Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where spikes were hammered into his hands and feet, then a sword was thrust into his side,his perfect, sinless blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us


Also after watching what is happening, all over the world, due to the fact that Hussein as well as all of the past idiots, who ran the White-house, has allowed all, of these different religions, and sects into the country on purpose, to mash all religions together, Get it. One world religion, One World Order, I pray that the blood of Jesus, Mr. President Trump, you are careful (Matthew 15:11 ) with all of the newest technologies that is of the Devil. Smart grids, Smart Highways, Smart Meters, Smart Phones, Smart Piece of shit cars, cameras on every street corner, Satellites, Drones, New York, TV’s, listening, Refrigerators, Lamp’s, Light bulbs, Thermostats. I pray, with the Blood of Jesus, that you are wise as a serpent, and slow to move, as a snail. I would run from, Silicon Valley, they are of the devil, and flaunt it. Coming soon the Mark of the beast,666. They have sold their soles to the Devil, for wealth and fame, ask them. They will tell you yes they did, proudly.

Like the letter carrier days, with the notes you spoke of, old is better. You may, and/ or maybe not be doing this on purpose, not sure, could be setting up, this nation onto taking of the mark of the beast, 666. Because of all of the people that have been, allowed to enter into are great nation, please take things slow. Total confusion, is done on purpose, confusion of the Devil, it is his main goal. Be careful as the fast deal maker you are use to being, because, your maker, God is watching what you are doing to his children. We will never except the mark of the beast, I pray you are not, the one who will fulfill, the Devils agenda, for you were put into office by the Evangelicals, remember, don’t go against us, with this Bio-metric crap, Eye Scan, Facial Recognition, Finger prints, D.N.A, 666. There has to be another way, such as a government, issued and protected, new social Security card, that is all ready not unlike unto the mark of the beast, but is already in use. Just a thought. Still hate it.

I was watching the old Classic MTV, music station hearkening back to the simpler life, when you had to run down to a pay phone to make a call. You were free of the worlds, crap, and could care less, what shoes that your best friend wore to school. Bunch of idiots. By the way, all of this blog has not been written on, high speed internet. It has been a labor of love. You know, schcccccc, the old noise, what a glorious sound, the sound of day gone by!

When Homosexuals, Lesbians, Tran gender’s were fearful, of the Lord.( 13 Matthew 49:50 ) Repent, Repent and Repent, turn from your wicked ways, the Lord says. When your neighbors, spoke English, not 15 other languages, you get the point. It’s not your language again, it’s your unbridled rebellion against us Christ followers. When you called a company, and some that spoke actual English, answered the phones, who could actually understand what you were saying. The machine didn’t ask what language do you want, pretty ($^#*) up! I hate what this nation has become, a melting pot of a bunch of ( Matthew 23:27) Devil Worshiping by design, brain washed by our Elementary Schools, Junior, and High Schools, and especially the Peter Puffing, Turd Burglars, Transvestites, Lesbian, Muff loving, Mastering baiting, Selfies loving liberals teaching that heather has two mommies, boy oh boy. We are so screwed up, it makes me sick.

I miss the days, when your airbag, was when your head slammed into the steel dash, that’s when we were a real country, and were real men, not these dummed downed, Mal nutrition, feminized, wimpy bunch of pussies, that the Devil is producing today, by design, D.N.A. G.M.O, Chem-trails, Get it. New World Order. Destroy the God gene, that the Lord created. sorry but truth is truth. The Devil, as well as all of the New World Order, are trying to outlast this last generation, of real men, due to the fact that they know we are all willing, to die for Christ, and the Country we live in, and will not except anymore the path that it is heading on!

I am not a racist at heart, only the Lord knows my heart, I have to pray, against these demons all of the time. I am just pissed off, at the New World Order, and what it has accomplished, so far.

Do to the fact that most Christians, have remained silent during this take over, of our once Christian Heritage, that has been flushed down the toilets, buy too many sects, and other religions trying to vie, for the sole of this country, Get IT?

Jesus says ( Matthew 20:16), So the last shall be first, and the first last; for many be called but few are chosen. Maybe, just maybe, all of these Demon possessed, people that claim to be self righteous, are a little bit jealous, because, of our standing, The called out ones, with the Lord, that are sins are forgiven, and theirs aren’t, maybe huh? Remember Christ does not judge you by the color of you skin, like us humans do. It’s the malice, black hearts of the humans race that follows the Devil, that he takes umbrage too.

It not about your color of you skin, it’s about your religion, and your devil worshiping beliefs, that worry me. And your hatred for Jesus. You are all, Pharisees, Hypocrites, the Lord says. You are full of unclean spirits, ( Matthew 10:1) are beholden to the Devil. You are all taking the wide road to destruction. ( 7 Matthew 13:14 ) And you all know it so true. I could give two shits, about you color of your skin.

I use to be able to say that we all put our pants on the same way, but we are so perverted I cant say that anymore, but we bleed the same color. At least I think we do. Not sure any more, due to all of the tampering with D.N.A, you know.

It really saddens me that the Devil, has gotten so far into our heart, soles , and minds. ( Matthew 13:11) Us Born Again Christians again, are to blame. We have sat quietly by watching our nation and Gods truth being trashed and thrown out the window, and our country literally.

Well, I will not take your shit no more, Devil, I hate you, you son of a bitch. Your and your demons, can all go to hell literally, and be bound through the blood of Jesus. Because us Christians, have power over you, you know. Through the most Precious, Holy, Perfect blood to ever be, and never more to inhabit the earth. Yes the wife and I, have power over demons, and rebuke them as Christ did in the scripture, believe it or not!

As I see what is happening today, in my country, yes my country. It is not a Mexican, Muslim, Chinese, Asian, or whatever, it is an English speaking Christian Nation, period. I say this, with a saddened heart, do to this is really not my home. My real place is with Jesus, up in Heaven, I have to remind myself, I am just traveling trough this forgotten land, of the once greatest nation that has ever been. Don’t know if it will ever be, due to that fact that all of these devil worshiping religions have been allowed to permeate, are once Christian nations, and values as such. I love my country. You all can hate it, that’s your prerogative.

I can see the Bloods and the Crypts, the Nortenos, Surenos, the Skinheads, and the KKK, all having each other over for a beer and dinner, before, all these apostate, religions will never get together, that’s a fact. It will never happen, there will never be peace as long as of these cultures are here in this country, we will have to kick them out, to have peace. But the world will really hate us, oh well. And by the way, even if it does go to nuclear war, I have no fear.

My heart lye’s with the Lord, I welcome the first bomb over my, home, literally. The wife and I will just be with the Lord, I feel sorry for the rest of the non believers, they will suffer, as meant to, do to their, rebellion against Jesus Christ.


I love, mankind, because God commands me too, not necessarily because I want to that’s the truth. All I see, in the world is my old self, and I do not like what I use to be. That’s why I hate the world, you all represent the Devil, and are either, gladly, or inadvertently chasing him by the tail. It doesn’t matter which the point is you hate the word of Christ, as all who has come before you, if you did belong to Christ.

I will never allow, your religion to impose your beliefs over mine own. And destroy my relationship that I have with my father, God. You are all liars, period, read the Bible, it says what it says.
Jesus is the only one, ( John 14:6) who will be able to bring mankind together, where Lion, will lay next to the lamb, where cat and mouse will be one, where we will all be under the authority of Jesus Christ, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, Get it?

This world, and this nation will never have peace, it is impossible, period. It cannot happen. The anti-Christ, when he stands up to claim to be the christ, will be a false christ to all. He will try to represent, all of the other religions. It will all be a lie, a fake, counterfeit.

Sorry, but Islam, and Muslims, there are some peaceful, but the rest are like cancer, you have to eradicate, and kill it, or it will continue to spread throughout the body, Get it. We cant afford one cancer cell to enter to our country, for sickness will, surely kill all of the rest, and will permeate into our culture to try to destroy it eventually. Go Trump. Kick all of them out, who hate this country, the hell out while you can, or at least root all of the Islam sympathizers, and kill them, as such. They will never except Christ, as their King, period. Maybe King Kong.

May you Mr. President, be successful, in the Lords, bidding. And his will be done. If you are of the Lord, that’s all you need. But we Christ followers, have you back, if needed. No matter what the task, is.




Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where spikes were hammered into his hands and feet, then a sword was thrust into his side,his perfect, sinless blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us


As you read the Bible. You can see that, due to Abraham’s, adulterous affair, which was against the Lord. Abraham and Sarah did not wait to have children, as the Lord told them too! Abraham had sex with his servant, instead of waiting on the Lords timing.

So due to his, adulterous affair, with his maid servant Agar, they had Ishmael,  against Gods will. God spoke clearly that the promise that Sarah, and Abraham, would have, for his Son’s Isaac, and Jacob, would not be found in the linage, of Ishmael.

God blessed these nations, with all of the riches, but they would never enter into the promise land, period. But they were also cursed buy (3 Galatians 10:14) God, as to they would never have peace, until the Lord, comes back to purge the earth of all the wickedness, including us, as a Nation if we don’t repent. And bring his children unto a new land, which the Lord will reign, King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords. The Dome of the Rock, Israel.

Look the Muslim, Islam world, will never except our way of life, period. Allah, is the devil in him self, period.

They want all Christians, and Jews to be wiped off of the earth, Get It! The promise was passed through Abraham, unto the Gentiles, Christian, not any other sects, and / or religions which are against the Lord. Muslims, Buddhist, Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah Witness, especially, the most vile of all is Islam, there are thousands of sects which believe they have the promise, which they unequivocally, absolutely, no other way into heaven (John 14:6) you get the drift, they are all cursed except, Born Again, Believers, the called out ones.

Read the Bible, it’s what it, says, like I said it before, it does not matter what you believe in, you are still Judged by it and it’s laws that are ascribed unto, this worlds D.N.A, whether you like it or not. If you don’t, believe it you are still, going to burn, sorry but its the truth.

I am just the messenger its not easy, because the world hates you, (Mark 6:11) your families, and friends scorn you, and the worse is that the Devil, is out to destroy, like a roaring Lion.

And it Sucks, that such wicked is allowed to somewhat prevails, against the Lords children, but that’s the price you have to pay ,Get It. Pick up my cross daily, so you have chance to enter into the Glory, of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghosts, kingdom, otherwise there’s Hell fire, and brimstone, of eternal suffering, which, is something I cant, and don’t even want to contemplate, due to it scares the shit out of me, it is the most terrible thing that you can’t imagine, but you will know when the Lord, snap’s the silver cord, from your soul, and you will be judged and cast into the fiery lake. If you do not know Jesus, the only way unto heaven, period.

Look the reason this is all came up, is due to the Presidential decree, and all of the crap the vile, gross media (Matthew 15:11)in spewing on the brain washing idiot tube. ( Matthew 15:13)Talking about the ban of some peoples from terrorists countries who hate, us, and want to wipe us off of the earth, Which, that wonderful Muslim, ex president, thank God, thank God, can due no more harm, to this great Christian Nation, who God has so mercifully, bestowed a place of refuge, for Jews, and Christians to escape, for tyranny, Get It? George the Great!

Your right, we have been the most gracious nation on earth to provide an place of, for all peoples who want to come here to have a better life. This has all but destroyed, are sovereignty, due to other cultures do want to assimilate, in to ours Christian, values and beliefs.

Look if you do not like it here, then get the hell out of my country, we are not going to allow other cultures to pervert, destroy, our heritage, of our Christian beliefs, there will be civil, war. The blue collard worker will, and cannot take anymore, of this judgment from other nations, trying to impose their ways of life on us, no more! This is a fact, us Christians will not allow, this to happen. We are waiting on the Lord, to give us this time and place this will happen.

We of course, Pray that this will never happen, but if Islam, Muslims and what ever other devil worshiping religions want to change our cultures, screaming Allah, Allah, and their loud speakers on a top of their, Devil worshiping temples, in Michigan. You need to Repent, and Repent of their wicked ways.

If you cant, we do not want you here!

Look even so, lets say the lies that are out there, stating that there is about only 1%, maybe 2% that are terrorists, in these supposed the most wonderful, Christian loving groups, Muslims, and Islam. Which is a false fact, like, the lies, the fake, gross, vile supposed news media. They make up their facts to suit their lies, they perpetrate on the world, Get it, New World Order.

If I set 10 glasses of water in front of you,  and I told you that (1) was full of cancer and you knew, if you drank it you would die, and / or  head chopped off, boiled in oil, drowned in cages. And I asked you take a chance, and drink one of the glasses of water, and used the same analogy, would you drink it.
You freaking liars, I no damn well, all of you Devil, worshiping hypocrites, would not take the chance. The only reason you are standing up, is because you serve the Devil, and all ,of demons, that posses you, read the Bible. (7 Mark 20:23)

Its just like the devil worshiping Catholic Pope, ( Mark 13:22) spewing his vile hatred for Christians, and this 45th President. By the way Pope, shut the (#$@&) up. The only reason is because the Majority of the Latinos, legal, and ill legal, are beholden unto the Devil worshiping, Catholic religion, which will suck every penny they have, to build his golden walls around his comfy, devil worshiping home, the Vatican. Whom has killed more Christians then even Muslims, and /or Islam, to date anyway.

At least the 45th President, worked his ass of to coat his walls in Gold, and didn’t steal it from, everyone else like all of the self righteous, groups, of supposed Jesus loving religions.
We need the wall, we don’t need anymore people that due not believe in out Constitution, and / or our Flag, and it’s values. Lets see you go over to China, or pick any other Socialists country and see if they will except, Muslims, Islam, Mexicans, Jews, into their country, and put another faith in charge of their country, get it president, Muslim in chief. It wont happen, they are to smart to let, their sovereignty of their people be destroyed by none believers, that’s their right, as it is our right, as Christians, to vette, anyone who wants to change, modify, and /or destroy our beliefs in the one true God, who’s breath, breathed life unto our nation that has never existed until we arrived in, the world. By the way, it was by white people. Punt Intended.

Who welcomed you all into our country so gracelessly, whom are trying now to get rid of us white folks, and / or Christians alike, gee, sounds a little, perplexing, Get It? Look one hard cold fact, we as a nation, as well as all others, if we don’t repent, and turn back towards God, we are Doomed, Get It, Mayas, Egyptians, Romans, as such!

I am so tired of this clash of cultures it makes me sick. Thanks New World Order, the Devils best ally and most, and not if all of the Ex Presidents that also worshiped, and worships the Devil, the 45th I am hopeful. Only God knows, woe unto him if he goes against the Lord, like the rest who are probably in hell. ( John 14:6 ) My skin color is better then yours, you suck, you are white, no blacks sucks, you brownies suck, yellows suck, you, we, all need to shut up. MEDIA, LEFT( Matthew 25:41) WING, AND SOME RIGHT WING. ( Matthew 27:36) Hypocrites!


By the way the reason I speak of our white Lilly ass, or white skin color, is to get the point across, how do you all like it, shut the hell up, about diversity.

Whose diversity, whom you speak of yours? Because as a blue eyed cracker I don’t fell welcome, with you all!

Again the Muslim, and Islam, faith will never fit into our culture, if they would then they would then take that stupid, Rag off their head, and veil off of their face and put on a Baseball Cap instead, well maybe a Cowboy Hat, then you will become an American, not UN holy religion, that hates Jesus, Period, Get it. Fit in, or get out!

One thing I want to reiterate, this blog is about the wife’s and my walk learning the Love of Christ, I know I am not the wimpy, kind of Christian you are use too! But I love all of humanity, but I disagree, with all who hate Jesus, Period. Love the sinner, but hate the sin, that’s why I stand up for the Lords truth, that clearly states what’s I put in this blog. With a smidgen of my, carnal flesh, sorry! But I am human, and not perfect, you know!

Also to all you  who have so much passivity, look what Christ says, about this. ( Luke 14:26) If you love the world, you are a enemy of mine, Jesus says.

I Pray, that we( Luke 6:28 ) all learn to except, all peoples of the world, with love, and respect. But we don’t have to let them come into our nation and with ill will towards our people, and who want to destroy our Nation as such!




Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where a sword was thrust into his side,his blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us.


It is Jan, 22 2017. I was watching the Apostate, self loathing, gross, vile, lying media on the idiot tube. I have a damn hard time praying for the media, they know exactly who’s side they are on. They know gladly who they are serving, to have power and riches, money is the root of evil, not money per-say. All of the stations were as usual, beating up on the 45th President. Talking about the size of the crowds, that were and / or weren’t, huge!!!!!

I was just in the mood to vent a little, at the President, with love, and hope. And about the media with disdain. Listening to all of the perverted, and vile hollywierd, elites come out to spew there vile, and gross mouths. That was on the streets all over the country, complaining about their supposed lack of civil rights, it’s a bunch of crap. What do you want, blood. Repent, Repent, and turn back towards Christ, for he loves the sinner, and you are all right up his alley, trust me, I was right with you all, in a different way. Follow your heart Mr. President, you know what’s the truth, you have been put there for a reason to straighten the path of Country should you choose to except this mission. Hey sounds like an old series, eh. Follow the cross, and it’s burden that goes with it. Do not listen to the, other side stay strong, for the enemy will come like a roaring lion, he will show up, in places you cant even imagine. Do not under estimate your enemy, for they are principalities ( Colossians 1:16) of power that are in the air you cant see, but they are there, out to destroy you and your family. Stay with, Pastor Grahams son, no one else. He understands, what you are up against. He speaks the truth. There is only (1) God, and his name is the Father, Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. The rest are of the Devil, whom believe in any thing else.

Stand firm, do not cave unto the wicked, pink horned hats, Devil worshipers. Unfortunately they are lost souls, we pray for their souls, that they will repent and stop from their wicked ways. If they are not Devil worshipers, then why do they promote, Abortions, Homosexuals, Lesbianism, Transgender, and all of the other apostate things they all believe in, that are against the Lord, ( 1 Romans 24:32) you tell me where I am wrong, read the Bible and then tell me, that I am wrong!

They are serving the Devil, period. Possibly unwittingly, but most willing, because they hate men, and are jealous, possibly many have been hurt, unfortunately, in relationships, we are all guilty of that.

Also these women would have stepped in line with Eve to bite the Apple, of knowledge of good and evil. They are so deceived, by the wicked one, Get It?

First I have to admit, I did not vote this time, not since about ten or so years ago. I have such vitriolic disdain for this Government, and the Media, it makes me sick, when I watch. I quit hoping for a change, in this world, and turned towards the Bible, for the truth, rather then man, lies.

( Jeremiah 17:5) Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departheth from the Lord.( Jeremiah 17:7) Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is.

The media, as well as every human being on this planet all will be judged, when they stand before the Lord, at judgment day. So whether their self loathing makes them feel, that they are above all. They definitely have an abiding hatred for a( foot washer) named Jesus. Christ says a proud look is an abomination, he hates pride, Media, and to you Mr. President, whom I have hope in, that the Lord will chasten you.

To get rid of your prideful, ways, and attend to the business at hand, which I believe the Lord is using you to turn this ungrateful, gross, sickened, vile Godless country around before it’s to late, In the name of the most Perfect, Holy, Righteous blood I Pray!

I just wanted to say to all, who have criticized the size of the crowds, it is completely worthless, to discuss. What should be said is the truth that the 44th, I can’t even call him President, he does not even deserve to have his picture hung in the halls, other then he like the rest of the previous Presidents have done all that they could to destroy, Gods, word, and our Sovereignty.

Hussein is the most dishonest president we have ever seen, well that might be a stretch. But I believe he hates this Christian nation the most, due to fact that he is a Muslim, or sympathizer. Hates Israel, that’s for sure. But the butt kissing media, could not even tell the truth, of his lies because of love of his self righteous black ass, get it? I know. Christ like right! If Hussein suddenly, stopped the media heads would go so far up his ass, his head would explode, about like when Hussein, and Billary heard that Trump, won! Sorry I am a work in progress, but it’s the truth.

I Pray, that Trump, is also not of the Evil, new World Order, only time will tell. If he is, prepare for Civil War, it will come this time, that’s a fact. The country cant take no more, this is it!

This, hateful man is a Jesus hater, as well as most of the world, has done all they can to destroy, the word of God, and promote the devils agenda. He has taken the color of his skin, to use it to destroy the human connection that we all have the to one and another, and to the only God, and his perfect Son, Jesus Christ.

By dividing, us by Race, Color, and Religion, and whether or not you had a wiener or not, transvestites, the gender bathrooms, gross vile marriage’s so gross, get it? Christ says, that Man is created in his image, not woman. What should be told is that, if, and I mean if, it is true. Because I absolutely trust,  a Riled up hungry rattlesnake, more then the vile media.

Sorry, skipped a little forward, anyway you get the story.

If the photos are true, the reason why most did not show up, is because they are too poor to spend, the thousands, of dollars, that it would have costed, that they use to have to be able to take a vacation, once a year. Thanks Hussein, your legacy, yeah right you don’t have one, Thank God. Go Trump. Hussein, you are like a Black Board, punt intended. President Trump, he’s taking the eraser and wiping you out of history, Thank God.

Thank you God, for removing the most racist, beguiling, unseemly, ex president we have ever had, Repent, Repent, and from stopping the next, wicked she thing from getting in. He is the reason that us blue collared workers are so poor, this was done out of unforgiveness, and hatred for the white man, and the Son of God period. God thank you Lord, for you have spoken and this vile man, and his wife are gone, Thank God, Amen and Amen.

The blue color worker is to poor, to do much else, that’s why they did not come. If I could have been able to afford it, I would have come just to show support, for my countries hope in the reversal, of the control of the wicked, and not because of a man, who will also burn in hell, if he does not repent, and give his live to Christ, the wife and I pray for him, and his family, and the will of The Al mightily God will be done!.

The 44th, divider, liar in whatever, has bankrupted the blue color worker, so they can barely afford to fart, I mean that literally. If you have no food in your stomach, you can’t fart. This again Mr. President, is why so many, if it is true, couldn’t afford to show their love for you. There would have been a lot more, if not for their financial situation, due to the burden of an additional 7 trillion, Hussiencare that was added to the debt, which we all have to pay back. Due to the Muslim in denial. He should be completely wiped from our history, I believe.

I Pray, that you get to work. I completely understand that you are concerned about your name, and standing up for your self. If you leave it up to the Lord, justice will be served on the wicked. It is not easy to do, trust me. I have all of the wicked come against my name, and business, but the Lord always prevails, you just have to trust in him, and not your own petty ways. You should be more concerned about the Lords, work, and saving this dying nation. Because you know you can leave the country at any time, and go buy an island, to hide from the doom of the nation. But my hope is in the Lord, that you will abide in his wisdom, and use it to save this fallen nation. Please, be slow to speak, and swift to listen. Words of the Lord. You literally have the worlds prosperity, and future in your hands, do the right thing, ignore, the wicked when all possible. Let your believers, take on the wicked, media on. Use your tweets, to defer your frustration, to other blog’s, that support you, and tell the truth.
That takes you off of the hook, and the bait that they want you to take, they hate Jesus, and will never ever tell the truth about you nor your family either, Get It? Quit wasting your time. If you want to defeat the media, become the best President the world has ever seen, that will shut them all to hell up. It will make them so, ineffectual that they will, die a slow and miserable death, as such.

Remember you can be proud of what you have accomplished. The Bible says, Diligent hands make rich. You have worked harder probably then most of the world has ever seen. Look most people unfortunately envy you, and your place in the world, so if that’s what makes you happy, then stop letting these self righteous, loathing idiots get under your accomplishments, whom are so jealous and envious of your life.

I Pray, for the nation, and you Mr. President, and for your family, that truth prevails, and you all will come to know the Love of Christ, and bow at his feet, and cry out for forgiveness, with all of your heart, souls and minds, and except him as your savior, in Jesus name. If you are truly going to drain the vile, putrid, gross, unseemly disease of the Washington Elite, you are only going to accomplishment that by Term Limits, they will never change, you will have to get rid of the disease to cure it! With Love, Go Trump, kick some ass. I know and believe you can do it. USA, USA,USA. Americas first, screw the rest of the world, until we at home, out healthy and prosperous again. Screw the New World order, they can all kiss our white Lilly asses, period.

Mr. President, Read Proverbs, and the Bible daily that will guide you to your success, follow the life of Christ, and reap what you sow, not on here earth but in the heavens.

May the will of God, for our Nation be, that we will once again be a light on top on the shiny hilltop, for all nations to once again admire and respect, Amen, and Amen


Separating the Wheat from the Chaff


Jesus Christ hung on the cross, for yours and my sins.Where spikes were hammered into his hands and feet, then a sword was thrust into his side,his perfect, sinless blood was shed. Then it ran down his side, down his legs, off of his feet into the world, to purge the fallen world of mankind’s sin! The free gift of Salvation, for us

Separating the Wheat from the Chaff

It is Jan, 21 2017. As I watched with true skepticism when the 45th President was elected. My spirit, rose up and asked is he Wheat, or Chaff. You cannot be both. Jesus says that you cannot serve two (2) masters (6 Matthew 6:24) either you will love the one or hate the other. Mr. President, do you Love, your money, power, and fame more then the Lord, you ask? Or are you going to serve the Lord, and reject all that the, wickedness, that is trying to persuade, you with guilt from Hell.

Or are you going to do the right thing, and turn the Country a 180 degrees, and save the nation, as such? Just a thought! Like all of the Presidents, that who have come before, I believe, that they were all CHAFF. He says that you cannot be Luke warm, he will spew you out of his mouth. So true. Again where does the 45th President heart lye, only God knows the truth. Some say that he excepted Jesus as his Savior, if so, and if not, especially he is in big trouble. I know for a fact that the supposed, Conservatives, Democrats, and what ever else you call them, who all came out of the wood work, when the house caught on fire, and they scurried from the corners, into the light, and was exposed as to where their hearts lye, really!

When the ship, was taking on water, and had no faith, they all jumped into the shark infested waters, so all could see the truth, and the Demons from Hell, all attacked the weak, like a roaring Lion. You have all been exposed, you are busted.

You have bought into the big lie of the Devil.


Also, these Demons, from Hell itself, are all praying against, the Lord, and his children and including the 45th President, I pray, that we will finally stand up for the Lord. Amen, and Amen.

First I am not judging the young lady in the hat, I don’t know her heart. God does. But you tell me what these supposed Cat ears, Bunny ears or whatever looks like you tell me?

My heart, sometimes, wants to be the racist they proclaim me to be, sometimes I could give a rats but, if that’s what they say, believe me. I sometimes welcome it! But, again I ,know what the Lord expects from me, to love the sinner, and completely reject, and to stand up against the vile sins, of the world that are being displayed unto  the world with these marches, and all in the world, who are following all of the wickedness, that is rearing it’s veiled head, for the abyss. (1 Romans 24:32) Homosexuals, Lesbians, Feminists, Liberalism, Witch Craft, Voodoo ,Card Readers, and all of the rest of the wicked groups, that have a Reprobate mind, that  is given unto them, and all who do not want to be told that they are sinners, especially the Gross, Vile, Sick, Demented, Lost soles of the Media, makes me ill to watch. And all are being Judged by the Lord almighty, and are going to Hell in a hand basket, if they don’t repent, and turn from the wickedness on display. you get the drift.

Everything that is against the word of God. Sodom and Gomorrah, get it? The Floods, you no Noah!

These poor soles, who are, and will perish, into the abyss, and burn in Hell, are so full, and possessed by Demons, that don’t even know what they are doing, expect serving the Devil and his dominions, as such.

And especially all of the Hollywood, derelicts, that have sold their soles to the Devil, and seen on You Tube, woe unto you, for you are dammed. And Hell waits  for you with open arms.


Christ says he came to set you free. But you must repent, ( Luke 9:56) and repent. Like I said before in the blog, we are at a true crossroads, of this Nation, being completely wiped off the map, and completely obliterated from history, if we do not stop, all of the wickedness, and stand up against the evil, that is trying too prevail, over this Nation, that was once a Christian nation. We must, unequivocally stand up for Jesus’ righteousness, and his dying on the cross, for all sinners like you and me!

The one world religion, that is trying to permeate all over the world, must be stopped. But this will only be temporary, for the Bible clearly, says that it will eventually have to come into completion, so Christ can return to save his children from complete destruction, from the wicked, and the Antichrist.

Butt, until that time, we must all make a stand against, all of the demonic, wicked devil worshipers, that are trying to erode the once values of the greatest Christ centered Nation that it once was!

You have heard it before, this is our Christian Nation, if you don’t like it here get the Hell out of here, period. You can all go back to where it is you came from, I don’t care, take all of your vile, wicked, and hatred for my Father, and his Son, and leave.

My you repent, if you can’t then leave, please!

Separating the Wheat from the Chaff