Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where spikes were hammered into his hands and feet, then a sword was thrust into his side,his perfect, sinless blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us
Every day that goes by, my soul feels uneasy. Again, as I watch, all of the world slowly but surely, coming unraveled. End times, Get It? As I see the wicked and vileand proud, ( Proverbs 16:5) lost souls, Homosexuals, Transvestites,( Jeremiah 51:37), are we, the daughter, and Lesbians, and all of the perverts, of the Devil, and of the world, and Media( Ecclesiastes 6:2) and alike, governments and Hollywierd, ( Ecclesiastes 9:5) and cohorts, protestors,( Psalm 55:21)all over the world, and all of their demons coming alive, to watch all of the unseemly,( Ecclesiastes 2:26)and perverted ( Nahum 1:3) views that are all against the Lord , Jesus Christ, himself.
The one and only one who can save the lost. That I witness each and every day, spewing hatred for him, who came to set them free, of their wicked ways. The one whom they spit on, and want to hang him again and again on the Cross, to shed his perfect and Holy blood so sad.
Here comes a rich, ( 5 Ecclesiastes 18:20) bold, brash, crude, tell it like it is, a sinnerlike, I use to be. For I am washed by perfect Holy Blood. With a beautiful wife, I am not referring to her presence, even though, she is by far the most gracious, ( Proverbs 29:2) and lovely first lady we have ever seen, that does not belong to a vile( Isaiah 1:28)New World Order, ( 2 Micah1:3)Get It? Rockefeller’s,( Proverbs 22:16) and such alike. That day, of the Presidents speech, in Florida. When the First Lady, spoke the Lords prayer, I just was in shock to hear that the Lords name was invoked, coming from people that actually came from, Washington D.C.. Tears rolled down my face, I could not hold them back, due to the fact, that God was aloud back in the chamber of horrors, ( Hosea 11:7) that the last vile Muslimpresident, too bad, and his wicked man wife, was aloud to destroy the Lords name and take it in vain each and every day they opened their mouths, woe unto them.
For God always, gets his Justice, in some manner. For he has the keys to Heaven and Hell, Get It? The Bible says, that life is but a shadow, passing by!Get It? God says the wicked shall live a short life. Heart Attack, diseases such as cancer, for God is a just God. We think we are going to live a long life, woe unto them who cross the Lord!
Sound familiar, Get It? Sandy Hook? ( Hosea 13:16) Deserved?
Also mister President, due not try to appease the wicked, protesters, and their ilk, the lost half. Jesus says, ( Proverbs 22:24)Look they will never be your friend they hate you, Get It? (Proverbs 29:27) But I have to remind myself, it was like 9-11, the Lord tried to open our eyes,( Daniel 9:14) as to why our once Christian Nation was being( Proverbs 20:27) judged. Hussein,( Isaiah 1:15) and his vile man wife.Get It, transsexual bathrooms. Was Gods judgment on our nation. ( Isaiah 1:4) He was showing us, what was to come, if his children, did not repent, ( Jeremiah 8:5) and stand up and fight against the evil, that was fomenting upon our once Christian Nation, as such! If we repent, Christ says ( Jeremiah 31:34).Christ says, that he prays not for the world, but for his children.
As well as, he holds us accountable for the many reasons, why many things happen in this world, Get It? Sodom and Gomorrah, the flood. ( Isaiah 5:24), Get It? Lost your home, finances, family, wealth, ( Ezekiel 39:24) and alike, remember, what was, shall be again, ( Zephaniah 3:6) if we do not stand up for righteous sake, amen, an amen.
Because we refused to speak against the unseemly, and vile childrenof the Devils, Get It. Media, the progressive, communist,socialist, and congress, and all of the ilk. That refuse to repent, of their wicked ways.
Well I refuse to let it continue. I will speak the truth, no matter what the cost. For the Lords judgment is at hand, and he is waiting to see what, his children do with what has been given to us, the final Trumpet.
To bring this once Christ centered nation back, into his Godly chambers, and take it back from( Isaiah 29:4)the followers of the Devil. By the way, God also, chooses. He also is, in a way not politically correct. He choose us from our mothers womb, Get It? As to were evil comes directly from some mothers womb, could that be you to whom he was speaking about, just a thought. Christ, and you know the truth, and whom you are! You command us to pray for our enemies, ( 2 Isaiah 19:22) and the fallen. I pray that they read the truth that is in front of them. And it pierces each and everyone of their hearts, that they repent, from their wicked and vile ways, ( Proverbs 19:23) and come back unto the living waters, and come unto salvation as such.
For you whom are against Israel, Islam, and the Muslim nations, and their ilk, here and abroad. ( Zechariah 14:12)You will taste the Lords judgment.
Also those apostate Pastors, such was at the D.N.C chair, Muslim, preaching lies to the world. And all of the rest, whom spouse, all of their lies and deceits, unto the world, and pews alike. Catholics, Buddhist, Mormons, Jehovah Witness, Islam, and all of the thousands, of sects, whom are all deceived by demons, and the Devil alike.(23 Jeremiah 1:2) You also gave us Psalms. One comes to mind that I also pray, for those whom refuse to repent, and stop all of the vile things Lord, that they are doing, to you, and your children alike.
King David’s Prayer( Psalms 55:15). It says, Let death seize upon them, and let them go down quick into hell: for wickednessis in their dwellings, and among them.
Why do you believe your loved ones are all in heaven?
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where spikes were hammered into his hands and feet, then a sword was thrust into his side,his perfect, sinless blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us
Why do you believe all of your loved ones are in heaven? The Devil does not exist!Mega Lie of the Millennium!The lie that has Billions, and Billions of sinners in hell, because you all bought into his deception, get it?
The devilhas the world convinced that he does not exist. This is the greatest deception the world has ever seen. It allows the world to continue to sinagainst the Lord, without no consequences, or fear of their actions.
This has allowed, almost the whole world, to believe in only heaven. You have heard it a million, billion times. No matter who the person is, or what life style they have lived, when they die. The Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Friend, or whatever, always says they are in a better place. They say this especially if they had cancer, or some type of horrible disease, they are better off. No way in hell, that is a lie. Their is not one person, who is in hell, as we speak, that had the most terrible case of disease, you can have here on earth, would jump back into that old decrepit , gross, sick, malnourished, acing, chemotherapy treatment blistered, body. Then to be were they supposedly are , in a better place.
How can Good exist without evil.So you would have to conclude that, all Murders, Rapists, Thugs, Fornicators, or what ever, type of sinner, is a good person, right? Because, if the devil does not exist, and there is no hell. Then you would have to assume, that all people are good. That is the deception. It allows you and I to continue to sin, free of judgement get it?
Or the real kicker, the biggest deception unto mankind. My Father, Mother, Sister, Brother, and / or Friend was a good and decent person, right? They went to church, they gave money. They were involved with the community, great dad. Or they didn’t sin, that much, oh well. He, and / or she has a beer, once in a while, curses, every so often, was kind a gentle, gee he was so sweet.( Matthew 23:27) Of course I am being sarcastic. But you get the point.
This is why everyone, believes they are all in heaven
Which in-turns, the verbiage everybody is in a better place, right? Which is why no body needs a Savior, to come to their rescue. Who needs God, if when we all die, we are in a better place, woe unto you who believe this crap.
Let’s see what the Bible has to say about the greatest deception you are all under.
First and foremost the greatest sacrifice the world has ever seen. God gave his only begotten ( John 3:16)Son, who shed his blood unto the world, for the Salvation of our souls.
(Matthew 7:21)Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
( John 14:6.)(JESUS saith unto them) I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ( Which means, all of the other religions are false teachings, they will send you tohell.)
( John 3:16) For GOD so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,( Meaning CHRIST) that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ( So believe in him and be saved.)
( Acts 4:12 )Neither is there salvation in any other: ( Look at what it says!) for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
( John 3:3 ) JESUS answered and said unto him, Verily, verily , I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of GOD. ( Means again there is only one GOD, not many or any other. ) ( Means born again through CHRIST)So all who have passed away are in hell, get it?
( John 3:18) He that believeth on him ( JESUS ) is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already,because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
( Matthew 9:6 ) But that ye may know that the Son of man( JESUS ) hath power on earth to forgive sins,( then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up the bed, and go unto thine house. (Nobody else can forgive you of your sins only the begotten SON, CHRIST JESUS.)
(Matthew 10:32 ) Whosoever therefore shall confess me ( Meaning CHRIST )before men, him will I confess also before my FATHER which is heaven.
( I am confessing CHRIST before you and the world to see. )
( Matthew 11:25 ) At that time JESUS answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise ( Meaning the world )and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. ( Meaning his children, the called out ones.)
(Matthew 13:17 ) For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, ( BORN AGAIN ) and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.
( In other words the world is blind to GODS truth. )
(Matthew 18:3 ) And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, ( BORN AGAIN)and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
( Matthew 22: 14 ) For many are called,( Which means that, many were called, but you choose the world instead instead of Jesus, that’s why you were not chosen.)but few are chosen.
( Mark 14:62 ) And JESUS said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. ( There is no other under Heaven, only one JESUS )
( Mark 16:16 ) He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. ( So if you believeth any other than CHRIST, you will be cast into the lake of fire, because of your unbelief.)
(Luke 6:22 )(For my brothers and sisters:) (Jesus says)Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from theircompany, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Sons of man’s sake. (CHRIST says this because he knew the persecution, that his word would bring unto his children, for standing against pagan religions.)
( Luke 7:23 ) (JESUS says)And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me. ( Can you tell that I am not offended, so be angry, hate me because I am blessed, should you feel the need.)
( Luke 8:10 ) And he said, Unto you ( BORN AGAIN ) it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of GOD: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, ( Being Blind to the truth )and hearing they might not understand.
( John 6:65 ) (JESUS said) And he said,Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me,( MEANING JESUS ) except it were given unto him of my Father.
OK, whether you believe in the Bible or not does not change what in am trying to convey to you. That when you die you, and whoever dies without Christ, is burning in hellright now. And all who that have passed on since Christ came unto the world. In the year.(0000). That’s right, the clock reset, when Christ died on the cross, the old law was fulfilled. The New Testament, begin.The year was 4000 b.c. When Jesus died on the cross, a new beginning begin. It went from B.C, to A.D. after death. So for 2014 years, the ones who have died after Jesus sacrifice on the Cross that faithful day.
Lets see what the Bible says about hell.
(Matthew13:49-50) So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked (If you don’t belong to Christ) from among the just, ( Born Again )And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
( Matthew 13:15) For the people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, ans hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted and I should heal them. Also read ( Matthew 13:37-42).
Look at what Jesus says, in ( Luke21:8)Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.
( John 3:16-18) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Now ask yourself the question, are you and the dead, condemned. Because you have not believed on Jesus Christ. That he died on the cross for you and yours.
Look I also have had a brother murdered in the 70’s. My dad passed away, many friends of mine have also have passed away. I know for a fact, that if they did not except Jesus into their heart’s before they died , they are in hell. I have been preaching the truth until my living family members since I have came to Christ, in 1998. Most have refused to hear the truth, they also will go to hell, if they don’t repent, before they die.
My heart bleeds for humans more then you will ever know. And I really mean that. I can’t convey to you how much, but the Lord knows my heart. That’s why I am stepping out, of my shell and telling the truth, which will probably get, the wife and I killed. John the Baptist. Remember got his head chopped off, because he did what we are doing right now, telling you the truth. But it is what it is, I have too!
The wife and I pray a lot for our families, especially the wife. Because she also knows what awaits, humans when they die. Thank God for his Son, otherwise no one would have a chance to be with the one true God, and his Son Jesus.
I pray that this convicts your hearts so you will repent and turn back to the Lord. It is to late for the loved ones who didn’t, so don’t make the same mistakes, come back unto the living water,and though shall be saved.
Why do you believe all of your loved ones are in heaven? The Devil does not exist!Mega Lie of the Millennium!The lie that has Billions, and Billions of sinners in hell, because you all bought into his deception, get it?
( Luke 16:19-25 )This blog is not about the wife nor I, it’s about GOD,& his SON JESUS CHRIST and our, Salvation, and his Love, Peace, Righteousness, Forgiveness, Kindness, Long Suffering, Just.
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where a sword was thrust into his side,his blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us.
By the way I am not religious, I do not believe In man, or his religion. I only believe in his SON, JESUS. OK everyone take a breath before you go any further.The two great commandants, from the LORD , FATHER, GOD.Is to Love thy GOD , with all thy Heart, Soul, and mind. The second but not least, Is to love thy neighbor as thy self.
There I go again, I am going to, mention that evil, terrorist word. Quick lock up you children again, back the truck up, the sky is falling, the aliens have landed, the anti christ, maybe? The world is coming to an end, actually it is? Don’t you dare, Oh my GOD, here it comes.
OK, that’s why I love the Bible and the Constitution, Oh that bastard child the 1st Amendment, don’t you dare curse at me, with such foul language, how dare you. Oh I have really done it. Quick call( Matthew 13:49-50 )homeland security, get the child molesting tsa, call all of the alphabet soup guys. Lock him up, through him into Guantanamo bay, put him away for eternity, because we have the national defense authorization act, by the way where most of you will be going, to hell! Whew that was close.
( Mark 7:20-23 )
Lets look into the devils dictionary.
The banker’s, car manufactures, union’s ,insurance companies, corporations, lobbyist, the best friend that money can buy!
A Republic
What we were founded on!
A political order not headed by a monarch and in modern times led by a president. A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them. Meaning the voters, and or constituents.
A Government by the wealthy. A wealthy class that controls a government. A governmentor state in which the wealthy rule.
Which one you say, is what we have become. You ask?
Now, lets all look at this together, put our brains together, which one fits more of our country of old, than today? We have lost our soul, we have a country no more. We are all toast.
Read the four Gospels, you will see what JESUS says about, (Acts 26:18 ). corrupt, rotten, filthy, lying, deceiving, apostate, baby killing, homosexual aggrandizing, drug selling, gun running, devil worshiping sons of perdition, lets see what else, well that’s enough for now, of media, and politicians, sinners.
Lets start with the first, lying politicians. ( Matthew 15:8 ) Wake up all of you dummed down, people of this country, Oh my God, have you ever been duped.
If anything you should have learned, ( Matthew 15:17-20 )with the last few elections. The color and/ or the political persuasionof the politician, isn’t the problem. It’s where their heart lye’s. Mans heart is corrupt, without GOD.
Do you have a heart of CHRIST, Love, Patience, Long suffering, Kindness, Meekness, Giving, Humility, or the heart of the devil,( Matthew 13:49-50 )politician, media,GODS word, read ( 1 Romans 29-32)Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, back biters haters of GOD, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents. Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgments of GOD, that they which commit such things, are worthy of death, in other words, will be cast into hell. not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Boy it sure sounds like, some people I know, Get It? How bout, you?
Wake up, have the ears for hearing, and the eyes for seeing. If you have two criminals at your doors at the same time, the first is a democrat, pounding at your front door, and the second is a republican pounding at your back door. Don’t answer it.
Celebrating after they stole all of your wealth, get it? Boy the American people sure are stupid! Suckers!Where’s that damn hooker. Wheres the cocaine, fire that joint up, ( sh*t), lets party!!
I digress, anyway, they both kick the doors down at the same time.The self loathing welfare pushing demoncrat, stands there with his mighty sword, the pen of lies, thrashing you, upside you head, like its a gun, passing laws, taking your rights away, away, and away. The war mongering devilcans does the exact same thing. They both approach you, the first one, holds you up, he steals your 401k, then robs you of all of your jewelry, savings. The second ones comes and robs you of all of your electronics, gold ,silver in your house, then comes with his mighty pen, ( And passes the mighty Glass Stegel Act ) and steals all your homes value and it’s equity, beats you over your head with the IRS manuals, and kicks you in the family jewels, and you loved it, then and they both spit in your face, and tell you to like it, and you do, and you say thanks.
Then they laugh, then they take a hot stinking fresh dump, on your fore head.Then after all of that humiliation you just enjoyed, then they bring in the tsa, they molest you and your children, again you say thanks! Then they open up your fridge, take most of what’s in there, clean you and it out. A poor little mouse, comes out looking for crumbs, and cant find any. And the mouse goes back into his whole, and says to the others, boy these humans sure are stupid, even I could see this coming, and they both looked at their pile of food storage, and supplies. And say , I sure am glad, we both prepared.
Boy I am so glad I trusted in the Lord, and not the government!
And those poor dumb humans believed and trusted in those darn self righteous politiciansthat said ,the economy is doing just fine, that we are just in a recession, not a depression. How’s that $5.00 gas, soon to come.
And they have just robbed you for lets say maybe, what? Fifty to one hundred thousand dollars or more, and you liked it. As they are leaving, they both whip out their self righteous pen, beating his chest saying I am god, so lick my boots scumbags, and you do. He says you are so lucky I exist, and says here’s a check for, lets say, the demoncrat gives you fifty bucks, the other says is the best you can do, you cheap bastard of a demoncrat. I will ante up that, lets see, we are devilcans, we have conquered the world, we are better then Hitler, and he turns to them and says how about a hundred bucks, see how much better I am then those self aggrandizing demoncrats, he replies, damn I am so good, I think I will give me a raise, oh by the way, I am going to raise your taxes to pay for it, and you say thanks.They both laugh as they turn around and look at you with those black devil worshiping eyes from hell( Philippians 2:9-10 ) it self, and says what a bunch of idiots, oh how I love tyranny,we are gods. Then they both look at each other, and say what do you think, should we, the other says, OK.
Then they look out the front door, at the brain washed military, not all but most, standing their waiting to get the order. They get the go ahead, they enter into the house with their mighty, chips, tattoos, vaccinations, bar code or whatever you call it. They say , can I see your right hand, and / or forehead, you lean forward, and give it to them, free lee. They ask do I have your permission, you say sure, I trust your little “ god”, the devilthen he says, it will only hurt for a second, and here we will give you a lolly pop to suck on, and while you wait. And you say, hey thanks a lot, hey what’s that 666, mean, and they say oh, haven’t you heard that’s the latest and greatest newest gadgets to hit the market, everybody is goings to have one, in their right hands, and / or foreheads. So hurry, hurry, its going to help you to shop, buy and / or sell, ( Revelation 13:16-17 ) all of your goods, if we let you have any. It’s going to make your life so much easier, they say? You say thanks. And you look at them, with that bright fake smile and say, wow gee thanks, I have always wanted something like that. I love those new gadgets, I have got to keep up with the Jones you Know! I saw on TV, all the rich and famous has one, so I have to have one too! Woe unto you. That’s no parity.
Look you have heard it before, good cop bad cop. There is no difference between all parties alike, idiots, how stupid can you be, God you are all morons, sorry but truth is truth. And most, not all of them have sold their souls to the devil,
they have given unto his lies, and deceits. You have got to wake up you sole depends upon it, of their cloak of lies, and deceptions is about to smother you and you family, and you don’t even know it. I know It’s all a conspiracy. Hey lets take a look at your bank account, wow your rich, right? Or hey lets look at the value of your home. Wow, right? Or how’s the 401k doing, right? Oh you will, say hey look it’s still going back up slowly. Idiots, they are only going to allow you to put the rest, of their money, yes I said their money, it is no longer yours , you just don’t know it yet. You are going to put the rest of their money you have into the system, and then they are going to pull the rug out from under you, woe unto you. When you are so broke, and you have know place to live know more. You will have to beg the government to feed you and your, family good luck with the mark 666.
Oh and how about that prison camp, and / or fusion center,what do you think, they are going to have spas, tennis courts, swimming pools, maybe a gym, and hey how about the day care center. The only thing you will be swimming in is the pile of blood of your neighbor, as they bring you unto slaughter.
A Government by the wealthy. A wealthy class that controls a government. A government or statein which the wealthy rule.
You still believe we have a Constitution?
Also ask yourself, how much money do you have left, and were did it all go. In the pockets of the rich and the richer, they have stolen yours and my little, piece of the pie, we once had! We are all screwed.
For those who fail to learn from their past our doomed to repeat their failures, or past. Look at Hitler, Romans, Mayans, Egyptians times.They were all dictators, what the hell you think we have today. Go drive your car without your license, try to paint your house, build a fence without a permit. Or try to grow some food in your own yard an try to sell it to your neighbor, and get caught, or take some milk across the, state line and sell some of your milk? Or how bout, that fluoride, they are forcing down you’re throat, in your drinking water, yummy. Or hey about that new health care bill, you have to pay for, whether you like it or not.
Oh go try to open up a business, you will only have to give your soul to them to get it open. Or hey, try to home school your kids. Or go talk on you phone while you are driving. Or how about those vaccinationsthey want to force you to have. Or how about those new smart metersthat are going to regulate, how much electricity you will be able to use. Or how about the new toy, you plug into your cars computers that is going to save you money, yea right. Or how about those wonderful government approved drugs, you are all taking, Oh by the way, how’s your health.
Or how about those darn cell phones, that track you every time you fart.
Go on to the internet, how’s all of those cookies, malware, trojan horses, key loggers, spyware, isn’t it just grand, there like a parasite, just following you all around, whether you like it or not. Or how about those ccrs,that watch, and tell you how you can live. Or how about the new sustainable living that is coming soon, agenda 21. If you really knew what was coming down the pike, you would probably commit suicide. This is no joke, this is as serious as heart attack, or worse.
Look even our local politicians always brag that they, just passed only, maybe 200 or so new laws this year, that’s not to bad. Every time any law is past, it takes, either some ones, or some body’s, GOD given rights away. Are you, and / or yours the next group?
Now you ask, what does this have to do with GODS commandants, you ask? Exactly, the devil worshipers are so far from GODS commandments, it’s all a deception. It sure sounds like sound biblical doctrine to me, love they neighbor, or love the GOD. Doesn’t it, you ask?
They demand you to hate your neighbor’s, not love thy neighbor as GOD commands us to. They want us spy on each other, call the law on your neighbor, we are all terrorists, in their black soulless eyes.Oh my GOD dare to see one with a gun, Quick lock up you children, back the truck up, the sky is falling, the world is coming to an end, actually it is, call the alphabet soup guys. The terrible terrorists , dare to have a gun, even though the 2 amendmentclearly, gives each and everyone of us a GOD given right to have one, in case a tyrannical government comes and tries to take it. Oh, by the way the that evil Constitution, also requires you and I to have to swear and to defend the land from all foreign, and domestic tyranny. Hum, doesn’t it sound just like tad bit of tyranny, to you? Gee I wonder, if he is right. Prepare your selves, stay close to the LORD, nothing can harm you if he is for you! Amen, and Amen.
Look they absolutely have so much hatred and disdain for human beings, why do you think they have genetically modified most, if not all of GODS perfect food, or put B.P.A, in all of the plastics we drink out of to make us sick, or all of the devil drugs they push on us like a street thug, selling you crack, is there any difference, or all of the other 80,000 chemicalsthat which most of them are unregulated. We have no ideal as to the cause and effect of these chemicals, and / or drugson the human beings. But I will bet it isn’t any good, how bout you? How do you feel, you ask?
Why do you think you are so sick today, get it? Or not. Go just go buy a new bed, today. Do your research as to all of the supposed fire blocker, boric acid, as well as other toxic chemicals you will breath every night you go to sleep, that was approved by the wonderful, loving devil worshiping law breakers, that is making thousand of people sick. Look dummies the government, politicians, media, officials, bankers, corporations, Illuminati, skull and bones, agenda 21, club of Rome, masons, atf, epa, fbi, cia, tsa, homeland security hell,there really is so much evilout there among these groups, like I said earlier, I couldn’t fit them all on page. The knowledge of good and evil,they took all of the evilside using it against, you and me, because the devil, hates GODS creation, man.
This government, is not you best friend, they are an enemy unto the LORD. I will pray, for you all, because my FATHER tells me to, but boy it is hard. The LORD he is going to destroy this country, and world wake up. GODS righteous Judgment t is at hand, look at all of the things that are going on in this fallen world.We cannot stop what is coming, we might be able to repent unto our LORD, GOD. But like I said, I think it is to late. When CHRIST, comes you had better, be prepared, and to you devil worshipers, CHRIST, says there will be no where you can hide. You are going to suffer, so much for what you have done, unto GODS children, woe unto you. Man your fatherthe devil, is going to welcome all of you who don’t repent, repent, while you still can. The Hope is in the one and only true GOD, JESUS CHRIST. Wake up, people most of these groups, are pawns of the prince of darkness, their father the devil.
When a government has gotten a lust for powerand out of control,absolute power corrupts absolutely. Get it?Boy oh boy are the all, mostly corrupt. Please tell me something different then I see, I have lost all hope for this country, what say you?
They want and are going to kill each and everyone of you, including me. if the Lord allows it. That’s the only way they would have victory.I will never bow, and I mean never, you will have to kill me.That’s OK, to I will just be with my FATHER sooner rather then later, Get it? No mark 666for me. It isn’t going to happen.
Again I will never hurt or kill anyone, nor would I ever, never commit suicide, the LORD commands me thou shall not murder, suicide, but I will defend my family and our lives, unto death do us apart. Get it? No mark 666 for us!
THIS IS NO THREAT! I am not like you. I am not a devil worshiper. I wouldn’t, blow up one of our own treasured buildings, and murder 3000 of American citizens like you. I would not kill innocent civilians, nor allow many of our fellow Americans soldiers to die, in UN warranted wars like you. I would never blow up a city, like you are probably going to, with some sort of bomb you have sitting in one of your offices, in Washington, Get it? False flag, and blame it on a child of GOD. Woe unto you. The LORD is watching you, vengeance is his.
Man if you could peak into hell,you would fall on your face, and cry unto the Lord so fast, faster then, you could use up one of your paid hookers.
I will never arrest a citizen, for filming me on camera, like you would while you are killing, and /or beating up a citizens, of all race, creed and colors. I will never force genetically modified organisms, foods, dangerous drugs, chemicals, down any ones throats, and say hey they are good for you. I will never force my religious beliefs on anyone else, like you pagans try to. Again I will never harm anyone, I am a peaceful, man just leave GODS children alone. GOD is going to have the final judgment, and you are not going to like it! Again, Woe unto you, for you not know GODS righteous wrath, if you don’t repent.
And don’t you dare to call me a terrorists, I wouldn’t do what you do above, the only terrorism being done is by this devil worshiping government, to the American people, not us.
Get it? Stupid.
If we don’t bow down to their devil worshiping ways, taking the markof the beast 666, whether you believe so called conspiracy or not. It’s coming! As fast as the governmentcan blow up a tall buildings, and that’s’ pretty damn fast, get it? Run for the hills, he’s one of those!
News Media
Lets see what the devilsfriends has to say.
The banker’s, car manufactures, union’s ,insurance companies, corporations, lobbyist, the best friend that money can buy!
Read the four Gospels, you will see what JESUS says about, (Acts 26:18 ). corrupt, rotten, filthy, lying, deceiving, apostate, abortion pushing, homosexual aggrandizing, devil worshiping sons of perdition, your local and national news, not all but surely most. That are in lock step, and in total cahoots with the government, they are all bought and paid for. By the rich, and their corporations.
Most of these poor souls are the worst of the worst. They have absolutely been bought and paid for by the devil.They all are so self righteousness. The worst thing is the public stills byes into there vile devil lies. Especially some who call them selves talk show hosts,what a joke.
I watch the TV a lot, all news broad cast, that’s what a watcher does, he stays informed as to all of the devilsways and deceitful lies. (Acts 26:18 ).Local and national, and foreign, and browse the internet, shows and programs. The one thing that I can unequivocally say that the news on the idiot tube, is one of the same. You can flip from channel to channel all of the newscast, whether it is suppose to be a conservative,what a joke, liberal, progressive, or what ever you call it. They are all scripted, wake up.They are all bought and paid for by the controlling corporations,bankers,alike, and the(filthy rich), not all but surely the most corrupt. All of the controlling parties are at hand.
Hey sounds sort of like a Plutocracy. DUH!
Most all of today’s talk show hosts, who brag how rich they are. Your souls belongs to the devil, he’s going to punch your ticket upon death. They are all bought and paid for, ( Matthew 16:26)there is no difference between the liberal, and supposed conservativetalkers, they are all cut out of the same filthy cloth, and are bought and paid for by the corrupted, devil worshiping, bankers, corporations, and mega rich alike.
Aren’t those corporations your best friends, aren’t they just grand. Wake up, dummies They are protected by the media, and alike. Bought and paid for.
To be honest, Cancer is cancer is cancer, no matter how you slice it, they are cancerous, and going to burn, in hellif they don’t repent. It is so disheartening to watch them, all sell their own family members souls, to the devil. It makes my skin crawl. As to how a father and / or mother, just to keep their jobs are willing to give up their souls up so easily. And to beat the drum and lies of this government, and of the devils deceits.
You are all of the same ilk from the first page, the only difference, is the media is the messenger and harbingerof thedevilslies.
If you still want to suck up all of their lies, it is of your own volition. I am wide awake I refuse to receive their lies into my heart, which I bet most of you have.I am not judging you, I am just telling you what I watch and see with my wide opened eyes. The LORD is watching you. Praise be to be GOD, for he alone is worthy of all praise, from heaven, and below. And under the earth, for every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess, he is LORD of LORDS, yes even you special people, will confess this.Oh I can’t wait for that moment.
One thing is for sure is the name JESUS is such offence to most if not all politicians,( Luke 20:46-47 )the mediaand the world alike. I’ll bet dollars to donuts, in Washington you could, stop four times a day to pray to a devil god, This happens every days in their spirit of the owl room you could, have a budda statuein their office, you could celebrate, the Chinese new year, you could pray to your dog. But woe unto, you and me if we have the Ten Commandment, or mention the word JESUS, ( 1 John 4: 8-17)everyone will have a conniption fit, and curse you. ( Luke 9:56 ) For the son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, any man, but to save them. But you must turn back towards CHRIST, and repent. Otherwise he will give you over to your own reprobate mind, if you continue to sinagainst him.
(Acts 4:12 )Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, wherby we must be saved.
We are here to Preach the true Gospel to the unto the world, (Matthew 13:37 )and the BODY OF CHRIST.
See ( JOHN 14:6). I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me, meaning CHRIST.
( 1 Corinthians 15;50 ) Now I say, Brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of GOD: neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
Repent, and repent, for GOD loves you.
In simple terms, if you do not have CHRIST, ( Matthew 9:6 ) on your side when you die, you will stand before GOD, at the ( GREAT WHITE THRONE ) for your final judgment , not a place you want to be. By the time you realize the truth, that has been told to you, and what you have heard preached to you, so many times before, it will be to late. You will look at CHRISTwith, a bewildered look, and in tears in your eyes, some of you will be cursing at him, others with disbelief. And CHRIST, will look at you and say that he does( Luke 13:27 ) not know you, ( Matthew 7 :23)and you will be held accountable to GOD for every sin that is listed in the Book of Genesis’s. You want your name to be written in the Book Of Life, ( Revelation 13:8, &17:8) were CHRIST has washed away your sins, with his blood ( Revelation 1:5).
Where your( sins )are as far from the East as to the West, were GOD no longer sees yours( Matthew 1:21 )(sins), because of CHRISTS sacrifice. GOD said that if you commit (1) sin you have broke all of them. By the way the devil,( 1 Corinthians 10:21 ) has also been keeping track of your indiscretions, and your sinsagainst GOD, he will be arguing his case before GOD, against you. ( Revelation 20:12 )That’s why you need a SAVIOR,to defend you before GODS judgment, so you soul won’t be cast into the lake of fire, ( Matthew 13:49-50)where you will go if you are not CHRIST SON.
Someone who, and the only one who can take, on your( sins) ( Act 3:19 ) with his blood sacrifice , who died on the Cross.
He shed his blood for you and me. Name the sin, homosexual,murder, fornication, stealing, or what ever it does not matter. You need to ask JESUS ( Peter 1:3 )for his forgiveness, and believe that you are a sinner, and repent. And believe in him, that he died on the Cross for you, and you will be saved by grace, and become a child of GOD. It is not a thought process, you must believe with all of your heart and your soul and mind, and truly believe with faith, that what you are asking for is true, so JESUS will come into your heart, and you will be BORN AGAIN. ( Ephesians 2:8 ) If you don’t believe, See what can happen. ( Matthew 13:4-9). You want to be the last seed.)
( Luke 9:56 ) For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them. (But you must turn back towards CHRIST, and repent. Otherwise he will give you over to your own reprobate mind, if you continue to sin against him).
(Acts 4:12 ) Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, wherby we must be saved.
We are here to Preach the true Gospel to the unto the world. (Matthew 13:37 )
May GOD have MERCY on all of your lost souls, who byes into the great deception to surely come.
JESUS says so clear, woe unto you, not to take the mark of the beast 666. Oh to you devil worshiping media elites, you might have to wait a while, for the politicians will be the first in line, for the GREAT WHITE THRONE of JUDGMENT.
But don’t worry the LORD has made room for you to in hell to, for you sinners that don’t repent and turn back towards him.
Repent, Repent and Repent, and thou shall be saved.