Tag Archives: Black Lives Matter




Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where spikes were hammered into his hands and feet, then a sword was thrust into his side,his perfect, sinless blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us

It is March 13th, Sunday at 9:12 a.m.. I was watching all of the hullabaloo, on the demon possessed media, on both sides of the vile isle. Spewing the hatred for, the front runner of the Devil-cans / Godless Oppressive Provocateurs, GOP.Politician Burning

And the Demoncrats, all spewing the hatred for, someone who is finally standing up for the down trodden middle class, ( I Pray That he is not a shill) who has all been but wiped clean of it’s wealth, homes, and homeland to come, if we don’t stand up and fight against the Homosexuals, Lesbians, Women’s Liberation Movement, Blacks, Latinos agenda, you name the group who all but rammed all of their views down everyone’s Else’s throats, trying to destroy the white male middle class, of this country, and / or any other race, and / or person who dare stands up against the demon possessed culture of hatred, towards the white man, and Christ followers. Like NAACP, la raza, black lives matter, these hate full groups, you name it. Could you imagine, if a White group, started a group, for whites only they would be castigated, get it? KKK, what’s the hell is the difference, not much. If these other groups could get away with murder, oh you mean like the illegal’s immigrants that murder, and rape, Americans, or the blacks that kill each other and other races would they, could they, what say you? I don’t see the difference, what say you?

I know you are all like Mother Teresa, forgive me, so pure right? You cast the first stone, who has no sin!


I can’t believe that I am even writing about this, it’s saddens my heart to see the vitriolic hatred on all sides of the isle. The devil is a magnificent magician, to make everyone believe that he does not exist. Because he has all but destroyed this country, and has gotten into mans, and women’s hearts, to continue his message of hatred towards Jesus, and his children. Like the bible says we reap what we sow. Again, like I have said many times before, we have gotten rid of Gods word about his Son’s sacrifice for all of mankind, that he died on the cross, so man would have a way to come to be with the one( John 14: 6) and only Holy Father God, which demands repentance, so we will be able to read and understand his message of love, and forgiveness that’s is all throughout the Bible, especially the four Gospels.

Where America, as well as all of the world has replaced the Bible with the Devils, envy, hatred, lying, murder, racism, Mal content, blasphemy, anarchy, lawlessness, homosexual, lesbian, you name the vile word, and /or live style that the devil, makes you believe that is OK to act upon, and live the way we do, with out any consequences, to follow.

All through the Bible, God speaks to mankind, as to why he has flooded the earth, and set it on fire. And has allowed all nations that do not repent will fail as a nation, sounds similar, past history right? Those who fail to learn from it’s past are doomed to repeat it again, get it? And refuse too turn back towards him, and denounce the devil, have all been destroyed, from within, it’s own borders, and then another country and/ or force has been allowed to come in a rape, and pillage it’s women and wealth, get it? We are the precipice, of all but not being able to turn back, I believe, so soon!

Unfortunately, the people that we have to elected to the this vile congress, and the kings throne (Plutocracy), are all so corrupted by wealth, and greed that they have all but, destroyed all of the jobs that once supported the middle class, the coming ( New World Order) for all races who desired to work and not suck off of the government tit! Jesus, says if you don’t work you will not eat! If there is no jobs to work, anarchy is what you get, and they have purposefully destroyed this countries, sovereignty, and it’s borders, by the way.

Ask yourself, how do you destroy, a country’s wealth, and it’s sovereignty. You first have to take away, it’s belief in God, then the jobs that supported it’s people. Then you give those few jobs left, to another culture/ nation that does not believe in it’s Constitution, and do not love this country, and want to take it back, good luck with that!

You know that darn bastard of a child, the 2nd amendment. And / or it’s way of life, and it’s Christian heritage, that founded this place.

It befuddles my puny brain as to why the only, and / or most of the ones who are standing up for Jesus and this countries sovereignty are mostly white men, Women hate us, most races all think that we are the devil. Why because, at one time, the people who were born in this country, that happened to be white for what ever reason why God allowed this to be! We came to clean the shit out of your plugged up toilets, we framed you houses, we put the roof over your head. We installed carpets in your homes, we landscaped your yards, you get the drift? Everyone blames us because we happen to have white skin. Which unfortunately matches the color of the skin as to the vile demon possessed men who run the world, it’s not your plumber, idiots, sorry, cant help it, wake up!

I always ask God why that is. A couple of reason is women are brought up to think, that if you stay home to raise a child, that it demeans the women, oh my! Look are a few things, that a women are not able to do, that a man can do. But women has one thing we will be never be able to do, is to continue the human race, ahh no big deal. We will just all but disappear, from the planet, what the hell, no big deal right?

Maybe because the Bible, says that man came first, and women came from Adams, rib, what say you? And the Bible says that women are not to preach the Gospel, read (Timothy 2:12), But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be silent. (Timothy 2: 13) For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And women is not be in front of man, not my words read the Bible? Just telling you what it says. Maybe because the whole world, and the great Allah, the (DEVIL) himself says that, the white man oh my! Is the devil in disguise who needs to be wiped off the earth, ( Koran) and everyone cheers, as we get are heads chopped, drowned in cages, and that is acceptable, but decent, at a rally, which has the 1st Amendment to back it up! Possibly because as the U.S.S.R, and Europeans nations fell, like us soon to be. All of the communists, sound familiar even today, somehow, as well as their scientists, were allowed to come over here, and get into the local schools, and universities to destroy the minds of our youth, to believe in themselves, only. Selfies, get it. And to believe that when they die we will all come back as a happy bunch of idiot’s. But they will all be cast into the lake of fire, as all of the teachers, and vile humans that have planned this from the beginning of time, since Eve bit the apple.

Look all I know that this black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, president, this is how we feel. This country for 50-60 years has have been trying to put the past to rest, Jesus says do not live in the past, nor the future, but live for today, because you may not live for tomorrow, get it? This demon possessed individual, will not let the past, lye dead. He has to pour gasoline on the already disgruntled Americas all races and creeds. Mr. Black, you need to get on your knees, ( How Does It Feel) and ask Jesus to come into your heart before he punches your ticket, you may die in you sleep tonight. there is no guarantee that any of us will live out are so called lives, to the fullest, that’s all in gods timing, you will regret what you have done to this country, for an eternity, if you don’t repent, and give you heart over to the one and only God, and his Son who can save you soul, from eternal damnation, get it? I feel sorry for the ones, who believe and worship the devil, woe unto them!

Even as a follower of Christ, I continually have to ask Jesus to check my heart, to make sure that these demons that are taking over the world, stay out of my life, because I as a human feel threatened by all of what’s is going on, in this world, especially as a Caucasian we are all but castigated, and maligned, world wide, really strange though?

I am glad that the Constitution is still there, to protect all people that are willing to embrace it, and not feel maligned by it. And the ones whom want to come to ( MY Country), too wipe their brown, and black asses with it, because the ones who wrote were all white, give me a break. You are all so screwed up, wow? And it goes for all of the gross vile white crackers who have the same gross philosophy.

As a Caucasian, we are the only group all people who don’t have groups, to promote white people, hum, you ask? Oh sorry, I forgot about Hockey! Gee wiz.

Come on folks we are dying as a nation, and we are letting the elite of this world destroy and conquer, this country from the inside out. We all need to take a deep breath, and rebuke all of the works of the Devil, and his demons, and cohorts, called supposed humans, no matter what skin color they were born with. I pray we all wake up in time, and smell the crap that is being fostered by all sides of the vile isle, before it’s to late, and we really do go down the dark path of civil war, which I am afraid is at out doorstep.

I will be the end of our once great nation, that these demon possessed individuals have yearned for decades to collapse are once great nation, that loved Jesus and his Holy Commandments no more? REPENT, REPENT & REPENT




Jesus Christ, Salvation, Forgiveness
Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where spikes were hammered into his hands and feet, then a sword was thrust into his side,his perfect, sinless blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us.


First thing I want to reiterate, is forgive me of my course language. Not because I have  offended anyone, I could give a rats but about that. But as a child of God, and a Son of Jesus he expects more from me, but my carnal side can’t take no more, do to the fact that we have a Black Muslim, demon possessed,Devil3 psychopathic liar, devil worshiping thing  sitting in the Black house, trying to destroy the christian heritage of this nation!

Crying his way unto the idiots of this country, who believes that bullshit, fake, lying, sick attempt to make anybody believes he cares. What a bunch of ( %#@*). He is so vile, putrid,unseemly, gross, there is not enough words to describe, this thing.By the way, if you who occupies the Black House, don’t like the color of your skin and are envious of mine, bleach it white. It should be real easy for you, due to the fact you are half white! it has been done before, get it?

Yes I said Black house, if this demon possessed, devil worshiping individual could get his way, he would paint the white house black, and don’t you not believe it! He has so many demons of unforgiveness in his heart, woe unto him, and when Christ punches his ticket, and stands before the great white throne of judgement, it doesn’t say black throne of judgement does it? Bother you huh, Hussein!

It was the white man who built this country, white man who, wrote the Constitution, white man who discovered most of the world, white man, who pretty damn much, created all of the inventions that we use today in this country, as well as the world.If us crackers weren’t here, you all would all still be, living in the 1600 century, get it?!

Yes I am pissed, I am so tired of hearing that because I was born with white skin, I am the  white devil. This piece of (@#*^) in the black house, is trying to bring this county down. The Bible states that any Nation that is divided can not stand. He has all but destroyed the trust of individuals, and races of different people.

Look idiots, this Muslim, is out to bring this country into the New World Order, one world religion whether you want to believe it or not, wake up!

By the way I am not a immigrant of this country, I was born out of my mothers womb in the United Divided States, of what use to be America the Great.

My mother , her Father, and his Father, were not immigrants. So shut the hell up about, were all immigrants, stick it in your rear end. Sorry, but I am pissed off. Unfortunately this  president, as well as many others, in cahoots, their goal to start a Civil War, between groups, and nations.

He should be impeached and thrown into Prison, for treason, period.

But the demon possessed Congress are a bunch of eunuchs that , and will not stand up for what is right. The truth of the Bible, what has allowed us to , be the most rich, and prosperous country that has ever existed, get it? What this President and his ilk, and both sides of the vile isles, are dangerous for the sovereignty of this country, that is soon to be no more, which will usher in the Anti-chist, and the devil to control the world. It is us( white folks )who have all of the guns which this demon possessed President wants to take from us, because white men wrote the constitution, and their forward thinking who saw what is happening today, so we could save the country from complete and utter take over form demon possessed, presidents and his ilk, get it?

He wants and desires a Civil War. We don’t, all of us crackers, white-tees, hill billies, you name it. We want peace and to be left alone, which they will not have any of that proposal, they want us all dead, get it. We are the only group, who will stand up for freedom, my Father, and his Father, and all of the 50-60 million men have died to protect it from this type of evil, beings like what is in the black House today. Hitler, get it? Look just listen to all of the pundits, on the news, spewing their hatred for Jesus, and his children.

Look I could go on and on! I have written extensively in this blog as to what is going on. But we are at a very precarious time in history, of tipping over the edge. And we cant and wont be able to ever come back, into the once Christian nation we once were.

My carnal fleshy side has vitriolic hatred for this President, and the congress. I always pray that if a nuke came over from Russia, or China it would drop in the middle of Washington, to rid the worlds of such evil.

But my Christ side, always refers back to what the Bible has to say, to pray for your enemies, and to love your neighbor as yourself. I pray that this President, and the congress who has the world in it’s hand, would repent, and turn back towards Jesus, and ask forgiveness, and repent from what they are doing to this once great country who was the beacon of the world. Where people  of the world once admired, and didn’t mocked and laugh at, our nation as such.

May God literately have Mercy, and Grace on a sinful, and back slid-den Nation, that I believed he once loved, no more