about this subject. What’s worst is my heart has grown almost cold to these kinds of , stuff. It is going to get so much worst. Read Revelation, at the battle of Armageddon, the Lord is going to kill an army of 200 million soldiers, the blood will reach the bridle of the horse in the valley of Megiddo. The Lord is pissed off! At the world and this nation. This is Gods judgment of this nation, ,and rightly so! We have all but crapped, and urinated on the Bible, we have a Muslim, Islam sympathetic for a president, that’s worships the devil.
Well, to be honest most of one’s before this liar in chief, who has so much disdain for the country, and the Lord, and white people.
I copied from my other post, Civil war so apropos, though.
Look, we are up a (*$@#) creek without a spoon, to paddle with. It is not ever coming back, it cant’ and won’t. I thought at one time there is a small chance if we repented as a nation, but we are doomed, period. We have reaped what we have sown.
Why do you think no matter filthy lying ( John 3:19-21)apostate officials, or what color him and / her is beet, white, green,purple,brown,olive,black, pink,blue, red,yellow, which most of them are, thecolor of stripes that each and everyone of them, that runs down their backs, because they are afraid to do what is right unto the LORD’S way. They are all liars. No matter what party their from, either the demoncrats,
or devilscans,
nor their background, that you put into office, nothing changes, does it. It only continues to get worst, Right? Get It? Why, because they worship the devil, and his ways.Or they are just afraid to do what is right, not sure which? They have kicked out the Lord, from every, Capital Building,State Building, Government Building,Halls of Congress, White house, Pentagon, and have basically urinated on the Ten Commandments, and taken the Lords name in vain everyday.
Or how they just gave the corporations all of yours and my monies, just to pay back the bribes, oh sorry, I meant the Moneys that were owed to them from the lobbyist.
Remember the crazies( Matthew 13:49-50 )are watching the, crazies.( Jude 1:15 ) The nuts are watching the asylums, the fox’s are watching the hen-house. Thou evil generation of vipers,( Isaiah 55:7 )and they are truly possessed, sinners, homosexuality, walking dead, devil, demons, spirits, hybrids, test tube creations, fallen angels, anti christs, new agers, idolaters, fornicators,( Jude 1:7 )feel good, lying, apostate churches, gossiping, back biting, sooth saying, card reading, wizards, shamans, voodoo, witchcraft,( Deuteronomy 18:10-11)witch doctors, sorcerers, palm readers, false prophets, astrology, remote viewing, numbers reading, and other false religions and teachings. I don’t care what you call them they are out to destroy you and me because of our love of CHRIST.
You who have the Ears for Hearing, and the eyes for seeing, better stay close to the Lord. I know it’s tough to do in these crazy times we live in. But I will state unequivocally if you and I don’t we will be lost, and wind up taking the wide road to destruction, and will be separated from God forever.
This is just the beginning, I am afraid. With all of these so called peaceful, other religions playing war games, and being allowed to by this traitor in chief, it’s going to be terrible I believe, according to the word of God. Ipray that duromng these crazy times that all of the Patriots, and men of God, stand up for the truth, and are willing to die, for about what is to come, shortly, I believe.
Take your ( Joel 3:9-10) plowshares and beat them into swords, prepare for war, it is on your doorstep, whether we want it or not.
Stay strong my brothers and sisters in Christ, remember the Lord has already overcome this world, and these problems. If you get shot at, and/or blown up at a mall, store, game or what ever evilthing they can come up with, have heart you will be with the Lord, amen, and amen. The Lord says don’t fear what man can do to you. Fear the one who can cast you sole into hell, get it?
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where spikes were hammered into his hands and feet, then a sword was thrust into his side,his perfect, sinless blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us.
How do you get rid of 6.5 billion people?
Let’s first preface that I am no way an expert, and/ or a scholar of Global Warming. But I do have my eyes, ears and nose opened by the Lord. The title refers to the Bible and the End Times, in the Book of Revelation. Ask yourself, how can the Anti-Christ, and all of it’sdemons, so called humans kill and/ or control the 7 Billion humans plus.
Go look at the Georgia Guide stones, they refer to getting rid of 90% of the worlds population, leaving only 500,000 people. It’s there for some purpose. Maybe the Black eyes demons from hell put it there for a reason, maybe rubbing it into our faces because we are so stupid as a human race. You tell me. Chem trails maybe?
And how does the Gross and defiled Rich,and Dark and sole-less things that run this world, and stand behind the curtain and pull all of the strings, to tell the puppets, of the new world order or what ever you want to refer to them as?
Look you would have to take their water supplies away, get it? H.A.R.P.And / orGenetically modifythe food and everything you eat and / or touch. If that isn’t working fast enough, how about spraying the clouds to terraform, and / or change the air we breath, each and everyday we are alive. And no matter where you live, in this rotten and filthy Devilskingdom, you have to breath the crap, beet Barium, Lead, or whatever chemical they are trying to dispose of to save money, get it Pink slime in our Hamburgers. Plasticizers in your Sub Sandwiches . How does a Corporation get rid of it’s bi-products, from the manufacturing of their products, that are so regulated, you ask? They are going to save money any way they can! They don’t give a (*#@*) who it kills, or what kind of disease we can get from their lack of responsibility, get it? What ever they are spraying is making all of us sick, get it?
The proof is in the photos. Look at the cloud forms. Then look at the exhaust, coming from the Air Planes, if you see a car in front of you puffing and smoking away, from it’s exhaust. You get real pissed right? Then as you watch the car pass by you, the smoke dissipates, and goes up into the atmosphere right? It does not linger, Why? What’s the difference from the Air Planes exhaust, and/ or the cars exhaust. I will tell you, the cars exhaust dissipates, and the Air Planes, exhaust turns into a Chemical Trail, of what you guess is as good as mine. But the truth is in front of you! You can’t wash it away, it is what it is, whether you want to believe it or not.
Man has an evil heart, from the Devil. He hates God creation, and is out to destroy it, period.
Look all I know is what I see being done to the skies in the west Coast, and from what I read and hear it’s all over the world.
Also look at an old 50’s, 60’s movies look at the color of the sky. It was so blue it would knock your socks off, right? Now ask your self, what color is the sky today, and why? It is milky white at best. Gee, what an inexpensive way to get rid of the chemicals, will just spray it into the atmosphere, who cares what happens, made the stock holders money, get it?
I know in the pictures, the sky looks somewhat blue, it depends on the day they are not spraying. But overall the skies have changed big time, right? Save them good ole boys money!How’s your health, sinus problems, hooked on them drugs are you?
All I know is that, things ain’t what they use to be. And getting worse. The demonsthat run this world and our government, are hell bent on destruction to yours and mine freedoms at any cost. You had better wake up, before it’s to late. Go online while you still can, get fairness doc-Tran. Time is running out. Before you die who is reading this article right now.
The Meek and the Poor, shall inherit the earth, not the Self Aggrandizing Rich!
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where spikes were hammered into his hands and feet, then a sword was thrust into his side,his perfect, sinless blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us
It is 2:30 a.m., I couldn’t sleep. My mind was busy, with what I am about to put down as today’s story. I love it when the Holy Ghost, gives me something good to say, other then my own stupid mortal, prideful, useless thoughts, that have no meaning.
Let me first, preface this by saying in no way am I trying to glorify my worthless self, by this story. It is only meant to Glorify the Lord. I might even loose my treasure stored( Matthew 6:20)up in heaven. But I feel lead to preach as such.
Let me also say that have I told very little about what I am putting down tonight. Maybe a small tid bit here or there to my family, and friends but very little. I don’t let my left hand no( Matthew 6:2-4) what my right hand is doing. I don’t want to be braggadocios, nor take away Gods, glory.Boy I am in severe pain as we speak, my Carpal Tunnel, is acting up, hand is num, I digress.
You have seen other things I have talked about in the Discernment page. This part of my walk with the Lord I love the most, it is by far the most rewarding, and joyful thing I can do in this crummy earth. Which is part of my legacy, that only will be seen up in heaven. Except for the few short stories I will reveal tonight.
Discernment, is a real gift, and you also have to be willing and open, to the Lords will to have it.
I have always had a real compassion towards the down trodden, the meek and the poor. The homeless, ( Psalm 112:9)the lost. God has really instilled it into my soul, as I have learned to walk with him. It has taught me a lot about my self, and the lust and greed of this Devil worshiping world that we all live in.
It is a real conundrum, about our needs and wants. I didn’t really understand before the difference, until the Lord showed me. As I have explained about the rich and famous in other stories.
Over the years, the wife’s and mine first home was $99,000. and 1200 s/f. Our second home was $ 230,000, 1776 s/f. I am telling you this because between the both, over 20 years, we had invested, and lost an estimate of probably $ 100,000 we invested into the (2) homes.
Some of this investment, was into new roofs, kitchen remodels, carpets, driveways, you get the point. Now I have to ask is this want and / or needs. I could have milked the roof, for a few more years. We could have lived with old stinky, pea stained carpets, bad driveways, rotten kitchens, gross bathrooms, get it? Both houses were trashed, and very old, fixer uppers.
I have to look back, what I could have done to help the poor, with the same money. Only the Lord knows my heart. One thing for sure I have never been able to give out of what, you all call excess. I know, but we were trying to build a business, which what you are to do to succeed. It wasn’t so we could buy 3, or4 houses, we only needed (1) it was just our love, for the business, and trying, hopefully one day to retire, right or wrong, it is what is was. We don’t unfortunately have no 401k. We lost $ 250,000 that we re-invested, our cash into our business, due to our booming economy that our gracious, and so honest of a President, and this wonderful congress, and all of it’s great taxation laws, which have all but destroyed this country, soon to be. No money saved, no cash tucked away. No (10) homes, (2 )jets, (30) cars, been to every county in the world. How can you spend,$ 5000.00 for shoes, purse, jacket, t-shirts.When we, as well as most Americans have just worked hard, and was trying to keep a roof over our heads, so we would have a place to live , as we got old together.
We payed for cash with most all of the things we remodeled, saved as we went along, few small things on credit cards. The (2) hot rods we had, we made monthly payments on them, because it cost to much to pay cash. We has a older boat, and took vacation once in a while. We haven’t taken one in 14 years. That is diffidently a want, probably a need to keep sanity.
The reason I am opening up is because, we need to think, what we are doing with all of the excess crap that we don’t need. How many homes do we need in today’s society, keep up with the Jones right?
Don’t get me wrong , I miss the old Hot Rods, our home, but I diffidently did not need them, they were a want. As much as I hate this world, the wife and I still desire to have a home again someday, but I think it might be to late. God’s judgement is at hand, and woe unto you who have robbed from the Lord, and kept for yourselves. I feel sorry for you at the judgement seat.
OK, the moral of tonight story, is about giving out of love, and not out of guilt, and excess.
As I have stated above, I love to help, the wife is learning, she , like I had to learn to love others, and to have compassion, what say you? I am going to reveal some of the things that the Lord asked me too! I love it especially to pray, first of all and help financially when we are able. Here’s a few stories.
As I have learned to listen, and walk with the Lord, I am able to discern, his voice, very difficult at times, especially when the Devil is out to destroy your relationship with the Lord.
Story # 1
OK, one day I was going to eat lunch. I had no cash, so I had stopped by the bank to get out 20 bucks. I stood in line to write a check As I was waiting in line, I heard a small voice in my heart say you need $ 50.00 bucks. I ignored it at first, so I got my $ 20.00, bucks and started to leave, I heard it again, get fifty bucks. I paused for a minute, and stood back in line, and got another $ 50.00 bucks.
So I went out to get in my truck, a little bewildered and was setting for a few minutes, thinking about where to go for lunch. It was summer, I had my window rolled down, when a gentlemen in a wheel chair rolled up to my window, come to find out a Vietnam vet who lost his legs in the war.
He started to explain, his wife had cancer, they were living in a really run down, weekly motel, trying to survive, he wasn’t able to work, so he was left to ask for help, I am sure it waned on his heart as man. After we had talked for awhile, I intently listened, and prayed for him, we were both in tears. Love that part, the most. After we had prayed, or vise a versa, he said that he was going to be kicked out of his room, he needed $ 50.00 bucks, wow it blew my mind.
I always tried to help him, every time I ran into him when I saw him praise God.
Story # 2
I believe I was eating lunch, downtown. When as usual, the Lord puts people in my path that has needs, praise God. I think I was eating in my truck, when a homeless( Mark 4:18) gentlemen came to my window asking for help. Like normal I listened intently, he told me sad story.
The one thing I want to say, that most of the people that are homeless, are not there because of they want to be, many have had terrible circumstances, that have allowed them to be homeless, if it wasn’t by the grace of God the wife and I would be too!We can get 4-6 mths behind on our rent, the Lord put us with a most gracious, landlord, who believes in us, that we are trying our, best. What a miracle, who does that today!
Anyway, he said that I believe he was a back slid den Brother in Christ, who had fallen back into the world, started doing drugs, drinking, and lost his family, everything, being homeless for 5 years. Jesus says, none of his children ever, begged for food, I digress. Anyway, I kept close contact, with him. I helped him a much as I was able to, we became close over a short while. After I had prayed for him a few times, he really bounced back, amen. He had gotten hold of his Mom and Dad, I think he lived in Idaho, or someplace like that.
Long story short, he was leaving a town, the next day, he wanted to see me. I met him down town, one evening. When I pulled up, he was standing talking to crowd of maybe 5-6, 7 people. When I called him over, oh boy. Tears are rolling down my face as I type this part. He was telling all of them about, are many prayer sessions, they all came to my truck, I had to get out, they all wanted prayers, what a night, I still praise God for that very night. I spent hours praying, that God would save their, soles and to help them in their times of troubles.
The next day, he called me when his Mom and Dad came all the way to pick him up, to say thank you, for all of your help. I said don’t thank me I am nothing without Christ, just thank him, he said OK. I said I love you brother, take care. He went home. Praise God.
Story # 3
I remember one day again I was going to lunch, at my favorite Cheese steak joint. When I pulled up, there was homeless person, sitting at one of the restaurant’s, outside table. When I heard the Lord say , she is hungry I want you to buy her lunch. When I got out of the truck I asked her if she was hungry, she said yes. I said what are you hungry for, she told me, so I went to get our meals.
I was going to just take her her food, and I was going to sit back inside, the Lord said to me I want you too sit and eat with her, I said Lord she smells so bad, I don’t know if I can eat my lunch. He said you would be OK. So here I go in my big head thinking I was going to come and save the day again, right?
As I sat enjoying my time with this wonderful woman, she started to tell me her sad story, but what amazed me the most, was her love for Jesus, she was praising him the whole time, she had nothing, yet she boasted the name of the Lord. I felt like a worm, I am always complaining to God, about all of our problems, and I still have a warm bed, and a hot meal everyday. The Lord asked me to give her $ 100.00 bucks, I did with joy.
It was a very hard lesson, about life in general. I really learned a lot from her. Great lunch, one of my best.I thought I was going to teach her, boy was I wrong, praise God. I was taught a lesson in humility I will never forget.
Story # 4
Probably the same story, eating lunch, I know. It was winter time, and where we live it gets down to 10, 20 degrees without any problem, the winter is tough on the homeless, needless to say. As I was driving by, I saw this gentlemen standing holding I sign, saying hungry, or something like that.
So the Lord told me to pull over and pray for him. After we had prayed for awhile, and I helped him financially, I got back in my truck. Laughing right now. I heard the Lord say, give him one of your jackets. Being a construction worker, you have seen the car-harts, heavy winter jackets. I had my favorite brown one, and a purple one.
So I called him over to the truck, and said here, is a jacket you look cold. The Lord asked me to help you. I started to crab the purple one to give to him, and the Lord said give him your Brown one, boy that was tough. So I did, I love the Lord so much, the love that he has beyond understanding.
Story# 5
I was at Lowe’s this time. I was leaving, I think this guy was an Angel I will find the scripture to( Hebrews 13:2)back this up.Just his over whelming presence, and the way he spoke, was different then, what we normally hear. Cant explain, but that’s how I felt. Anyway, the Lord says to be careful who you entertain, It might be one, to test you and you heart, and motives.
Anyway this guy looked like a biker, very tough, leather jacket with skulls all over it, tattoos. After we talked and prayed for awhile, he told me his story, he was living under one of our freeway bridges with a few other people. He would go take the money he received and buy food for everyone else too.
He was quite humble, and I think he was an angel. I gave him my business card, so he called me when he was in need. I tried to help, him and the others who were homeless, as often as possible. Praise God, I miss those days when I was financially able to help. We kept in touch for a while, then he just went away.
Story # 6
This one is short. It’s not the amount, it’s how you give, with Love, or out of malice, and excess. I was going to eat at a local hamburger joint, and had my last $5.00 bucks, and I mean the last, I couldn’t scratch up a fart, at that time.
I saw a homeless person he came up to my truck as I was passing by, he said he was ( Matthew 5:42)hungry. I thought about saying no, I know. But I was craving a burger, been along time, when the Lord put it on my heart. I thought to myself, your fridge is full ( Matthew 6:25)of food, I can eat anytime, he was hungry. So with Love I gave him my last(Psalm37:16)$ 5.00 bucks, get it last ( Mark 12: 41-44)2 mites. It’s how you give.
I will put more if it comes upon my heart, and will add scripture later, I am tired it is almost 5:00 a.m, good night, praise be to God.
OK I am back the next, morning. Let’s see where to go.
Like I have said, I have been very quite, over the years. I don’t care to get accolades, a pat on the back, an award, boast to the world, so the filthy rotten stinking man, will say oh my. I just desired ( Matthew 25:21)to help. Not unlike you who, say Look what he has done with his millions and( Matthew 15:8) billions, all the while you all live like, kings while people are starving all over ( Matthew 20:16)the world, woe unto you.
The Lord sees it all, and knows each and everyone of your( Matthew 23:27) hearts and motives. You can’t hide from him. Do you have what you need, or living like, the Devilwould have you do? Remember the rich man cannot enter( Luke 16:17-24) into heaven, you already got your reward here on the Devils world, get it?
How do you stand to look into the mirror, when you go to bed at night,as you lay( Luke 21:46-47)in your 10,000-60,000 s/f mansions, driving you million dollar cars, and see the homeless digging out of a trash can, just to survive? This( Matthew 13:15) is why!
You are just like Robin-hood, except the opposite, you all force, and rob, from the Poor, and Middle class, to enrich you selves, with you communistic,self aggrandizing, laws, from the Devil,woe unto to each and everyone of you, to have partaken in this, bankrupting of the Lords children, you are going to rightfully burn in HELL, and where you will be like the man who asked to have a drop of water on your tongue, were none will be found, and you all will suffer, for an eternity, and you know what is to come. That’s why you are all trying to find eternal life, good luck with that!
If this pissed you off, praise God. Then you are the ones this story is about. I hope it pricked your soul, you need to repent, from all of you selfish, self aggrandizing,boastful,gross and vile ways. Come back unto the Lord, ask for Mercy, and pray he forgives you. Come to him as a sinner, and repent, Amen.
The Meek and the Poor, shall inherit the earth, not the Self Aggrandizing Rich!