The Lord said,the world will never be the same after December 8th.
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where a sword was thrust into his side,his blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us
I was praying last night. About a half of an hour or so, I believe. I was lamenting to the Lord, that we need more work. That my health is terrible, the wife’s is,well better then mine. I was just having a Father to Son talk. After lamenting for a while. I stopped and said, what about you Lord. what can I do for you. I am always complaining and asking something from you. He was quiet for a minute, and he said nothing, you just keep what you are doing, is good enough. He said that very few of his children, ask him that question, I went quite.
Then he said in a quiet voice, I want you to put on the blog. I waited and listened and in very stern, and solemn voice , I heard him say.
I don’t like to put dates, but I clearly heard that date 12/8. I waited for few more minutes, to hear the year, and what it was about. I did not hear anymore then that. It is what it is. You and I will just have to wait, and see. Could this be the year, 5 years from now, or never in my lifetime, nor ever. Discernment, is a true gift. You have to ask for it. It is a very large responsibility, and ways on your shoulders.
I will just pray more about it, lets see.
The Lord said,the world will never be the same after December 8th.
To be Born Again, or not to be Born Again. ” That is the Question”. Or the question should really be, once saved always saved. That is the conundrum.
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where a sword was thrust into his side,his blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us
Let me preface this, the thought accorded to me, one day. I recently went to a Rapture church, with a old Acquaintance of mine, and old friend. We hadn’t seen each other for quite a while. He called me up, to let me know he had given his live to Jesus amen. He was a Catholic, all of his life. I use to preach to him it was a Pagan religion, and he needed to repent and give his life to Christ.
You know the little ole Ten Commandments #1, I am thy Lord God, thou shalt have no other gods before me. Oh you mean the god the Pope,Saint, Peter, or mother Mary that you all whom worship, and put forth in front of Jesus, Get it? If it looks like an idol, and smells like an Idol, what the hell do you think it is?
Don’t get me wrong, I Love mother Mary, what a mom, we wish we all had, gave birth to a Perfect, and Holy Son, What’s not to admire, God loved her so much, but not as an idol. And I can’t wait to meet Peter, to shoot the breeze.
But again Christ has to come first, # (1) you cannot enter into Heaven through the Sin-full Pope, Mother Mary, neither Peter, only though Christ, (John 14:6)remember. Only the perfect sinless Son, period.
Long story short a few years had gone by, and he called me to tell me he did. So we talked for a while to tell each other our long and, tempering, journeys. Of walking with the Lord and the trials that, you have when you truly pick up your own cross daily.
What struck me was he was just like me. He had been looking for a Bible centered, not prideful, deceitful, centered church that really speaks the true Bible and the gospel.Which today, honestly is almost impossible. Due to the 501(3) (c), status governmentran apostate churches, that are threatened to keep their tax free status, and they must comply with the Devil, to keep their grace.
And their get along to go along, apostate churches. Get it, Christlum, or what ever, false pagan religion the Devilhas concocted, and the idiots of this country fall lock step, off of the cliff, when so ordered. Right into the Lake of Fire.
The wife and I have been too, maybe 8,9,10 different denominational churches, over the last (10) years or so. They are barely feeding their flock, with sour milk.If anything I walked away so discouraged, due to they were mostly flat. The Holy Ghost, was none existence. It felt totally scripted. No um mph, to it. It was truly flat, boring, and left me hungering for something else.
I needed to be convicted, someone to tell me like it was. Expose my sins to me, preach the Gospel, so Jesus can cleanse them. I desired to bite off a big old chunk of beef, tired of old rotten sour milk.
Needless to say, the wife and I no longer attend any church at all. I know my brothers and sisters will say. how dare you. The body needs each other, you cant have to the toe, without the finger, right?
The one thing we both have learned over these last 14 years, trial by fire.Is not to trust, any ( Jeremiah 17:5)& ( Jeremiah 17:7)man, and/ or women,I mean no one. I am not saying that in these times we, diffidently are going to need each other to lean on, as the Body of Christ. But remember the sheep in ( Matthew 7:15)wolves clothing. Who are you supposed friends really. Are they, when the you know what, really hits the fan, are they going to turn against you, get it? Brother against Brother, Mother against Daughter, ( Matthew 10:34-40)Father against son, get it?
Any way I sort of got off of track. But just followed by, inside thoughts, and my teacher.
What I started to refer to was the Rapture, church I believe full of my brothers in Christ, Bible in hand praying and listening to the Pastor, give his sermon, of the Holy Ghost.
This went on for an hour or so. As the Pastor started to wind down. He held his Bible in the air, I believe. But what struck me with a cord. Was when he and everyone in the church, yelled out something to the effect, that Jesus loves us, nothing can come against us, which is true. But then he preceded to say, once saved always saved, Jesus will always be their for us. Something like that anyway, you get the point.
Which started my story for today. To be or not to be. “That is the Question” The question I am asking you all who believe this, please show me in the Bible that states unequivocally, when you come to Christ, you are guaranteed a spot in Heaven with the Father and his Son.
Lets first go with the only good Scripture that I could find relevant to this subject.
(John 17:12)Jesus states. While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled. ( Jesus is no longer in the world, what say you?)
OK now hears the rest. That go against that verse.
Look at what king david says unto the Lord. ( Psalm 51:11)He asks, Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.( Whoa, did you hear that, why would he say that if, the holy spirit was guaranteed, get it? Once saved, always saved, and always have the holy ghost, sound familiar.)
(Hebrews 6:4-6) For it is impossible for those ( Born Again) who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come. If they shall fall away,( Back Slid-den, the remember four seeds) to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. (If you have accepted Christ, you had better finish the race, woe unto you and I, if we don’t, Hell awaits with open arms.)
( Matthew 7:21) Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. (Now ask you self a very imperative question, are you right now, this very second, if God called you home in his will?)
( Matthew 7:13-14) Enter ye in at the straight gate: for the wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. ( Now here’s the kicker. Are you living for Jesus, or the world. Remember, you cant serve two masters, whom are you serving, you ask?)
(Matthew 10:32-33) Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. ( Look deep into your souls, ask you self when was the last time you, spoke his Name. And, have you denied your faith to anyone, because of the persecution.)
( Matthew 13:4-9) And when he sowed, some seeds ( The Word)fell by the way side, and the fowls ( Birds)came and devoured them up: ( You tried for little while, but because of the persecution of the world, you gave up.)
Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth:( You never continued pressing forward, you fell back into you old life.)
And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. ( You never picked up the Bible, so were lost, and came back to the world for directions.)
And some fell among thorns; and the thorns ( World) sprung up. and choked them: ( You became silent, and afraid)
But other fell into good ground ( You put on your (Luke 12:4-5) Armour), and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixty fold, some thirty fold. Who has the ears to hear, let him hear. ( You drove everyone nuts, you preached the Gospel, you ate up the word, like it was a great big t-bone steak. You prayed for the lost. You gave to the poor. You,most of all repented of your old lifestyle, and continued on your walk with your father and his son. You produced fruit. And most of all you finished the race, you did( Acts 20:24) not get a D.N.F, get it.)
( Matthew 22:14) For many are called, but few are chosen.( Were you called and let the cares of the world, turn you away from the gospel, and the lord, you ask?) And you are no longer chosen!
( Luke 6:46)Jesus says, and why call me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? ( What has he asked you too do?)
Now ask yourself, if I am wrong, then why does Jesus say this in (Luke 13:27-28) (I don’t believe this just pertains to thew Pharisees. Because the rest of the verses above are for his called out ones, get it?)
Look at what Jesus says in ( Luke 14:26-34)(What I believe Jesus is saying, that you must let go of the world, and quit trying to appease it. If the world still loves you, and your family members think you are the greatest thing since slice bread, woe unto you.) You have to live in it, but you are to be of a stranger in a foreign land. If you are of Christ, the world will hate you and want to castrate, you and throw you into an oven and fry you like a thanksgiving turkey, get it?
(Luke 16:13)Jesus says. No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. ( Now ask yourself, whom are you trying to please the world, and the Devil, and / or are you seeking your eternal salvation, which resides in the fate of Jesus.)
( John 12:25)He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. ( Do you hate you life, or are you just all hunky dory, walking right into the gates of Hell, willingly)
( John 14:15)( Jesus says, quite fittingly, to this blog of today.) If you love me, keep my commandments. ( Unless you put on your Armour daily, and strive for the straight gates, you are not keeping his commandments, so why do you think you, nor I deserve to be with the Father and his Son?)
Now the final quiz, of the day. Is where do you stand, are you cold or hot for Jesus. Is your tree producing fruit, or is Jesus going to cut off your fruitless branches, cast them into the fire,like a good vine-dresser does to a bad tree, so the next branches will produce if the old ones won’t.
You had better think long and hard where does you heart lye. There is no third choice. Also, what do you think the enemy is going to do to you, when he gets you in his kingdoms, invite your over to cookies, and crumpets. Maybe a beer. You are an abomination to him, he will make hay day, out of you and I, who fall back into the world. This is no joke, if you fail Gods mission, woe unto you and I.
Repent, I hope it is not too late. Amen. ( Hebrews 6:4-8)
To be Born Again, or not to be Born Again. ” That is the Question”. Or the question should really be, once saved always saved. That is the conundrum.
The blood of Christ, is an offence to sinners, and the world alike! The irony of this statement is, the very blood that every human beings has an offence too. Is the one, and only way to enter into Heaven, get it?
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where a sword was thrust into his side,his blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us.
(Matthew 26:23) For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. ( His perfect blood sacrifice.)
(1 John 1:7) But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin. (Wow, what a statement, you tell me were anyone else in the Universe can say that, they can’t!)
( Revelation 5:9)And they sung a new song,saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation.( Not (1) Town, City, State, Country, and / or Nation did Jesus forget, he shed his perfect blood for all, whom believe.)
( Hebrews 10:19) Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus. ( Come with humility as a sinner, ask him for forgiveness, so you will be able to be bold later to enter into his presence.)
( Colossians 1:20 )And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in the earth, or things in heaven. ( You will chase the world, and the devil by his tail, trying to find peace, and joy. You will never have peace, without his blood.)
Romans (5:9)Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. ( Only Jesus can Justify us because of his Love, for sinners .)
( Ephesians 2:13) But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. ( You cannot not have a relationship with Jesus, without his blood, and his Salvation.)
(Hebrews 9:22) And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. ( There is no forgiveness, of yours and mys sins without coming through the Son, you will perish into an eternal damnation justified, because thou did not believe in him!)
( Romans 3:25)Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;( God so loves the world, he shed his Son’s blood, out of his Love for us.)
Now when you read all of this above, how can any human being, not fall on his knees and cry out to Jesus, and say the sinners prayers, that I have put on the front page.
I will tell you why? Because you have all given into the lust of the world, and into the devils ways. That’s why you have free will. God, nor Jesus, nor I. Will never force ourselves on you. You have to come by faith, to enter into Gods presence.
As long as you are chasing the devilby his tail, and willing to have all that the world has to offer. Greed, Hatred, ( Romans 1:24-32)Pride, Lust, Murder, you get the point. You will always be miserable, unhappy, and seeking peace were you will, never find none in the devils kingdom, get it?
Asking for forgiveness from a man, is like asking the devil for forgiveness. They are one in the same. The very second you pop out of your mothers womb, we all belong to the devil. This is his kingdom. The Lord resides in Heaven at the right hand of the father. This is not his world. He sacrificed his blood, to free you and I, of eternal damnation with the little god of this despicable, back slid-den, gross, defiled, world, get it?
Again, it is impossible to enter into heaven without Jesus, nor is anybody who has died, before, and to come. If you don’t repent, you will be also in hell, if you don’t come to Jesus by faith, and ask him for his forgiveness, and believe and understand without any reservation that you are a sinner.
And that he and only he, can wash you and cleanse you and I, with his perfect and holy, blood sacrifice. There is no other way into Heaven, period. The rest who spout there is are lairs, and all will be with you in hell if you don’t repent.
Come back to well of living water, the spring of eternal life.
Repent, Repent, and Repent, and thou shall be saved.
The blood of Christ, is an offence to sinners, and the world alike! The irony of this statement is, the very blood that every human beings has an offence too. Is the one, and only way to enter into Heaven, get it?
For those nations, whom refuse to follow my Commandments saith the Lord. Judgement is at hand!
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where a sword was thrust into his side,his blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us
As I watch the idiot tube, and see the news about, all of the problems all over the world. Wars and rumors of wars. It always harkens me back to the Bible and it’s prophesy, that has always come to pass.
You can see especially the countries that have been cursed by war, and( Genesis 16:12)civil unrest.Because of the bloodline of Ishmael. Even though these nations were blessed with Gold, Silver, and oil.These nations will never have peace, like we have had off and on for generations.Nor do they have the covenant, that God promised to Abraham, and Isaac.
Because at one time we were a Christian nation, and had deeply held beliefs, and loved the word of the Lord and his commandments.
We have lost our way! ( Mark7:7-9)We don’t teach the Lords way no more.(Acts 26:18 ) Because, we worship porn, porn stars, homosexuality, fornication, drugs, hollywierd,lying apostate religions, burning mans, marti graws, prostitutes, abortions-50 million, OR MORE, WHO KNOWS,
devil worshiping government officials, media, universities teachers, public schools teachers,we are a( Matthew 13:49-50 )generation of vipers,( Isaiah 55:7 )sinners, walking dead, devil, demons, spirits, hybrids, test tube creations, fallen angels, anti christs, new agers, idolaters, fornicators,( Jude 1:7 )feel good, lying, apostate churches, gossiping, back biting, sooth saying,necromancer, card reading, ( Deuteronomy 18:10-11)wizards, shamans, voodoo, witchcraft, witch doctors, sorcerers, palm readers,medium, divination, false prophets, astrology, remote viewing, numbers reading, and all other( Galatians 1:8 )false religions and their teachings
We are such an ungrateful,( Hosea 4:6)arrogant,blaspheming,back slid-den( Hosea 11:7)nation, it is a miracle that the Lord still allows us to have food on our tables, fresh( Amos 4:7-8)water to drink. And a some what stable economy. He used to give our nation his( Jonah 3:9-10) grace and mercy, no more. At least that’s what I feel.
Like I have said in the other postings, we have little time left, unless we repent, as a nation, and the Lord slows his second coming. Sometimes I wish he would just get it over ( Amos 5:18-20) with, but it will be so terrible of a time, the human race, is going to faint and die to what they behold with their( Zechariah 14:12) own eyes, not unlike the days of old. There will be so much distress upon the world, all hell will break loose. It will be total lawlessness. No body will care for there neighbor. Nor will the( Micah 3:4) Lord here our cries.
The world ( Malachi 4:1)will be on fire. I am really afraid, what is around the corner, as humans live ( Matthew 24:21-22)there lives, and will be buying, shopping, getting married, ( Matthew 24:38) living there lives like, nothing is wrong, not unlike the days of Noe. Sticking there head in the sand, while the devil is going to pound sand up their but cracks, get it?
Read the books of Amos, and Joel. You can see Gods right hand at work, bring a nation unto it’s knees. To my brother and sisters find a place that has water, stay close to it, pray for wisdom. To you richand evil, no matter how much water you store, the Lord will turn it into vinegar, or your wells are going to dry up, good luck.
We need to repent as a nation, get on our knees and pray to the Lord to come back into our hearts, and nation. To repent of his judgement to come, sooner rather then later. But this generation, and all of the hippie generation is so corrupt, and has been brainwashed by the Universities, Public Schools, Government, and the media alike. The young adults will except, anything and everything.
There is no wrong, they don’t want to be told right from wrong. Because the Cross in an offence to them.They think that, sticking your penis in a another humans gross, defiled, filthy, rectum is a normal thing to do, get it, Aids? And then pass a vile, gross,deceitful, law to marry, and call this love, god we are so screwed up, woe unto us. We deserve rightfully, the Lords coming judgement, get prepared, my brothers and sisters, and repent, so the Lord will protect you in these times.You also whom I am talking about, you need to repent, woe unto you whom don’t.Animals don’t even do what we as a gross, defiled, sick, maleficent, devil worshiping human race does.
They don’t believe in marriage, unless it is between, maybe a dog and a donkey. A human to a sheep. Man to man, women to women. Nothing is beyond reproach( Mark 8:38)to the world and it’s parents and children of today. They have no ideal of Gods just punishment, such as Aids, and all of the venereal diseases that humans have today. God created Adam( Mark 10:6-9)and Eve, period. Man to woman, woman to man, the Lord says ( Luke2:23).
The Teachers,Professors, and the Government alike have all but taken away, the Lords commandments out of each and everyone of their hearts and souls. They don’t believe, obviously in eternal judgement, otherwise they would repent, ( Mark 1:15)from their lifestyles, and the way they view the world, and all of it’s gross behavior. Their eyes a ( Luke 11:34) full of darkness of the devil.
There will be so many burning in hell, and cursing at the Lord every waking second of their eternal punishment, due to their unbelief( Mark 4:12) of him, and his commandments.
The Lord is going to set the Nations on fire whether you want to believe it or not. Look things are winding up like a wound up spring, that has gotten so tight it is ready to explode, due to it’s beyond it’s physical properties, not unlike the human race today.
Every nation again that has tuned it’s back on the Lord, such as Sodomand Gomorrah, the day of Noe. When the Lord completely wiped people off of the earth, to clean and purge it of sinnersnot unlike today, get it?
But the Lord clearly states when he returns to judge the world, and to usher in his new Kingdom were he will reign, as Lord of Lords, and King of Kings. He stated that these days will be worst then those days, Noe times. That the world has never seen, nor shall it ever see days like, what is upon the world today, and what is to come.
Again we all need to repent, of our evil ways, and come back before it’s to late. I do believe it is to late, but will continue to preach, the word of repentance until the day I die, and take my last breath.
For those nations, whom refuse to follow my Commandments saith the Lord. Judgement is at hand!
Diversity is going to, usher in the Anti-Christ! There he goes again with one of his Racist terms. How dare you use the word Diversity. This will be the down fall of the human race.
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where a sword was thrust into his side,his blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us
What do I mean by the statement above. Let me tell you before you get you panties in a bunch. That goes for you, castrated men, as well as the women, who won’t stand up for Jesus. And all of the rest, of world.
The one thing I have witnessed over the last few generations is the down fall of our nation, as diversity had taken grasp of our nation and it’s laws. Woe slow down before you boil over, actually it’s permissible, and expected if you do, go for it!
This nation was founded on Christian principles. I know you have heard it a thousands times before.
But listen, one more time. We ran to this land of opportunity, to be free of the British, to get away for their common laws and their tyranny. And their apostate rules of God the Queen, oh my.
Look what I trying to articulate is, our founding principles of the Pilgrims, have all but been ( Matthew 10:32-42)cleansed by Political Correctness, ( Matthew 13:15)and it’s hatred for Jesus. We were truly a United States at that time, in our history. Today due to our diversity, here he goes again, that word religion and diversity, the words that has divided every city, town, and nation since the Devilhas used it to usher in the Anti-Christ, ( Matthew 12:39)and all of it’s tyranny, under oneworld religion, and it’s laws.
The only way to bring in a one world government, and religion is to break down all barriers, and drive Jesus out of the country, and the world for that matter. As long as the Ecclesiastes, Called out ones, Born again Christians stand up( Amos 3:9-10) for Jesus the harder it is, and will be for these plans of the Devil, to bring it to pass.
We have never been divided such as we have today. By allowing all of these apostate false religions( Matthew 23:27)and all of it’s people to change our Christian values, and it’s principles, we have all but died as nation of believers.
Yea I know everyone says we are a Christian nation, what a bunch of crap. Every one under the sun calls themselves a Christian, which they have no right( Matthew 15:8) to that word, it belongs to his children, who follow and worship at his feet, with their hearts, minds and souls, Not with their mouths such as most of you do ( Matthew 7:13-14)who are reading this blog right now.
The only way too, allow the New World Order, and it’s ilkto control the people of the worlds nations is to brake down all barriers, between religions. To become one peaceful, happy bunch of idiots.With no thoughts of there own, will follow anybody that claims to be Jesus, get it? The Antichrist, ( Matthew 7:15)coming soon.
We have liar in chief,a congressthat worships the devil, (Matthew 16:26)and a house of cards that is ready to be conquered, and taken over by the diversity you all claim to be the best for this country, woe unto you who believes that lie.
Unfortunately, I wish all who occupy the white house, and all of it’s ilk, on both sides of the vile isles would repent, and bring us back to a Sovereign nation that we once were. But the way it’s going I do believe we are toast, as a Christian nation. Woe unto us, who has abandoned the laws of the Bible. God has destroyed every nation that has forgotten him, read the Bible( Matthew 16:3) see for yourself.
So when the destruction comes, ( Matthew 22:44)and it will. Don’t you dare, you hypocrites who will call upon the Lords name and expect him to come ( Amos 4:6) and save you to those who kept silent, and allowed all of this diversity to destroy what God built with his own hands.
What awaits us is read Matthew 24, and Revelation. We are doomed and you ( Amos 4:11) had better repent, and turn back towards Christ, so when the Judgement comes, you will be pardoned.
We should kick out all of these apostate religions, but we won’t we will embrace them to appease the politically correct cowards, due to your cowardliness. As far as I am concerned you can all go to hell, literally. Those who hate my father and his Son.
I know I am a work in progress. Like I said and will say again, I am not your everyday, political correct Christian, I say it as it is. And will die defending my beliefs. You will all know like I have told you before. The moment you take your last breath, and stand before God, and the devilis waiting with open arms, with a gleam in his eyes, you will be so sorry. That you did not ask for Jesus forgiveness while you had a chance.
Repent, Repent and Repent.
Diversity is going to, usher in the Anti-Christ! There he goes again with one of the Racist terms. How dare you use the word Diversity. This will be the down fall of the human race.
You cannot legislate morality! How can a man judge a man. The men, and women writing the laws on morality, are guilty of the sins that they are putting other men, and owner behind bars for.
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where a sword was thrust into his side,his blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us
Jesus clearly states that if you broke one law, you have broke all 613 laws in the bible. now you tell me one other human being that has walked the face of this earth who was sinless, get it? Our Savior.
So how can men justify putting other humans in jail, and / or prison, when they do not follow God’s laws. What do I mean? I will tell you. We have all but, bastardized the Ten Commandments into a joke. We have thrown it out of most, if not all halls of supposed justice. Out of the White House, Court Houses, Schools, Businesses, you name it it is a affront to most , if not all people who sit on the white throne judging others.
The irony is ,that as they throw away Gods true and final laws, that has guided man kind since the beginning of time, the Bible. The sad truth is when they all die who have mocked Jesus and all of his commandments and laws, will stand one day to be judged by the one and true Judge, who has the rights to all of our souls. And has the ownership to do what he wills. That’s why he sent his Son to save us from his, casting our souls into hell, get it?
If you really think about the laws that are written by lying , filthy, apostates men and women, who are of a fallen race, of human beings.
When I see the laws written by a back slid den world, such as Gun Laws, Land Rights, and just every day laws. I makes me laugh, especially the way the apostate churches use Romans 13. What a joke. Every time a law is written in any country, and especially in this land. It takes away yours and my Gods given freedoms away from are every day lives.
The irony, is that Jesus’s came to set us free from the final judgement, when we all stand before God, if you don’t have Jesus in you life before we die.
You look at the violence, in today’s society. We reap what we sow. Woe unto to you who, unjustly lock everyone else up, when you don’t follow Gods laws. You cannot legislate morality, with men’s laws. The reason we have such a lawless society is because we have thrown away Gods laws and have forced society to try to soc-come to a bunch of apostate laws written by sinners, what a joke.
We will never have a peaceful society, until Christ returns to purge the world, of all human beings, and cast them into hell. And creates a new world that follows and loves his Ten Commandments. You look at what is going on in all of our big cities, and all of the gun violence and murders each and every day.
It doesn’t matter if you take away every gun in the world. The first murder that took place in the world, between Cain and Able, there were no guns, get it?You cannot regulate, morality in any way. This is an affront to Gods creation of all colors and races. He designed them all. But it was caused by our own self righteousness, not unlike today. That we all think we are all above God, and / or at least equal too! God’s judgement was to separate, mankind from each other, and cast them upon the world, to speak different languages, all came about because of men’s own arrogance trying to built a temple to reach Heaven, called the tower of Babel.
Out of the Lords anger, because we tried to out do God, and to do things are way, no like unto today’s generation trying to legislate morality. We reap what we have sowed, over and over. All of the different, races and languages, is do due, again. Because humans have tried to rule ourselves, which is a joke. Without Christ it is impossible, to cleanse your self of the devils, lies and deceptions.
At he beginning the world, we all spoke ( Genesis 11:1) the same language. But, we are cursed since Adam and Eve, bit the apple. We have been disobedient to Gods 613 laws. If you want to judge someone, take it up with God. He has the final word and control of this world, not mankind. Look at ( Genesis 11:1-9). He scattered us abroad, because of our own arrogance.
This is why today all of the countries don’t understand each other, and will never get along. There will always be wars ( Habakkuk 2:12) and rumors of wars. It is allowed, and designed by God. We will never legislate, this away, no matter how many laws are passed to correct humans behavior, it is impossible.
The only way to have Gods judgement( Zephaniah 1:17-18) not hanging over our heads is to have them hidden in Christ, get it? Born again. ( John 14:6). There is no hope in any, and all of our own ways such as the Patriot movement, trying to fix the problems, of our run away Presidents, Congressmen and Women, and Judges, and self righteous laws.
The laws of today are to bring into the End Times. It is the only way the Anti Christ, can and will dominate all of society thoughts, movements, and our free will.
We will at sometime in the near future, have a law requiring you to take the Mark of the Beast 666,whether you want to believe it or not. Remember just a few short years ago, you could choose your own doctor, health plan. You never thought this was going to happen either. what about the National I.D. act, Patriot Act, the National Defense Authorization Act, which by the ways makes the Constitution, completely null and void.
And all of these laws to stop the supposed racism by the white folks, the only Racists, right. Bunch of hypocrites, ( Matthew 7:5) we are all Racist, not one of us will stand before God, and claim that we are all perfect, ( Matthew 15:11)and never once, besmirched another person because of his color, ethnicity, speech, life style, color of eyes, clothes that they wear. How fat , skinny, ugly, stupid, 4-eyed, toothless, bald, homeless, buck teeth, to dark to white, to brown, to yellow, to red, slanted eyes, scumbag, liar, rag heads, hill billy’s, crackers,dumb ass,worthless, drug addict, alcoholic, whore, come on. Judge each other if we eats weird foods, lets see, what else. Have I heard from the world alike, and spoke of.
We are all Hypocrites, Liars, Racists, Bigots,( Matthew 23:27) you are a liar if you say you are not! That’s why we need Jesus to forgive us, not mans acceptance, nor his worthless laws, impugning each and everyone’s right to free speech, whether you agree with what I, or somebody else has to say.
You cast the first stone, against the ranchers ( Micah 2:1-3)head and kill him, you who are sinless, and have never sinned, hypocrites.
I could go on, and on. That’s why, each and everyone of us Racists, needs Jesus to forgive us of our Judgments ( Matthew 13:15)towards others, get it? Judged and / or be Judged. And all of the Race Baiter’s, on T.V, what a joke. You serve the Devil,( Matthew 6:24)and all of his lies.You are the most Judgmental of all, who see ( Matthew6:22)with dark colored lenses. Woe unto you when you die. For you eyes, and souls are dark as the ace of spades.
We need to stop all of this legislation of Morality. It will never work, nor will it change mans, / nor women’s hearts. Only Jesus can do that by his pure, and righteous blood, that he sacrificed, and died on the cross for all of us.Hypocrites, Racists, Murderers, Thief’s, Scumbags, Whores, Liar, Sinners,( Romans 1:24_32)Fornicators, get it?
Side note: What if white people, had a group called the National Association of White People. Would Jesus say it’s Racist, you ask? You tell me!
Update as of April 24th, at 1:45 P.m. I was listening to the ill repute, apostate, Jesus hating Deviling worshiping News Media, taking about the Rancher in Nevada whom said some, oh my God, dare did he use his 1st amendment rights to speak, oh no his thoughts right or wrong. Here comes the thought police. Politically correct, thought crowd. It wasn’t what he said was wrong, it was how he asked the question.
What he should have replied is anyone, anybody, race, creed and / or persuasion better off, with a over grown Tyrannical, out off control government, welfare enslaving, self righteous, self loathing, bunch of liars, self aggrandizing, that has completely trashed all of our God given rights, who gives a rat’s butt about civil rights, If you don’t have the 1st, and 2 amendments, your Civil rights, and the rest of the rights given under the Constitutions will be worthless. Anyway, if mankind followed Gods laws, there wouldn’t be any need for man to have any laws, Gods word trumps all of mankind fruitless laws, get it?
As you can see, if you want to speak your mind right or wrong, you are castigated, be the Mediaand alike, which are the most hypercritical, self rightness, gross ,vile , unseemly,braggadocios, selfaggrandizing, bunch of lairs I have ever witnessed. Good luck in Hell, were you all will be going, you Pharisees.
The answer his hell no. If you don’t like what he, nor I, or anyone else has to say, tough titty. I am tired of all of this thought policing bull hockey and telling me how to think, and what is OK talk about.
Shut the Hell up. No body cares about what you think, with your measly self righteous , puny audiences. You are all going by the wayside, as well as all of the supposed conservative talkers, who are almost worst then the self loathingsupposed, progressive Devil worshiping movement, get it?
I will never be silent, you all can all go to hell. Sorry, but I am sick and tired of what this country has become, a bunch of cowards, that have no testes left to stand up for your God given rights, that can not be taken away, if you stand up for them, right or wrong. At least the rancher, has conviction amen to that. The only slaves of today, are the ones who get on their knees and attach their lips to the government rear-end, and all of it’s Devil worshiping ilk. Not for me, no way in hell.
We need to repent, to Christ, to ever have hope this fallen world, to change it’s ways! Laws will never do it.
You cannot legislate morality!How can a man judge a man. The men, and women writing the laws on morality, are guilty of the sins that they are putting other men, and owner behind bars for.
The Bible says, your Pastor, Preacher, Father, nor the Pope, cannot enter into Heaven, thou must be born again, ( John 14:6). Or you shall not enter, the Pearly Gates of Heaven.
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where a sword was thrust into his side,his blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us.
All of mankind needs Jesus, to stand between, you and God’s Great White Throne of judgement. Nobody gets a free ride, Get it? It does not matter how Holy you think you are, no one deserves to be with the Father, and his Son.
There was only one perfect, sinless man that has ever lived on this earth. He was not conceived by mans sperm, nor the act of a sexual contact. He was conceived by the the Trinity, of the Holy Ghost. God put the seed into the Virgin Mary, to conceive Jesus Christ.
He was, and is the only human being that died on the Cross and rose again. Whom shed his perfect Holy blood, that can cleanse us of all of our ( sins), against the Father up in Heaven. Whom walked a perfect and Holy life, not like unto any man that has walked this earth, before, nor after him, there is no other, period.
All others, when they died went back into the earth as they came. Ashes to ashes dust to dust. I know some will say that, a few of the apostles, never died, but they did not rise up into Heaven in a cloud, nor will they return in one either. I don’t care what apostate, religion you supposed book, or what ever you call it. It is a lie, period, as well as all of mankind’s Devil worshiping religions.
I am just warning you as a watcher, as what the Bible says. Very few people even have read the Bible, nor can you understand it, unless you are Born Again.
If you die without Christ, you are going to be in Hell. I did write the Book, it says what it says. You must be Born Again to understand the truth! Lets see what the Bible has to say what was just written down in front of your eyes.
Show me any where anyone of these Verses below, where it allows any body to enter into heaven without Christ, it does not, Period! I don’t care how you try to slice it, lie about it, chance the meaning, to fit your apostate fallen Religion from the Devil it is a lie, get it?
(Mark 6:11)I pray you receive this word into your hearts, souls and minds.If you don’t.
(Matthew 7:21) Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
( John 14:6.) (JESUS saith unto them) I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ( Which means, all of the other religions are false teachings, they will send you tohell.)
( John 3:16) For GOD so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,( Meaning CHRIST) that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ( So believe in him and be saved.)
( Acts 4:12 ) Neither is there salvation in any other: ( Look at what it says!) for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
( John 3:3 ) JESUS answered and said unto him, Verily, verily , I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of GOD. ( Means again there is only one GOD, not many or any other. ) ( Means born again through CHRIST)
( John 3:18) He that believeth on him ( JESUS ) is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already,because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
( Matthew 9:6 )But that ye may know that the Son of man( JESUS ) hath power on earth to forgive sins,( then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up the bed, and go unto thine house. (Nobody else can forgive you of your sins only the begotten SON, CHRIST JESUS.)
(Matthew 10:32 ) Whosoever therefore shall confess me ( Meaning CHRIST )before men, him will I confess also before my FATHER which is heaven.
( I am confessing CHRIST before you and the world to see. )
( Matthew 11:25 ) At that time JESUS answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise ( Meaning the world )and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. ( Meaning his children, the called out ones.)
(Matthew 13:17 ) For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, ( BORN AGAIN ) and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.
( In other words the world is blind to GODS truth. )
(Matthew 18:3 ) And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, ( BORN AGAIN)and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
( Matthew 22: 14 ) For many are called,( Which means that, many were called, but you choose the world instead instead of Jesus, that’s why you were not chosen.) but few are chosen.
( Mark 14:62 ) And JESUS said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. ( There is no other under Heaven, only one JESUS )
( Mark 16:16 ) He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. ( So if you believeth any other than CHRIST, you will be cast into the lake of fire, because of your unbelief.)
(Luke 6:22 )(For my brothers and sisters:) (Jesus says) Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from theircompany, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Sons of man’s sake. (CHRIST says this because he knew the persecution, that his word would bring unto his children, for standing against pagan religions.)
( Luke 7:23 ) (JESUS says)And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me. ( Can you tell that I am not offended, so be angry, hate me because I am blessed, should you feel the need.)
( Luke 8:10 ) And he said, Unto you ( BORN AGAIN ) it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of GOD: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, ( Being Blind to the truth ) and hearing they might not understand.
( John 6:65 )(JESUS said)And he said,Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me,( MEANING JESUS ) except it were given unto him of my Father.
Now before you throw a hissyfitt. Calm down, let it soak into your soul what you have just witnessed, as to the Truth. And it shall set you free. I know everyone believes there is many other ways into Heaven, that is the biggest lie that the Devil has put on the Human race( Genesis 3:1-4) since it exception. The first lie was when Eve bit( Genesis 3:6) the apple. And it still continues today Get it?
Also no man of this earth can forgive you of your sins, so quit wasting you time talking to a man that is no better then you nor I, asking him for forgiveness, it does not make one damn bit of difference when you die. ( He needs forgiveness just like you and I)You are going to be judged by God, if your name is not written in the Book of Life, Get it?
The Bible says, your Pastor, Preacher, Father, nor the Pope, cannot enter into Heaven, thou must be born again, ( John 14:6). Or you shall not enter, the Pearly Gates of Heaven.
May you have the Eyes to see, and the Ears for hearing, Amen and Amen.
Woe to you who have sold, (sell), your souls unto the Devil!
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where a sword was thrust into his side,his blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us.
I have said it before, and I will say it again, until I am blue in the ( LUKE 4:18)face. You cannot serve ( Matthew 6:24) two masters. You will either love the one or hate the other. If you don’t love Jesus, then you hate him and serve the Devil, period. There is not a 3rd choice, that’s what I am trying to convey to the world.
Like I have said before, My motto growing up as a rebellious punk no it all, teenager, and young adult, was. To be Rude and, Crude.And socially unacceptable. (Matthew 10:32-33) I used to have a older 1964 Pontiac. That pridefully had a psychedelic , reflective Pot leaf, stuck to my rear window, that I put in bright white bold stick on letters, that stated if you don’t like it ( F#@*) ( Off).
But not unlike you who have purposelessly sold your( Matthew 12:31 possibly)souls to the Devil, to be rich( Matthew 11:25) and famous. I was ignorant about who he was. I was somewhat aware of God, and the Devil. But really just didn’t think much about either one of them. I was lets say neutral, about both, but did somehow leaned more towards Christ.
We have all heard about both at sometime in our lives, ( Mark4:15-23)that’s for sure.
You know the story of Jesus.The world follow the Devils evil ways, so they can have all of it’s ugly fame and prideful glory . So they can have everything that is of this evil world. Just like he tempted( Matthew 4:1-10)the Lord.
I am always fascinated, and broken hearted when I see, people in general give the Devils, horn signal with both fingers up in the air, giving the old horn signal. Beet, at a rock concert, or sports event or what ever. Even the supposed good guys, the country singers. I understand the heathen acid rockers. But most have given into the Devils lies, and his deceptive ways.
I have even witnessed a few times, on t.v. I was turning the Channel and came across a Heavy Metal rocker( Mark 13:5) singing a song, stopped for a little while, listing intently. After about ten minutes, barley hanging on, turns my stomach to listen to the lies if the Devil. ( I have been there and done that!)He started to sing a song that went something like this.” I sold my soul to the Devil,( Mark 7:20-23) he told me that if I wanted to be Rich( Mark 6:24) and Famous, he would make my songs, be loved, If I would just follow his ways”. Something to that effect. You need to repent, ( Mark5:32)and not follow these ways.
See the difference between me and them. I was ignorant, ( Matthew 13:15)about both. Where as too, these people follow and drag millions of souls unto Hell, glee fully, with them.When Jesus snaps that silver cord, and says times up.
I am trying to warn the populist, that there’s a time coming you will have to make a choice what side you will stand on the Devils,( Matthew 13:38-43) side or the Lord’s side.
The whole moral of this story, is you cannot serve (2) masters. There is no purgatory, no afterlife, no wandering out into some other galaxy and return as an animal of your choice, period. There is only (2) choices that you can make . I don’t give a damn if you don’t believe in Jesus, or the Devil. They both believe in you, and one died on the cross so you wouldn’t have to be with the other, in eternity burning in Hell for ever, get it?
Look for the ones who think you are going to have a party( Matthew 23:27) with the Devils, ( Matthew 25:46)when you die. You are going to sit around drink, beers, smoke a joint, and tell each other how shitty the Lord is, and what a fool the, world and others who have choose the good side, the narrow way in. Not the wide path( Matthew 7:13-14) to destruction. You are a fool.
Look idiots, the Devilabsolutely has so much disdain, and hatred for the Lord, and his ways, and the human race. ( Read the Bible)Why do you think he left heaven? Because God has allowed the ones, his Remnant, the chosen ones to rule ( Luke 10:19-20)over the Angles, Demons, Devils alike when we get to heaven. God says rather then boast about this, be grate full that your names are written in the book of life.
This is why the Devil, out of his own pride,and arrogance, basically told God to go to Hell, and he replied why don’t you (2 Peter 2:4)instead. The Devil looked over at the Angels, standing before God, and the Lord, and said who wants to be a part of this (##@*), I don’t. So 33% of the Angels left heaven. ( Matthew 25:41)God cast them to rule over this fallen world. That’s why it is so screwed up get it? ( Romans 1:24-32) I am not going to bow to some piece of crap humans who was made for dirt, I am Angel, oh my. Get it? He hates humans, and is going to torture you every damn second you are there It doesn’t matter what you have done for him in this world. He going to make point out of you and, your ilk, idiots. Sorry but truth is truth!
The Devilis a liar, and is out to destroy the word of God, out of his jealousy. You need to repent before it’s too late. For some I believe it is. woe unto to you. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, when you stand before God at the Great white throne of Judgement, and are cast into total darkness.
Woe to you who have sold, (sell), your souls unto the Devil!
Repent, and ( Luke 15:10)Repent. So thou will be saved.
The whole world, is enamored about it’s selfie. It is the most grotesque, thing I have witnessed in a decades, this self absorption(Romans1:24-32) of our own self image. And the dark, and evil pride and arrogance that it brings out in the human race.
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where a sword was thrust into his side,his blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us.
I recently saw a commercial about a pilot series coming out where, a very famous actor of old days, was talking about the size of his (#@@*&), and was going to take a picture and send it to his family and friends, WOW. We are so screwed up( Matthew 24:24)as a society today. Jesus would absolutely puke, if he was here today, walking in the fallen back slid-den world we have become today. That’s why he is going to return and burn ( Revelation7:13) this world to the ground, with all of you in it, who don’t repent.)
Look at our ( Matthew 15:19)Presidents,Congressman, Actors,Rich and Poor alike, Men and Women. And what has become of our children, that have no control over their wanting to be excepted into the world of deceit. ( Matthew24:4)All caused by, read by Demons,and Devilspage, you will understand more. They also cause the world problems not just unto God’s ( Matthew 17:3-4)children. It’s just, they Hate Jesus, so they are out to destroy his works, in the world, and his Born Again children.
What happened to our morals. I know, that if Jesus was not in my life today, I would also so-come to the Demons, Devils, and Spiritsthat are being em-braised by today’s culture. Praise Jesus for his Salvation. Thank you Lord for cleansing the Wife and ( I), of all of it’s disgusting, and vile, abhorrent, sins of the world.
As I watch the grossand vilenews cast Local, and National, they are so self absorbed ( Matthew 23:27)about each other, photos, the days business, their habits, clothes, shoes, or what ever. All of the unreality shows.They absolutely have no common sense, and / or no self esteem left. They need approval from each other, for every breath they take. Hell, I am surprised you all don’t a picture of what you just let loose in the toilet, after a # 2, to get approval. That’s next.
It’s just like Lot’s wife, as the Lord said I came to set you free, of all of your destructive behavior,( Matthew 13:41-42)and the sins of the world. Lot’s wife had to look back into the world, she was not able to let the sins, and the lust of the world go, as to what most of the world is doing today, and why most of the world is going to burn in Hell, ( Matthew 25:41)get it?
If Jesus say’s we are to be Humble, Loving, Long Suffering, Patient, Kindness, and most of all a Foot Washer. That doesn’t sound like, the world we live in today, what say you?
Also the (2) greatest Commandments of all. To love the one a only God with all of your Heart, Mind and Soul, andTo love the Neighbor as your self,(NOT SELFIE). Not the best photo of today.
(Timothy 3:1-4)that says: “There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves,( GEE, SOUNDS FAMILIAR, GET IT?) lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, (SELF AGGRANDIZE)brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.”
Jesus does not say, not to love yourself. But you have to love Christ, first. He will teach you to love yourself, and your neighbors. As you walk with him, he will cleanse you and take( Matthew 7:5) the beam out of your eye first, so you will quit, boasting about yourself. I really makes me sad, as to what the devil,( Matthew 13 :38-40)and his liesabout, the worlds technologyof today and how it’s destroying all of Human beings connection ( Luke 13:27)to each other and the Lord.
Nobody gives rats ass, about what you did today, shut up, sorry. Throw that damn devil worshiping phonein the garbage. Go take a walk, go camping, visit a friend. Do something normal. Go for a drive, look at the mountains, lakes, and the beautiful landscape around you. Take that old beater, if you have one, that way you won’t be spied on get it? It’s the Lords handy work, he created it in (6) days.
Technology is what came out of the knowledge of the Tree of life, of Good and Evil, ( Mark 7:20-23) it’s from the Evilside. You are just to ( #&$#@) to see it through you dark colored lenses that the devil has you seeing through.
Sorry, butI digress. Anyway, you are all in so much trouble, it’s not funny. The world is chasing the Devilby the tail, ( Matthew22:14)and he’s dragging you all into hell, and you go willing with out a fight, get it? Free will! Not without a squabble, you all love sin, and freely do it.
I am speaking the truth, ( Mark 8:38)and the truth shall set you free, get it? Also be aware of what, and who you give all of your information out into the world, and the Devil webs, ( Luke 8:17)woe ( Mark13:12)unto you who do. World Wide Worshiping. You will never get your life back, once it is let unto the world, to destroy, manipulate, change, and lie about you, get it, dummies.
Hush and be quiet, come back to the well of living water. Like I have stated so many times before. because that’s all you have to enter into the kingdom of God. ( John 14:6)
I beseech you, stop this gross a vile ways of the Devil. It is taking you know where fast. Except into to the Devils arms, wake up and smell what the Devil is shoveling. Of all of his lies and Deceits.
“Woe unto you and the world”
Repent, Repent and Repent.
The whole world, is enamored about it’s selfie. It is the most grotesque, thing I have witnessed in a decades, this self absorption( Romans 24:32)of our own self image. And the dark, and evil pride and arrogance that it brings out in the human race.